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Kdn' %//f4l /AIM ,mlihllll//0/ So No. Chap. I. filch things; but that it fhouldbe holy ,and without bleu :ifb; I phef 5.25,26,z7.Howbeit before Chrilt came in our hunianity,che Church(accordingto the eeconomicall diflientàtion of God) was as a childe in her non -age, and tutors and governours,, until! the time appointed of the Father, Gal 4. r,z. kept under the Law, fat up unto the faith, which fhouldaf- terwards be revealed; which Law was a Schoolm ter unto Cbrift Gal. 3. z 3,24. In this eftate the conch, mied till faith came, and then the being dead to the Lam, by the body ofChrift, was to be married unto another, even to him who is raifedfrom the dead, that the might ,brims forth fruit unto Gad, Rom. 7. 1,-4. So though our godly forefathers in the dales of the Prophets, law the promifes a fasre of, and were per [Waded of them, and embraced them, and did all obtaine teffimonie (and were glorious) through faith; yet they received not thepromife ;God having provided fume better thing for no, that they without: ut, fhould not be perfe2Xed, He b. r t . 13,39,40. Now in Solomon dayes, the Church before Chrifts comming had greateft glory, having the Temple bui1ded, li- ving tinder that moult wife, rich and peaceable King: the Ifruelires being many, ao the fand which it by the Sea in multitude; eating and drinking, and making merry ; and dwelling fafely, every man under bit vine, and under his fig -tree, 1 Kings 4.20,25. not - withltatlding Solomon being a Prophet, forefaw the ruine of his houfe and kingdome, and in his Booke of Ecclefta firs, proclaimed all things under the Sun, to be vanitie; and in this Song prophe- lieth of the Church and kingdome of Chrilt. And as hee with many other Prophets, andKings, and righteous men,defircd to fee Chcilt,and to heare his words, but did not, Luke 10.24. Mat.13.17. fo here he manifetteth the den re of himfelfe and of all the faithfuli,to enjoy the bleifings and gra- ces ofChrilt; flying, Let him ktfjém,!. Whereby the Church defireth to have Chrilt tnanifelted in the Beth, and to have the loving and condor- ; table do&rines of his Gofpel , applyed unto her con(cience; that the might not be alwaies tinder the Schoolmaller of the, (which workgth wrath, RUnt.4.t 5.) but might be prevented with the grace.of Chrilt, be reconciled into God, u- niced unto Chrift, and have the feeling of his love towards her. For, Wing is a token of love, r Pet. 5.14. Luke 7.45. was stied at the meeting and falutation of friends, Exod. 4.27. and 18.7, Í ',Theft 5.26. and David killed Abfalotn, in Ggne of favour and reconciliation,z Sam.] 4.3 3. And as we are willed to kip the Sonne.Plal.z. t 2. that is, lovingly and gladly to fubmit unto and obey his commandements : fo the Church here prayeth firil', that the Sonnewould kitfe her; that is, in loveand kindnetfe teach, and apply unto her the grace of his Gofpel. For, herein it love, not that we lcvedGod, but that he lased ne, and fine bit Sonne to be the propitiationfor our f,tnes,.i John 4. to. After - ward, we lave bim, becaufe he firei loved ne, r John 4.19. and we kit him, Song 8. t. The Hebrew Expofitors,as theChaldee Paraphralt and others doe for the molt part, apply thefe things to-the giving of the Law by Mofe : For they being ignorant 5 if the rigbteoufh,Aè of God, have one about to efla- blifh their ownertghteoufneffe. Howbeit, finie ache. in ancient time, faw better,as appea- reth. by their Midra foi (an Hebrew Contmeu. ary on this Booke) which here faith; Mofes taught them the Law, and what fiever they l:arncd, they forgot again. Then they feid unto Moto, O that God would Phew himfelfe again, and kelle we with the kifires of his mouth , tbat he deilrine might be faffned in our bear,. Moles find unto them , T his canna be done now, but it pall be in the daiesofChrifl; at it it faid, I will put my Law in their inward parts, and verre h in their beatos: Jer.31,33. kifleool'bsmonth] his owne lovely and gracious dottrines.As in Pro.2'.6.the wounds ofa friend,Ggnifie (!tarp reprtuies,and are oppo- fed to the deceit full AT's, that is, the flattering', fpeeches of an enemy o Io herethe kf(¡èa delired of this friend, are the comfortable words of thé do- ffrineof falvation; oppofed to the tevere rebukes'' which the Law giveth for our Ganes , condem- ning and curling every one that continu th not in all things erbich are written in the Booke of the Law, to doe them, Ga1.3. r o. But Chrilt (into w hofe lips grace it poured Pfal.4g.3.) openetIt his mouth,and tote tech Blelfings,Match. 5. a, 3, &c. jur thy loves] She turneth her tpeech unto Chrilt, and eheweth a reafon of her former defire. By loves, are meant graces and the fruits of them, here hrlf from Chrilt to his Church; afterward, from lier unto Chrilt: which he acknowledgeth, flying, How mach better are thy loves than-wine! Song 4.Io,Th.aè thee perceiveth from Chrilt, by the workes of A- doption, Redemption, Jultification and Sauftiii- cation through Chrilt and his Spirit; as in t Jolt. 3.1,1 6.& 4.9,lo.John 15.13.Rom.5. 5,5. Ephef' 5.25,26,37.S0 in the contrary. Ant ichrilts allure- ments to communion with his impiety,arewith tbete words, Came, le, us take our fit'of lezei tentill the morning; Prov.7. i 8 and Ifraels communion with Babykam idolatry is thus [hewed,The fors ofBaby- lon came to ber into the bed of loses, Ezek,2 .17. -better than wine] or, good more darn wine. The word gond, is of large fe, for profitable,pleahng,fweec, comfortable, joy full, &c. as is noted on loen. 1.4. Wine is one of the molt comfortable crea- tures, rejoycing the heart of man PfaLio4,15. and wine ma euh the life (or living) joyful', Ecclef 10.19. it tallith to forget affüáion, poverty, miiery, Prov.3 t.6,7.It was alfa need in the legali Gtcriti- ces and fervice, of(,od, Nim.15.5. Hof 9.4. But the graces of Chrilt , and comfort of his Spirit, (wherwith the Saints are to be filed,Ephel :g.t8.) doe far excell all worldly pleafure, and doe cants fuch as drink ofthem,to forget their bitterneffe, poverty, forrowes, which by the terroirs of the Law, and guilt of coufcience for finne,dld before aBlifi them, Rom,7. to, t 5,18,24,25.8c Si. . And the fervice of God now in /pit and truth, John 4 23, 24. and eanfolatien which aboundetb by Chrilt, 2 Cot.1.5 . is much more comfortable than were all the ordinances of divine lèrvice in the world- ly Sanftuary, which could not make him that did the femme pet fell, at pertaining to the confcience e Heb,9. i. 9. and 10.1,2,3,4 (A 3) Verfc