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So N G. Chap.1. Verfe 3. For the favour] or, For tby odour ( find ) of ohy good ointments. By favour or finell, is meant knowledge, underftanding, Ode or feeling; as the Apoflle expoundeth it, the favour of his ktmw- ledge, z Cor. z. 14. So a tree is laid to bud through the finell (or fens) of water, Job 14.9. and towe is broken when it fine/eeh the fire, that is, feeleth it, Judg.s6. 9. Goodointments (or good oiler) are preci- ous and fweet ointments,wherewith fpeciall per - fons were anointed of old : as the holy anoin- ting oyle made ofprincipall fpices,(Exo.3 ©.23, 2 5. )iscalled the good ointment, Pf 133. 2.and of the precious things which King Heeekiah 'hewed to the Ambaffadors of the King of Babylon, the good ointment was one, 2 Kings 20. 13. and with inch they were wont to be anointed at feaffs,Amos 6. 6'. Luke 7. 36, 46. and it was a ligne of joy and cheerfulnes,Ecclef.9.7,8. for fweet odours revive and comfort the fpirits in man , when they are dulled with forrow,or much meditation; where- fore it is Paid , Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart, Prov.27. 9. But in fatting or mourning,they ufed not to anoint themfelves, z Sam.14.z. By this fimilitude the Church here commendeth the graces of Christ, which he had, being full of the Holy Ghoft ; for his God had anointed him with the ogle ofgladnes above hit fllowes,Heb.r .9. and of him it is Paid, The Spirit ofthe Lord is upon me,be- caufi bee atb anointed mee to preach the Gofel, &e. Luke 4. 18. Et-ay 61. s. And the odour of thefe graces is finelt, when the Gofpell preacbed,is by fenf or judgement perceived, Phil. z.9. Luke 9. 45. Helm. 4.. thy name is an ointment powred- firth] As Meat and Chrifi is by interpretation Anointed ; and he is called the Oyk (or Ointmmt)in Eby by his 111.9me is meant his Law, the dot rive of grace, or Law offaith, Rom.; it is written, The Iles (hall wait for bit Law, Elay 42. 4twhich is expounded, The Gentiles (hall trey} in hit name, Matth. 12. 21. and the preaching of that grace, is called the bearing of Christs Name before the Gentiles, Aas 9.15. and as a good Name is bet- ter then a good ointment, Ecclef. 7. r. fo the name and do&rineofChrift, excelleth all other, that at the same of lefus every knee fhould bow , Phil .2.1 o. This name is as a precious ointment porered forth by the preaching of the Gofpel,and by the mira- cles confirming the fante : accomplished not one - ly by Chrift himfelfe , (a man approved of God a- mong the Ifraelites by miracles, wonders and fignes, which God did by bisa, Aft.z.zz. fo that there went out a fame of him through all the region roundabout , and be taught intheir fyttagagues,beingglorified ofall,Luk.4.14. 15.) but alto by his Apoltles; who were to preach on the houfe tops,that which they heard in the care, Matth. t o.2 7. which alto they performed,Rom. 15.1 9.and 16.2 5, 26. and therein rejoyced, and laid , Now thanker be unto God, which always eanfetb tir to triumph in Cboajl, and makethmanifeff the favour ofhie knowledge by us , in every place. For we are unto God a fweer favour in Chrift , in them that are faved, and in them that perifk w the one , the favour of tots death : and to the other the favour of life unto lift, 2 Cor.2.a,14,15,16.And as the box of ointment when it was broken & powred forth on Christs head, the housewas filled with the favour of it,' Marke 14.3. John 12.3: fo when his Name and G ofpel is preached abroad , it giveth the odour thereof into all Chriflian hearts ; fo that by the preaching of Faith, they alto receive the Spirit, Gal.3.2,5. and are anointed of God, a Cor. 1.21. and bave an Vnflion from the Holy-one, and know ait things, i John z. zo. that whereas before they mourned from their fins and miferies, they now are comforted, and have die oyk f joy given unto them, Efa. 61.3. the Virgins love thee] Thefe are the fellow friends of the Spoufe, Pfa1.45 . t 5 . By Virgins are meant all fuch as are chofen and called of God , and faithfull (whether whole Churches, as 2 Cor. 11.2. or particular perlons) who with chile and pure mindes ferve the Lord onely, andworfhip him in fpirit and truth, and (land with Chritt on the mount Sion, bavmo. bit, Fathers name written in their foreheads; of whom it is laid , Thefe are they which were not defiled with wo- men, for they are virgins ; theft are they which follow the Lambe whitberfoever he goetb : theft were bought from among men, being the ftrtï fruits unto Gild and to the Lambe; and in their mouth warfiund noguilefr they art without fault before the throne of God, Revel.544k4o5 And thefe love the Lord, for the odour of his good ointments w'5 they perceive by his Word & Spiritithough they fee him not,' Pet. 1.8. they love him, becatife he lord loved them, s Joh.4.19. and bath flied abroad his love in theirhearts,by the holy Ghost which is given unto them, Rom. 5.5. and this is love, that they wake after bit eom- mandements, and keep them,z Joh.v.6 .Joh. t 4.15. Verf.4.Draw me]A fecond requelto the Spoufe unto Chritl,that he would not only call her out - wardly,by the voice of his gofpel,but(forafmuch as the word preached prohteth not, if it be not mixed with faith in them that hence it, Hcb.4.2. and faith is not of our felves, it is the gift of God, Ephef.z.8.who worketh in us barb to will and to do, of hisgoodpleafure, Phil.2.13.) that he would allo open her heart, Acts 16.14. effeCually worke in her lay his Spirit, and continue and increafe his grace towards her. For drawing, implieth power in him that draweth ; as, He draweth the mighty with his power, Job 24.22. & when it is untogood, it argueth grace 8t good will; as, I drew them with cords of a man,witb bands of love, Hof 11.4. and con- tinuance of grace ; as, 0 draw (that is,continue) thy loving h ndneffe, to theta that know thee, Pfal.36. so. and in them that are drawne, it is a ligne ofinfir- mity : as, No man can come unto me , except the Father which bath feet me draw him, Iohn 6.44. And this is a fruit and effe& ofChrifts death , as hienfelfe faith, And I, if Dee lifted tip , (or taken away) from the earth , will draw all men unto mee , lohn 12. 32. This drawing is by being effe&ually taught of God, as againe he faith, It is written in the Prophets, And they frail be all taught of God : every man there- fore that barb beard and bath learned of the Father, commetbtome: Iohn 6.45. and is a fogneof Gods everlasting love towards fuch, as it was Paid unto Ifrael, Tea, I have loved thee with an everlaffittg love, there..