f, Mofes. 1 of the me/beloved virgins, Pfa.45. So the title of Iìftrullìonis let in 11 over 24 Pfalmes. Foure have this title before them , Corrupt not, or AI-Tafhchitfh,Pfal. 57, 58, 59,75. Two are intituled,fir to record, Pfal.38. and 70. One is intituled , A prayer of Motes the man of God, Pfaisir 90. One is intituled onely, APfalme, PfaC98, Two have this title, A Pfalme a Song, Pfal. 67. and 87, One is intituled, A fing aHi:hue,Pfa1.66, One is intituled ,APJlmefir Canfeff:on,Pfal.ioo. One,APfoymefarsis i£ted &e.Pf lioaal9 Fifteene are intituled, Songs ef degrees , as from Pfal. 120. CO 134. Two have the titles, For Solomon, Pfal. 72. & 137. Five and iftie are intituled , To the Matter of the. Muueke,asPfal .4.5,6,8,9,ti,12,t3,14,1s, 19,20,25222 ,31,36,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47, 69 66 62 68 64,55,56, 7,58,59,6 ,61,62,64, ro t> 71 0. 9,7 ,75,7 >77, , , 4, 5, 9, 3 9, 4 Two are intituled, To leduthun, Pfa1.39. and 77 The formes of Koraeh have eleven Pfalmes direfted unto them. Of which, Foure are intituled, A Pfalme to the fns ofKorach, Pfal. 47. 49, 84, 85 Two thus, A Song a Pfalme to the fins of Koradr, Pfal. 48. 88. One thus, To the Ions eKoraeb, a Pfalme a Song, Pfal. 87, One thus, To thefont of 'Coach an Alamotb, a Song, Pfal. 46. Three are named, Inflrufíiag Pfalmes taibe fins of Koraeb, Pfal. 42,44,45. Nine Mimes have before them, Haleln -Iah, Pfal. ío6,11t,rt2,t 13,135,146,148,549,150. bk$f6A15e4E5hat15 5bat{6Kti6mis 4rtst7dr8`t44rs«gritFba Ht « F4 Of the Muficke that ISRAEL had in the Temple. S muficall Inftruments were ufed with longs of old when Ifráei firft came out of Egypt; Exod.15.2o. and Trumpets Na ereIappointed of God at mount Sinai , which the Priefts fhould blow over the Burnt-offrings and Sacrifices,which was an ordinance for ever, Nam ic.8,to. fo Da- vid,;he fwect Pfaimift of Tirad, by the Spi- ritof God made Hymnes and Songs, with Cymbals, Harpes and P falteries, which the Levites in their courfes fhould fing and play upon continually in the Sani uary. Which melodic was heard when the Aike of God was broughtinto the Tentwhich David had pitched for it, r Chr.t5. 1,16,19,2 0,21. then allIrrael brought op the Arke ofthe Covenant oftbeLord with (hooting, & withfound ofthe COrnet,and with Trampets,and with Cyleshals, making a notfi with Pfalteries and Harps, t Chr.15.28. The Trumpets which Mores made were of filver, Numb. io. 2. Davids Cymbals were of bray , i Chr t ,18. the y 5 Harpes and Pfalteries were of fine wood, 2 Chr.9.ir.,Thefe are called the inflruments ofmuficke (or of the fang) of the Lord, 2 Chr. 7.6.and David appointed them to be tiled continually 6efre the Arke, 1Chr.t6.4,5,6. and divided by lot the Levites which were Muficians into foure and twenty wards, 1Chr.z$. and they were by their eourfesto (land every morning to confeffe and topraife the Lord,and li(rewifeat evening, i Chr.a 3.30 And when Solomon had builded the Tern- pie he continued therein the order fetby David his father;fo that the Levites,Singers, and Muficians being arayed in white lineen, having Cymbals andrfalteries andHarpes, flood at the end a the Altar, andwith theman hundred and twenty Priefls founding with Trumpets ; and the Trumpeters and Singers were as One, to make one found to be heard in profiling and confefingtothe Lord, a Chr,5.12, 13.and 7.6.and 8.i4.This order when it was interrupted by the fin of the Jew,s,K.Ezekias refored,a Chro.3 0.25. that when the Burnt - erring began, the lingof the Lord began Alfa, with the Trumpets and with the Infiruments ordained by David King oftfrael ; and all the Congregation warfhipped,and the Singers fang, and the Trumpeters founded: all this continued untill the Burnt- ofering was fnifhed, 2 Chr. 29.27,28. The fame order of long and mu- ficke continued. in the fecond Temple after their returnfiorn Babylon, as appeareth by Ez.3.o,it.and Neh.1z.24,27,35,36,42,45 In the Pfalms of David we find mention alto of Flutti (or Pipes) nd Timbres, and other Inftruments ufed with Tongs of praife unto God 1..149.3. and 15o3,4,5.The Hebrew Dodtors have recorded fome things more particularly thus, They faid the fang over all the Burnt offerings of the congregation,which they were hound (to offer;) andover the Peace- offerings of thefolemncaffemblie, at the time when the wine [theDrink- affrinuwasppawred out .Biit thevoluntary 6arnt- affrtngs which the congregation offered, and the Drinke.ofrings brought forthë,theyPaid not the tong overthé. ALevitethatmourned,might not feroeorfing And there might not ,be fewer then twelve Le- vitrs,(landing upehe bank(or flage) every day to fay therang over the facrifice;but they might alwayes have moe fo many as they would. And they