Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

THE E T A B L E N NT Arne, how it is ufed, Pfalme 8. 2. 1.11 Nee 4e, or nigh, what it meaneth, Pfalme 148.14. Neginotb, (fringed inftriunents, Pfalme 4. r. and 33. 3. New Song, what it meaneth, P fol me 33.3. No%, and anger , have one name in Hebrew , Pill are 10.4. o QBlation,what it was, Praline 20.4.. Out fpred firmament, what it is, Pfalme 19.2. P Ainfull iniquitie, why fo called, Pfalme 5.6. Palace, what it is, Pfalme 5. 8. Paleßina, Pbiliffims, Pfalme 6o. 1 o. Palmer and bands lifted up, and fpread inprayer, Pfalme 63.5. Palme -tree deCcribed, Pfalme 92. 13. Parable diverfly ufed, Pfalme 44.15. and 49.5. and 78.2. Part for inheritance, Pfaltne 16, 5, Peary what it fignifieth, Pfal. 29.11. of it Solomon was named, Pfalme72, 7. Perpetuity, viaorie of time; Pfalme 9. 7. Pit ofeorruption: fee Corruption, and Pfal.7.16. Pleading, what it is, Pfal. 35. 1. Prayer, whereof it is named, Pfalme 4. 2. Precepts, why fo called, Pfalme 19 9. Precions, diverfly ufed,PfaL36.8. and 116.15. and 72.14. and 49.9, and 139.17. Prieff, what it fignifieth, Pfalme99.6. Prophet, what it meaneth,Pfalme 74.9. Pfalme, whereof it is named, Pfalme 3,1. & 7.18. Pfaltery, Pfalme 33. 2. R REbell,or, turne rebellioue, whereof it is named, Pfalme 5. 1 1. Rebuke for dllrullion, Pfalme 9. 6. Redeemer, whereof named, Pfalme 19.15. Redemption, Pfalme 11 t. 9. Reward, Pfalme 19. 12. Roeke, the title of God often, Pfalme 18, 3, 32. Rod of God,what, Pfalme 23.4. S SAbbath, day of Reft, Pfalme 92. I. Sacrifice, and facrifice of jui/ice, what it is, Pfal. 4.6. ofPouting, Pfalme 27.6. Salvation,and Paving, largel y u Ced,for belpe, vilforie, deliverance, &c. Pfalme 12. 2. and 98.1. and 118.15. S e o r n f u l i , proud Pfalme 1 . f . Seat, fometime is a chaire, fonietime a dwelling, Plalme 1.1. and 107.4. Secret, or raillerie, Pfalme 25. 14. Secret, for Councell, Pfalme 64. 3. and 89.8. Seed, for children, Pfàlme 21..11. Seeking, isfor good or evill,Pfolme 35.4. Selah, what it fignifieth, Pfalme 3.3. Shadow, Pfalme 121. 5. Shadow of death,Pfalme 13.4. acid 037.1o. Shout joyfully, Pfalme 5. t 2. Shout triumphantly, Pfalme 41. 1 2. Silence, for ftrbmiion, Pfalme 62.2. Silence, for defirul7ioni, Pfal me 31.18. and 49.13. Simple, why fo called, Pfalme 09,8. Sion, the mount, Plàlme 2.6. Sitting, diverflyufed, Pfalme s.,1. and 102.1'13. Skies, Pfalmt 18. 12. Sleepe, for death, Pfalme 13. 4. Sie, pe, for reff, Pfalme t 27. 2. Son, diverfly ufed, Pfalme 79. t r. and 8e. 16. and 89.23. Son, for every yong thing, Halal 4.4. & 14-7.9. Soule, what it is, Praline 16. lo. Soule, for life, Pfalme 3 5.4, for wi$, Pfalme 26.12: Standing, for continuing, Pfalme 334 1. acid 111.3. for miniftrmg, Pfalme 134.1. Statute or Decree, what it meaneth, PCal, 2.7. and 148.6. Strength, for praife, Pfalme 8.3. Strength, for kingdame, Pfalme 21.2 Strength, for Gods Arke, Pfalme 78.6n. Stilnef, what it meaneth, Pfalme 4. 5. Stirring, Pfalme 4. 5. Swine, whereof it is named, Pfalme 19, 5. Sinne, properly is miffing, or mil doing, Pfalme 4.5. Sinners, who they are, Mime 1.1. Swallowing, for deft royìng, Pfalme 21.20. T TAr fhifb, for the Oeeantea, Pfalme 48.8. Tell, for preach, Pfalme 2.7. Tent, what it is, Pfalme 15. 1. Teffimenies of God, what they are, Pfalme 19.8. Together,diverfly uCed,Pfalme 33.15. and 141.10. Trefpafs, what they are, Pfalme 5.11. Tribes of Ifrael, whereof named, Pfaltne 78.5 5. Tyrur the Gitie delèribed,'Pfalme 45. 13. V VAine Idols, Tlim, whereof named, Pfa1.96.5. Vanities, for Idols, Pfalme 31. 7. Vnconffam foie, Pfalme 49.11. Vnicerne, Pfalme 2 2.22. Voice, for thunder, Plàlme 29. 3. To give the voice, what it meaneth, Pfalme t 8,14. Vawes, Pfalme 50. 14. w V( ]Alking,forconverfarion,Pf 1.í. & 56.14. I Warre, whereof it is named, Pfa1.35.I. Waters, for troub'es, and peoples, Pfalme 18. 5,17. and 124.4. Way, for coterie of life, or religion, Pfali. t . & 25.4. Wicked, what it fignifieth, Pfalme 1,1. Wefull evils., whereof fo called, Pfalme 5.1o. Wondrous excellent, Pfalme 8.2. Word, for thing, or matter, Pfalme 7. 1. Worke,forwages,or reward, Pfalme 109.20.& 95.9. Hebrew J