THE TABLE. Feare, for God, Pfal. 76. 12. Feare, for Gods worfhip,&tc. Pial.19. to. for wal- king in his males, Pfa1.3 4.1 o. and r 28. i . Feeding , what it meaneth, Pia. 23. 1. Finding, diverily tired, Pial. 36.3. and it 16.3. and 532.5. and 46. 2. Firfi -borne, Mini/lers of God, PCal, 78.51. the Chiefe over others, Pfal.89.28. Foules vainc glerieut, Pfal. 5.6. F oo'e Naha!, Pfal. 14.1. Foale, .JEvil, Pral.; 8.6. Foote unconfi ant, Pfal. 49. Forgiving, what it meaneth, Praha 5.18. G e Ates of death, Pfal,9.14, LJ Gates of the daughter of Sion, Pfa.9.15. Gates of Juftice, Pfal. 118.19. Gathering diverfly ,sled , Pfal, 26.9. Generation what it meaneth, Pfal. 12. 8. Girding, what it meaneth, Pfal.76.r 1. Giving for putting,fitting,, Gladne, gladfomne, outward, as joy is inward, Pfal. 2.a1. Glorioix majeflie, Pfal. 8. 2. Glorie or Honour, whereof it is named, Pfal. 3.4. and 85. t o. Glorie, for the tongue, Pfal. t 6.9. Glorifying, or praifinlg onea felfe, Pfal. 34 3. God, Elohim, what it meaneth, Pfal. 3.3. God, El, PIal. 5.5 Gods for Angels, Pfa1.8.6. and 97.7. Gods for Magiftrates, Pfa1.82.1,6. Gods name added to things for excellencie, Pfal. 36. 7. The living God, Pfalme 42.3. Gofpel or Evangelic, whereof it is named, .Pfalme 40.10. Gracious Saint, whit it meaneth, Pfal.4.4 H H A /elio jab, PCal,to4.i5. and 35. Is Harpe, Pfa1.3 3.2. Heaveuy what they are, Pfal.8.9. Hell, what it meaneth, Pfal. a 6.i o. Heritagge, Helre, Inheritance, what they meant, Pfal.z.8. Hiding the fare, what it fignlfieth, Pfal.' 3.2. High refuge, w hat it is, Pfal. g. t o. Hapefully wait, Pfal.31.2 5. Horne for power, glory, P1,1.18.3.and 7 á.5,11- H f7s, or Sabbath, Gods title, Pfal. z 4.12. Hotsfe, whereat it is named, Pfal. 5.8. Hypoorites,why fo called, Pfal.3 5,16. IAallob,what it meaneth, Pfal 14.7. Iah, the name of God, Pfal.68.5. Idols, whereof they are named, Pfal.r o6.36. Jehovah, the name of God and Chrifl opened,Pfa. 83.19.and 97.1. lehovih, or God, Pfal.68.11. lerufalem defcribed, Pfal.5I. so. Iles, for Gentiles, Pfal.97. i , In,often noteth the caule of a thing, Pfal.3 5.2. In, for of,Pfal.87.3. Incenfe, what is fignified,Pfal.141,2. Inheritance, for land, or people, Pfal. 79.1. and 28.9. and 2.8. and 47.5 lniquiy, Pfal. t 8.2.1. it is fometime put for punifh- nlent,Pfa1.31. t i.and 4o.13.and 59.5. IJiael, what it meaneth, Pfal,14.7, Iudging,what it is, Pfa1.43.r. Judging expreffed by two words ufually, Pfalm 7. 9. lodgment', for lames, Pfal.19.50. for rit es, Pfalm. 81. 5. Jufiice,for benefitr,Pfal,24.5. K KNerving , what it meaneth, Pfal. i . 6. Koraeh and his fines, who they were, Pfalm. 42. I. Kiffing, what it fignifieth, Pfa1.1. t a. L LAnd ofbanaantondo./ Pfal.a5.t3. defcribed, Pfal. '05. 1.the defsre, Pfal. i 06.24. Law, whereofit is named, Pfal.I 9,8. Leading, gentle guiding, Pfal.23.2. Lebanon, a mount,Pfal. z 9, 5, Life,Pfal.7.6,and 30.6. Lifting sip the foule,Pfal.2 5.r. Light,what it meaneth, Pfal.27.i. and 97.5. and 112.4. Light of theface, Pfal.4.7.and 31.17. Lightening of the eyes. Pfal.13.4. Lightening the lampe, Pfal. r 8, 29. Lions of fundry kindes, have fundry names, Pfal, 7.3.and Livjathen,the W57.5 hale, 9131.74.14. Lodge, for continue, Pfal.49.13. Lord, Adonai,what it meaneth, Pfal. o.4. Lot,what it meaneth, Pfal. i 6.5. M j Alting,diverlly ufed, Pfal.100.3. WI Man, Ifh, of lais excellency fo named, Pfal. 43.and 49.3 Sorry man, Enofb and earthly Man, Adam, Pfa1,8. 5.and ftrong Man,gébrr,Pfal.18.26, Man ofeongue, what it meaneth. PEI.' 4o, t a: Man ofblaods,Pfal.5.7. Manfon,ordwelling place, Pfa1.26.8. Mailer of the Muficke, who he was,Pfal.4. t Meditate , is not onely to chinke, butto fpeake, Prat.'.z,and 55.3 Merci,, what it fignifieth, Pfa1.13 6.1, Mercifullycover,Pfa1.6 5.4. Michtam, w hat is meaneth,Pfal. t 6.1. Moab defcribed,Pfal.60.10, Melepation,what It is, Pfal.7.15. Mernirg,what it meaneth,Pfal.5.4. and 49.15 Moving, implieth often evill,Pfa1.15.5. Moving of: the fits , allo is colli , 9141.38. 17. and 66. 9. Alsuntaines,diverily tired ,Pfal.i2t.t. B.rrrrr 2 Name, 1111,//ir,Wll, rlMlp1 11/1.!% y