vet `1\it* ovi-A-te-v-- F`i,aV®`®mq®`®4S ÿ T a Hebre* Phrafes obrrved, which are fomewhat hard and figurative. Efecf or want of words as, Of a Verbe fubftantive, am, art; as. 11. Pf. 1. z.7, and often. Of a Nonne fitbftantiveafter a Verbe, P131.103.9. &109.21. &137,5. &539.20.. Of a Nonne Cuü,lantive after an adjective, Pfalme 10.20. Of a Verbe generally, Pfalme 69.1 i, & t 8. 7,29. Of a Pronoune, Plainte 45.4. & 59.14. &68.36. and 69.2. and 71.18. and ui.12. Of a Prepofition, Pfalme 5.4. and 2.5, and 9.2 2. and 42. 3. Ofa part of a lenience, Pfalme É.4. and 89 36. -2 Overphis or redundante of fontefinali words, Pfalme t.4. &46.7. & 118.14. and 137.3. 3 Change, or putting one for another ; as, Of nurifber, Fowl,. for ferries, Angell for Angel.', 5'o. PÇ.rlme 8.'9. and 34.8. and 78.2, 45, and 79. 2, and often. Of perfon, Hahne 59. 10. and 65.7. and 80. 7. and 115.9. and 144.10. Of time, Plaltne 2.1. and 18. 7. and often. Of gender, Pfahne 45.17. and 79.8. Of an Alive Verbe for a paffive, Pfalme 32.9. and 36.3. and t 09.13. and 49.15. 4 Qtrftions or Fxpof#ulations, ufed For affirmations, Pfalme 56.9. and 14 4. For denials, Hahne 94. 20. For prayers, Praline to. t . For wifhes; Pfalme ¢.7. and 14.7, 5 Words uféd in the plurali nnmbcr for excel- lencle, &tt. Praline 1,63.6. One word fingular and another plural!, tired for ezactneffe, Pfalme 66.3. 6 The nlyllerie of the holy Trinitie, Plainte 1 I. 7, and 3.3. and 1'49.2. . 7 A Verbe indefinite, of like fignificatian with 'that whichwent before, Pfalme 49. t S. 574.1-St\ t-kti -3. S0. 6P. { ffatifSE2t57 '¢y$`t2rît9rGh27ÁR Generali Obfervations touching the Ps Al MES. the Palter is in the Hebrew divided into five Bookes. 1 The fiel} containeth the 4, ñrft Pfalme,. a The fecond containeth the next 31 Pfalmes to the 73. 3 The third hath the next 17 Pfalmes, unto the 90. 4 The fourth'contaiueth the Next 17 Pfahne,, to the 107. 5 The fifth containeth the 44 left Plalnils. Every of thee Bookes is ended with Amen or'Ha_ lela -jah. But being all joynéd together, they are uftially counted one Book e, and fo the 4 Apoftle Peter fpeaketh of them, Afts 1. 20. The Inditers of thefe PCalmes are expreffed five; Mofen, David, Afaph, Hcman and /Ethan. 'Of the.Titles of the P s AL/4E s. THe PI-alines y many of them have no Title at all; others have Tit les, bit very divers. Some fignifie the Writers, as David, A- faph, &c. loose the Singers, al the fanner of Koraeh, Idutban, &e. Come the Inftruntentswhereto they were lung, as Neginotb, Neehiloth, &c. firme the na- ture of the Ditty; as, a Pfalme, an Hymne,&e. font the Me of it; as, an infirulïing Pfalme&o, tome the occafion of making it; as, Davids fieeing from Abf..- lom, his going rh to Batbfl,eba, éox. Five and twentie Plaintes are without any Ti- de,namely,the í,2,1q3'3,43,71,91,93 ,94;95,96, 97599,104,1051107,1 /4,115,116,117,118,1,9, 13'6037. & 147, Yet offome of thefè,tlíe Holy Ghoft witneffeth that David wrote them Acis 4. 25. Heb 4.7. and lo we may judge of the red. David' Name is prefixed unto 74 Pfalmes ,but Dania diverfly. F ive.and thirt ie are intitnled,A Pfalme ofDavid, as the 3,4,5,6,8,9,1 1,1 2,13, 14,15,19,20,21,2a, 23,24,29,31,38,39,40,41,5(;62,65,64,70,101, 109,110,139,140,141,143. Three are intituled', APfame a Song of David Pfalme 3o, and 65. and 68. One is intituled, A Sang a Pfadite òf David; Pfalme 108, Fourteen are intituled, Of David,mderiland ana, the word Pfalme or Song,as the 18,25,26,27,2 8, 34,3536,j7,61,69,103,138,144. One is intituled, An Hymne ofDavid, Pfa1.145 Two are intituled, A Prayer of David P1t.17, & 86. Six are intituled,Miebsam'fDavxd, Pfalme 16,56, 57,58,59. and 60. Five are named, Inftru£íing Pfiltites of Dstrid, Pfalme 32,52,53,54,55. One is called , An nip "Cling Pfalme of David, a prayer, &c. Pfalme 142. One is intituled, Shigejen of David, Hahne y Five are intituled, A Song of degree' of David, Plat. 122,124,126,131,133. Afaph' name is let to 12 Pfalmes, as written by ,Alo ps hint, or at lead committed unto him. Seven are intituled, A P falnk ofAfaph, PCálme 50, 73,77,79,80,81. and82. Two are intituled; AP ¡aims ófAfaph, a Song, Pfal. 75. and 76. One is named, A Song a Pfalme f Afph, Pfa1.83, Two are called, Inflrulling Pllmes ofAfaph, Pfàl. 74. atfd 78. One is named, An inftruDinb Pralme of Heman, Pfalme 88. And one, An inÿrufling PCálrne of /Ethan, Pfa1.89, ,ha Fourteen, other have this Title, An inflrniling Pfalme; or Alark,l, pfal.42,44,45,46,3 2,5 2,5 3, 14,55,42,74,78:88,89. One of thele is cálled,An inf hsding Pfalnie,a Song' oft