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../%/1,/ilu,r t,kikt SoNo. Chap:I; we reach it, my eernp my of horfi, it accoricth with Z.ach. to.3o, where the Lord Iikeneth them to his gold() h0,10 ; and of they Hcbrcwes, Sui.,Iarchi r coatpnreth it with the hillory in Exod. L4,where God by his power ( as with horfes) gave ICrael the iftnry over Pharaohs hones and chariots; as the Prophet (!peaking of that ) kàitli Unto God, T hots didfi mike through the fèa with thine hor- J, s, through the deepe of great .seaters , Ha bak.3s 15 i See alto lkevel.19. t 1 t 4, :where in the warre a- gain![ Antichrill, Chrift (tkeYerdof Gad) fitteth on a white hot(,and the armies inbeavin(his Church, whole col ver(ation is heavenly) fo/lowedhim upon whiteha, fs. Verb i o. Thy cheeks are comely] or, nee defareable, grecionu,ée.outifull TheCirecke trantlateth , .Hew beautiful( are thy cheeks Thefe words are conti- nued unto the Bride or Church, from Chrilt, (hewing how (he is decked with his ordinances and graces ; as his cheeks are afterwards likened to a bed.of fpices, Song. 5.13.. But whether thee be dill compared hereby to a;company of bar fes, as in veri9. or to a woman (as the was a lhepherdeffe inv.8,)isdoubtfull, for.both Multitudesdoe a- 'grce to the things hereapoken of. -The word h, ekes is tiled Contain-le for the cheeks or:jawes of beadts,and of horfes, whole bridles are often adorned with rosee,, elpecially in Kings Chari- ots : as in Ehy 3o. 28. there fhall he a/rzd /c in the Ja owl( or eheekes) of the people.Allo the next words, thy neo/e with chaises, may have like reference: for the kings of Midian when they went to war,had ( chains about their camels neckes, Iudg.8. t6. Taking it thus, the Church compared to the Lords enn- i pang of horfes,is làid to have her cheekes comely , with roves of jewels, or ornaments upon her bridle wherewith the Lord menageth and guidetither, as his goodly horfè in the baste//, Or, re- taining the ltmilitude cf a woman,ic is meant of eat-rings and jewels which hang down & adorne the face and cheeks; as it is written, Id ekes!thee =sib ornaments, and I put bracelets upon thine hands,and a chaise on thy necke ; and I put a jewel' on thy forehead, and ear-rings in thine Bares, and a beautiful! crown, upon !thine head; thus waft thou decked with gold andfzlver: ' Eack.16.11,12,1 ;, The fpirituall lignitication, according toeither limilitude, is one and the làur_i as after (hall be (hewed. roues] in Hebr Tarim : which being of the lìngalar Tor, lign ibeth a difpofitiov,row,or orderly rourf ofthings: and hall affinity tvith Torah, which hath the tame of the Law, in Hebrew : and the one is put as an explanation of the other; as David laid, le this the Law of man, .0 Lord God, z Samuel 7.1 9. which another Prophet relateth thus, thou haft re- garded me, according to the order (difpofition or elute) of amanof high degree ,0 Lord God , t Citron. t7. 17. And indeed the Law of God, is his ordinance, or orderly difpoftion of his precepts, the rules and canons of our life.The fame word Tor, is al- lo tiled for a Turtle -dove, and Torirr are Turtles, as in the late of facrifices,Lev.1 2. which Come thee- fore take here to bee jewels, or ornaments that liad the figures of Turtle doves, And Co the Greek verlìon;here tranllateth, How thy; cheekéigasof a turtle -dove ! BLit in the vcrlè follow- ittgj:(sFhere the lame word is agaite tiled ) the Greeks crauflatetb, K e will make f r thee, fzmilhadee of gold. chains] in Heb.Cbarntim, a word not ncit touhdthut in this one place;tranflated in Gr. , colkars orchainr ,and is interpreted by the Hebrew Doítors,ehaines or jetvels hanged oha thing like amines to putt about the neck. There cares and ehaineo,hgnitie the Lawes and ordinances ofGod, wheteinith be adornetit the face and neck of his Church,that in her profeliion,prabtice, & obedi- ence fhe may be comely and gracious in the light of and hispédplet:& being guided by them, may vangnilh her enemies. Thus Solomon chi- where fait h : there iegold and a multitude of rubies but thelips.of knowledge, are a precious jewel, Prov. a o. t 5. And againe, Illy fnne,heare the infiru//ion of thy father , and for fakenot the L tw of thy mother for they fball be an ornament of grace unto thine bead, and chaises I about oby.neeke, Proverb. 1. 8,9. They_ nteane allo the gracious effeIss which the Late and doffrirse of God worketIt in his people, of humility, re- verence, and other vertttes : as onfhe contrary, pe ode,and other like vices; ara laid to compafcvill men about at a chain, and violence to cover them et a garment, Plainte 73,6. Likewile holy perfons,c hat teach, initru &, reprove; and filch as receive do- t-Crime and reproofe, Prov. 25.12. andreproofcs themfèlves are pearles,Matt.7. Thus allo the -He- brewe underltood this Scripture,as the GIs aldee paraphrafe here faith: When (tine Ifraelites) went fdrtliinto the reilderneffé, the Lord faidunto Moles, Hew faire is this people, that the words of the Law fbould begizen unto them, tisse they maybe at bridies in their jawes, that trey depart toot out of doe good may : ae on hoe fe goeth not aftde that hash a bridle in lie jar to ! and how faire it their neck, to Beare the yoakeof mypre- cepts; that they may be upon them atayoakeon the .neck, of a bullock, that ploweth in the field, andfiedeth both it fdfë , and the mailer thereof.. Verftr. Wetrill make for thee] A prom ifeof II increafe of graces to the Church: by W, isun- derslood the mylterie of the Trinicy,as in Gene- Gs 1.26. Let us make man. So in Rev.'.4,l.Grace and peace is wilhed front tlr_ Father, Sonne, and Holy Gholt: and in 1 Corinth.' 24,5,,6, the di -. verfzties of gifts are noted to be of the Spirit ; the dizerfities of miuiflerier(whereby thole gifts are ad- ntiniftred to be of the Lard (Chrili;) and the di- verfìttes of operation'. (etkc /ed by the gifts and mi- nilteries,) to be of God (the Father.) TheHe- brewes allo (as SoL larcbi here, interpret it, I and my judgement hall: by which phrale the Trinity I of old was implied,t hough now the faithlellè de -' ' ny the Rate: for, a judgement hall inlfrael con - fined of three at the least: which in their! doCe manner of 1peech they applyed unto! GO D: but their polterity underltood it not.' Chrift here teacheth his Church , that every grace and good gift is from GOD , as allo the increafe thereof, Iames t.t7. Ephef. 3. t6. that the 1piri tirall ornaments are of his making , who worketh in us both to mill (B) and IIMINI1101W/WASM11111.0-.'