ld ul iÍr/üíU'íí !/' S o N G. Chap. J. 7 :her j re with loving kindneffe bave I drawn thee, Jer. 3 t .3. we will runne] I, and tile( Virgins fore- mentioned will runne after thee: for they follow the Lambe whither fievewhe goeth, Rev. 14.4. Chris is our Fore -runner , gone before us into hcaven,Heb. 6.2o.Our Chriltian converfation is called a run- ning, Ga1.2.2. and 5.7 and our life is likened to a smile (or race) which is runne, as lohn fug /led hit murfe (or rao;) A&s 13.25. and Paul faith, 'have f uyhed my courfe, 2 Tint.4. 7. Running, fignifieth read ineffe of affe &ion , and fpeedy performance in Aim, Hag.1.9. 1 King.t9.e9.2.o.Pfa.147.1 . it argueth alto ftrength in the runner,Dan,8.6.all which are here implyed as an effe& of Chriss grace drawing her, according to the Prophetic; Behold abut fhalt calla nation that thou knewefl not, and nations that knew not thee (hall runne unto thee, b,. Efay 55.5 Andagaine, bey that wait on the Lord fhall renew flrengtb, &o. they Pall runne and not be weary, they (ball walk, and not faint, EfaY 40.31. Now the way which we are to runne, is his com- mandementt, of whichDavid faith , I will runne the way of thy commandements, when thou fbalt inlarge my heart, Pala 19.32. Vnder this promifeofthe Church, is contained alfo the conftant fuffering of aiili&ions for and with Ghris; who being our Fore-runner , and being confecrated through fuffcrings,and fo entring into his glory,Heb.2.9. s o.Luk 24.26. bath herein left us an example,that we fhould fellow hitffeps, i Pet.2.zt.aud hash laid, If oilman will come after me , let him dem bimfelfe,and talcs up his crop daily and follow mee, Luke g. 23. Therefore it is writtcn,Let ut lay aftde every weight, and the frnne which dub fa ea fitly befit uo ; and let ut run with patience, unto the rase that if fit before tse; bok, in unto lefts, the author andfit:4her of our faith, He!). t 2.1,2. into bit chambers] This (hewed] the benefits whichthey finde that follow Chrift,they arc brought not only into the Kings palace , as in Pial.45. 16. but into his privy chambers, the molt fècret, fafe,and quiet roomes of his Palace.Cbam. bets are places of greateft fecrecy, 2 King. 6. t a. Luke t 2.3. Matth.6.6. and of molt fafety, Deut. 3 z.2 5. Ezek i i .14. and in fetch the Bridegroome and Bride ufed to rejoyce together, Joel z. t 6. Judg.15. t. Hereby is fignified the revelation of the myftery of the Gofpell, the Secret of the Lerd, which is revealed to them that feare him, Pfa1.2 5. i 4 and the fpirituall comforts which they reape thereby : for,Eye bath not fene; nor care beard, neither have entred into the beers of man, the things which Gad bath prepared for them that love him: but G4 bath revealed them unto ut by his Spirit : for the Spi- rit ratchet& all things, yea the dupe t ingl of God; and thus, ioebave the rind of Cbriff, t Cor.2.9. 10. 16. and ate brough into hitch chambers, as bJ knowledge arefilled with all preciotte and pleafant rieles : Prov.24. 4. Into then, Paul (as a friend of the Bridegroome ) endevoured with great ftrife to bring the Church ; that their bears might be cone' f rted being knit together in love , and unto all riches of nc fulrref of umdrftanding; to the acknowledgement of the myfieryof God , and of the Father, and ofCbriff; in whom are hid all the tresfieres of wi fedomeand know- ledge ; Coloff 2.1,x, ;.In there chambers alto, the Saints are kept fate from evil!, Pf..z7.5.delivered front the wrath and judgements of .god due for their fins,and comforted by the words ofChrilt agains the perfecution amen ; that in hintthey may have peace , though in the world they have tribulation, John 16.33. Therefore unto them bee faith, Come my people , enter than into thy chambers, and flout thy domes about thee ; hide thy Ike for a ve- ry little moment, untillthe indignation be overpafl, Era. 26.20, Be gladand rejoyce] be glad inwardly, and rejoyceoutwardly: there comforts they find in the Kings chambers, whbfe Kingdome is not meat and drink, but rigbteoufnejf , and peace, andjoy intbe HofyGhoff Rom. 14. 17. Wherefore they fay, Iwillgreatly rejoyce m the Lord, my fule fball be , joyfull in my God ; for be bath dotted me with the gar- mentsof falvation , he bath covered me with the robe of righteoufne ; dt a bridcgroome decbtb himf lfe with , ornaments , and as a bride adornetb her Jd /e with je- wels Efay 61.1o. and thus they relyce mitt jy un- fpeakeable, and full of gbry, receiving the end of their faith,even the falvationof their fouls,! Pet. . will remember thy loves] or , will +ecord rehearfe , makemention of thy loves more then wine ; or, which are better then trine, as in verfe 2. The forefaid joy of the Saints , redouudeth to the prailè and glory ofChris; whofeleves,manifefed by his fufferings, death, refurre &ion, attention, and the graces and benefits flowing front them to his Church,are remembred inwardly, recorded and mentioned outwardly. For they withjoy, drawing water out of the wells of fàlvation, doe fay in that day, Praifi the Lord, call upon bit name, declare his doings, among the people make mention, that bit name it exalted, Efay i 2.3,4. brill mention the lo- ving kiudnef sof the Lord ,' the pyraifes of the Lord, ac- cording to all that the Lord hatb befiowedon tie; and thegreatgoodnef towards the houfeof Ifrael , which he bath bellowed on them , according to his mereies,and ac- cording to the multitude of his loving kindeccrtes, Efay 63.7. I willmake mention of thy righteoufne, even of thine only, P ía1.71.16. I will male thy name to bee remembred in every generation and generation: there- fore peoples fballcenfif thee, for ever and aye. Pfainte 45.18. The upright love thee] Hebr. upright - ne s (or riáhteoufmffes) bow thee ; whereby rig/ice- met br upright perlons are Meant (the virgins fore- mentioned inverf.3.) who have upright hearts, and righteous converfation : as pride, in Jer.5o. 31.is fora proud person ; fin, in Prov.13.6.is for a (inner ; thankfgivine r, in Nehem., 2.31 .for com- panies of thankefgivers ; and many the like. So this fruit commethby remembring and mentioning Chrifts loves ,that the righteous are confirmed and increafed in love towards him, more & more: as the Aposle wrote to them that beleeved on the name of the Sonne of God, that they might be- levee on the name of the Sonne of God; that is, might be confirmed, contlnued,and increafed in their beleefe, t John 5. 13. The Hebrews, igno- rant of Chris, have applied there things, unto Gods ancient mercies towards thë, in the giving of his Law;as theChaldee paraphras faith; When the,