iz 9 SONG. (r hap. I. faith andpatience inherit the promifes, Heb. 6. i t,1 a. Theffocke here fpolcen of, fèemeth to be opposed unto the flakes (or herds) in verf. 7.as Chrilt is to his companions (or fellowei) there mentioned : who as he is the One great Paftour, fo path he gene - rally one fold and flocke, John IQ. 16. Ezek.34. 22, 23. which is his Church as he faith, Andye myfioeke, the flake of myp flute, are men, Ezek. 34. 31. Their fà,tflrps are their faith and workes let forth in the Scriptures : as we are taught to walk in thefeotfleps ofthe faith of our father Abraham, Rom. 4.12. and fo of all other our godly predeceffors, Heb.i r.1,2 -40. and 12.1. after whom we should walke in the fame fJirit, in the famefootfreps, z Corin. 12. 18. And thus the Hebrew 5 alto underhand this place , as lachi explaineth it : Confider the wales of thy fïrfl Fathers, which received my Law, and kept my charge, and my commandementi; and wall[¢, tbou in their Wait,. Likewife the Chaldee Para - phraft faith, The Congregation which u like to a faire damfel, and whom my Soule lamb, let her walke in the maies of the julï men, and order her prayer by the mouth of ber Governours , and let her lead her p.Jleritle, and learnt ber children which are like to the Kidder of the Goats, to goe unto the Synagogue , and unto the Schoole, &c. fied thy kids] Theft*. in Scripture, ufually comprehetideth both fheepe and goats, as in Levit. i.íó. and though goats fometims being oppofed to fbeepe,fgnifie the wicked reprobates, Mat.25. 32, 33. &c. yet ufually they figured in the Law, Chrillians given up as facrifices to God: and Chrilt himfelfe was figured by goats and kids,by the Apoftles expofition, Hebr.9. 15,13,14. and i Cor. 5. 7. compared with Exo. 12. 5. So here the kids lignifie yong'and tender Chriflians, which are to be fed with the lincere milke of the Word, that they may grow thereby, I Pet. 2.2. And fo Chriftgiveth charge, Feedmy Lambs, Feed my Sheepe, John 21.15, 16. And this is the end, why the faltefl among women is willed to goe out, that She may find pollute for her kids : follow- ing herein theexample of Chrilt, who leaded, out his feepe, and putteth them fortis, that they may finde paflnre, John 10.34,9. befides the tents] or, by the Tabernacles (the dwelling placeo) ofthe fhepherds. By which thole companions ofChrill, ver. 7. fernte here to be meant, fach as are transformedlike the Mirifl ers of righteoufnef, z Cori t. 15. and their flocke like the flocke ofChrill : befide their tents, (or, as may be tranflated,aboze them) are the kids of Chrilt to be fed, whom he gracioully preser- veth even in themidít of wolves. Thus Sol. Igrchi expoundeth it, by atb:r peoples : Otherwife it may be underltood (as the former Sentence) of the good shepherds tents, which of old fed the flock of God in faith and love, as their footsteps are left recorded in the Scriptures, Plal. 77.21: and 7.70,7 1,7 2. E fa. 6 3. I. Help.' 3.7. Vert 9.I have compared] or,I have likened, thought the to be like. The order of the words in the He- brew is thus : 7o the company- of-hor fes, in the char - rets of Pharaoh I have compared thee, 0 my Love. my love] or, nni fellow friend , my companion, familiar: fo named of feeding and converfing together,and fo partaking each of others good or evill : in (ereeke, my neighbour or next. This title Chrilt ggi- veth to his Spou le, often in this Song, as after in v.15. and ch. a. 2,10;13. & ch.4.1,7. & 5.2. & 6.4. and lheweth the reason on both parties to his dilciples,faying, I hate calledyou friends, (not Ser- vants) fee all things that I have beardof my Father, I have made known unteyou : and, It are my friends, if ye doe whatfoever I command you, John 15. 14, 25. Sometime a husband is called by this name friend, as in Jer.3,2o. Hof..3.1. to the cómpany of holes] or, to my company of holes. Theword Sufah,' which being the feminine of Sus, ahorfe, may in propriety lignifie a Mare; is here ufually taken of Christian. interpreters , and of the Hebrews, to f gnifie a tympany, or troop efborfees : and fo the Gr. (which alto is Tee hippo in the feminine gender) 1 is fometimes used in Greáfte Authors, for a com- pany of horfes. And in the Scripture phrafe, the names of beasts, birds, &c. are often ttlèd colle- 6hively; as-in Exo. 15.r. the bole and his rider; for, the horfes and their riders: The Hebrew letter sod, which ufually fignifieth mire, is fomegtime added in the end of words without Signification, as in Lam., .r. Howbeit tileGreekeverfion here tran- flateth it, My company-of-horfes : and it may have good nib. The horlè is a warlike bealt,as God de- icribeth hint in Job 39. 19,-25. and Soimen faith, The Goole it prepared agoinfl the day of battel,Prover s 21. 31. in the charrets ofPharaoh] Pharaohs hat- fes and charrets were of molt regueft, as the Scripture often weth 5 & therfore were fought after by Solomon in his trading with /Egypt, 2 Chron.1.16.17. And the Prophet faith, Woe to them that pc down to Ægjpt far bclpe, and fiayon l'or- f s, and trufi in [Garrets becaufe they are many,&e. Elà. 3 t. 1. And in Ezek. 17.15. the King of Iudah fent his Ambaffàdors into "Egypt, that they might give him harf t, and much people. For the meaning ofthis Speech, it fèemeth to be this; the Church being lent forth by Chrilt into the footsteps of the flocke to feed her kids betides the tents (or i dwellings) of the shepherds; was prefently to looke for troubles in it felfe, Aft. 20. 29.30. and oppofition at the hands of thofe companions, (forementioned inverse 7.) and their flocks : as the Scripture often fpeakech of contention a- mong shepherds, about the feedingand watering I of theirflocks,Gen.13.6.7. and 26.14,25.20.21 Exod. 2.16, 57. and when God threatneth wars againft the daughter of Sion, he faith , 7 he fhepherds with their flocks (hall come unto doer, theyfball pitch their tents agoinl ber round about &o. ter. To comfort her therefore against filch troubles, the Lord compareth her to the tromp of boles , inPha- raohs eharr,ts, under this Similitude, promising her vi &orÿ: as inZach.io.3.he faith (by alike family) Mine anger was kind./ed againfl the fiepberds, and Ipunifhied the goats ; for the Lord of bops hash vi- filed hieflocke the hoof¢ of Judah, and loath made them at No goodly harfe in the batten, &c. And they foal be at mighty men, which tread down (their enemies )ism the mire of the peers in the band!, and they fhall fight, beeaufe the Lord is with them, &e. verlè 5. And if wee