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13: 14 IS 16 S o N G. Chap. I. I have compared thee, O my love, to the company -of-horfes in the charters of Pharaoh. Thy cheekes are comely with rowes, thy necke with chaines. We will,maké for thee rowes of gold; with fpecks of filver. While the King fitteth at his round- table, my fpikenard , giveth forth the find thereof. A bundle of myrrh, is my welbeloved unto me: he thall lye - all- night, betwixt my breads. A clufler of Cypres Le my wel-beloved unto me; in the Vineyards of Engedi. Behold thou art faire , my Love; behold thou art faire , thine eyes are ms doves. Behold thou art faire, my beloved, yea pleafanr; alfo our bed Le green. The beames of our houfes, are Cedars ; our galleries, of Brutin -tree. i have compared thee, my love, unto The horfes -troop in Charrets of Phar'oh. Thy cheekes with rowes, thy necke with chaines are deckt. Wee will make thee, gold rower ; with fiver feckt. 1-At his round-table while the King doth fit; My ikenard givethforth the finell ofit. A bag of myrrh my Loved if tome. Betwixt ray breads, lye all the -night flail he. My Law'd to me a drifter of Cypres That in the vineyards of Engedi is. Loe tiou art faire, o thou my deareft love; Loe thou artfaire, thine eyes are as the dove. Loe thou art faire, o thou my a'eare- laved, Tea pleafans art, green alfo is our bed. Beanies of our houfes, of the Cedars be ; our galleries, are of the Bretin-tree. vinnotationi. I TEL¢ Song o /Songs ] Songs and Pralines are for the' molt part arguments of joy and glad neffein them that un and of their praifes,whom the Songs concerne, jam.5.13. Ephef.;.19. Exo. 15. )udg.5 . Efa, z6.2 Sam.2 2. Pfa.66.1,2,3, &c. So this Booke treating of mans reconciliation unto God, and peace by jeftts Chrilt, with joy in the Holy Gholt; is called a Song: which therefore the faithfull thouId learn toting with underltan ding,mak ing melody in their hearts to the Lord, when they fide thensfelves made partakers of his joy. And it is intituled the Song ofSongs, that is, the chiefeft and melt excellent Song : as Chrift, whom it concerneth, is called the King of Kings, and LordofLords, Rev. 09. 16. and 17. 14. that is, the moll high and mighty King, and fupreme Lord of all. Solomon made a thoufand Songs and five, t Kings 4.32. cf all which,this was molt ex- cellent; yea,and of all the Songs in the Scripture: for this celebrateth the myhteries of Chrift and his Church, and the communion betweenthem, more amply and excellently than any other. which it Sobmons] It is letter to beam the rebuke of the wife.,th an far a man to beam the Song f fooles,Eçclef y. 5. but Solomon, who made this Song in pralle of Chrift and ofhisChurch, fierpafd all the Kings of the earth in riches and wifdome , 2 Chronicles 9. 22. Hee was wider than all ,den; for God gave him wifdome and underflanding exceeding much, and largenef a of heart, even at the fand that is on the Sea Chore , t Kings 4. 29 , 31. and all the earth fright the face of Solomon, to hare bw wifdome, which God bad put in his heart, t Kings 10. 24. There was none like him before him, neither after hin, (ball any arife like unte him, t Kings 3. 12. It may alto be interpreted, which belonged' to (or concerneth,) Solomon: underftanding heereby, 9 Io li I2 53 Ia. IS t6 Chrift himfelfe , whom Solomon prefigured in Kingdohne, wifdome and glory. And Solomon (called in Hebrew Shelomob, but after theGreeke Solomon, Matthew 1. 6.) had his name of peace; beeaufe he was a man ofrefl; and God laid of him, Solomon (hall be his name, and I will give (falom, that is)peace and itsietnefii unto Iliad in his dales; e Ciro- nicks 22. 9. fo, be had peace on ail fiefs round about him, e Kings 4.24. Now Chrilt is our peace, Ephe- fians z. 04. even the Prince of pea,e,Efay 9.6. and he is called Solomon in this Song, Chapter 3.1 1. and David prophefying of Chrifts Kingdome, included his Praline, For Solomon , Mime 73. Thus the Penman of this Booke, being the wiled of all the Prophets, and Chrilt whom it concér- neth, being the very wifdome oJGod, t Cor. 1.24. and greater than Solomon Matthew 12. 42.. this Song is commended unto us by the Holy Gháht, in the higheft degree ofexcellencie.The Chaldee paraphrafeth On this title thus ; Songs and hymnes, which Solomon the Prophet, the King of Iirael, utte- red by the Spirit of prophefie, before the Lord, the Lord of ah the world. Verla. Let himkiJI me] As the Scripture men- tioned' the Bride, the Bridegrooms, and the friend; of them both, the children of the Brit& -chamfer, Jolt. 3. 29 Matthew 9. 15. fo in this Song all theft, (elpecially the two former) are brought in as 1peakers,every One of and unto anothcr,fo decla- ring their mutual( delires, loves and ahfeaions. The Brideis the Church elpoufed to Chrilt, and called the wife of the Lambe, Revel. 21.9. to whom the is to be prefented a chaffe virgin, 2 Cor. 1 r. 2. and this Church Chrilt loved, and gave himfelfe for it, that be might fanîlifie and clen f is with sloe wafh- ing ofwater, by the Word; that he might prtfnt it to him- felfe aglorious Church, not hazing pot or wrinkle, or any Inch, 2