they fuid not the Song, but by mouth, without tn/rtsment. For the root (or foundaticn)ofthe Mnfcke is, that it be a fervi ceby mouth.. And there were others landing there playing with in/rumentsofcixuficke. And they played on Pfalteries, and Pipes, and Harpes, and Trum. pets, and Cymball. There might not be fewer than,two P falteries,nor wee than fix: not fewer than two Popes,nor moe than twelve: not fewer than two Trumpets, nor moe than an hundred and twenty; [fo many as were at the dedica- tion of the Temple, a Chron. 5. l a.] Not fewer than nine Harps,but as many moe as they would : and but one Cymbal/ anely. In all the ¿aies of the folemne Fees, and at the new Moons ,there were Priefis bowing with Trum- pets in the how of the f crifrce, and the Levites fuid -the Song. The Trumpets were of elver, and it was not lawful] to have them of other mettall. The pipes which they played on were of Cane (or Reed.) The Pfal- terie (Nebel) was an infirumene like a Battle; and it had frings, and they played Twelve dales in the yeere they played on the Pipe b fore the utltar ; at the killing of the full Paffeover, and at the killing of the fe- cond Paffecver, and in theJirfi gond day of the Paffeover, and in the ftrflgood day of the Re- tentiox (or Pentecofl) andin the eight ¿aies of the Feafl (ofTabernacles.) Maimoay m Mif neh, tom. 3. in Clehammikdafh, chap. 3s and Thalmud Bab. in Erachin, chapter. r. Thefe Ordinances being ended by the comming of Chriff, (who was to defiroy the Citie and the Saxltuarie, and to can fè the Sacrifice and the Oblation to ceafe, Dan:9. z 6, a 7. ) is re. maineth, that now the Word ofChrifl dwell in us richly in all wife/erne, and that we be filledwith the Spirit, (peaking to our fclves, teaching and admonifhing one another in Palmes, and Hymnes, and firituall Songs; finging with grace , and making melodie in I our hearts to the Lord; ColoC 3. 16. Ephe- flans 5.18,1w. IMAM II//..9/