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SONG. Chap.l. and todoe, of bit good pleafitre, Phil. 2.13. Alto that to him that bath íhall be given, and he shall have more abundance,Mat. 13.1 z. As in our bòdies wee come naked intothisworld,withoirt clothes or ornaments , fo it the eflatc of our foules by nature, eked and bare, Ezek. 16.4. 7. till Chrill of his grace, by his Spirit , clothech and ador- neth us, Revelation 3.1 S. rowes of gold] he fpake before of rower limply , now he addeth of gold; either to lignifie more excellent ordinan- ces andgraces under the Gofpel, then under the Law, (as hee promifech, For gaffe I will bringga /d, and foryron, I trill bring felzer, dyc, Efay 60. i y.) that fhould proceed Irons faith and love, Sc not from feare, as when the was under the bridle of the Law ; (for wee fhould not be like horf and mule, whole jaw mull be bound with bit and bridle, Pfalme 3 2.9. & yeeld obedience by conftraint :) or , it meaneth a new fnpply of graces, fo that we are changed into the image of Gsod, fremglori to glory , even arby the fpirit of the Lord, 2 Corinth. 3. t8. Thefe promifes may refpe& both the rules, ordinances , gifts and graces beftowed.on his people, Proverbes 20. 15. and the perlons themfelves that are furnifhed with thofe gra- ces ; as the precious fnner of Zion, are laid to be com- parable to fine gold, Lament.4.1.. luck., of fl- yer] in Grecke, marks of filar : which word marks (Stigmata) Paul ulcth in Galatians 6. 1 y. fpeaking of the marker of she Lord Iefrrr,byruffring for Isis Gofpel. Here it meaneth variety of gra- ces, in the communion of the Saints, for their mutuall helpe, comfort, and delight; as is ope- ned in Proverb. 25. 11.12. A wardfitly fpoken, it like Apples of gold, witb piastres offilver. Al an tare - ring of gold , and an ornament of fine gold: fo it a wife reprover upon an obedient care. Where we are taught, that both infruaions and reproofes, are the ornaments of the Saints; when they are pru- dently uttered, and obediently received. Nei- ther of which can bee, without the fpeciall grace of God, who both máketh thefeorna- ments for us, and maketh us tit to receive and put then on ; for, T be hearing care, and the firing rye, the Lord bath made even both of` them, Proverb. 20.12. The Chaldee paraphraft expoundeth this venê, of the Law Which God gave unto Ifraei on the two tables , by the hand of Mofes. But though the ordinances of the Law, were likened to gold and flver , wherewith the Church then was decked, as God telleth them in Ezekiel 16. 13. and the law of his mouth was better to his people, awl rharrfandsof gold and frlver, Pfalme 119.72. yet the do&rine of faith, and ordinan- ces of the Gofpell with the graces accompa- nying them (bere promiled) are much more excellent and glorious , 2 Corinthians 3. 12 V.12. While the King] Here the Church fpea- keth of the fruits and effe&s of Chrifts former graces ; how in her and from her fo adorned by her beloved, the odour of the fpirit of God in her, flowed forth and Ipread abroad to the delight of her Idle and others. By the King is meant Chrill as in verfe 4. by his round table-, (which -the Gr. tranflateth sirfitting dowse, which was wont to be in a round, or as in a ring, t Sam.16, t t .) may be underftood the fpirittrall . banquet of Chrill with Isis Church, feeding her with his word and graces : as the table of the Lord, in Malac i.t z. and t Corinth.[ o. z t. lignifie the communion between him arad his people,as Both alto the lipping one with another ; Revelar. 3. 20. The Spikenard is oree of the pleafant fruits in thegardenof the Church, Song. 4, i 3.14. but here it feemeth to be the oyle or ointment made of Spikenard, which is very preciorec , which they tried topoure out, and anoint nse,s with feechas Mary anointed our Lord Iefus with as hoe fate at table with his friend s,and the borrfe warPiped with the finell (or odour) of t i ointment, Iohn 12..1, 2,3. Spiritually it fignifieth the tweet finellipg fruits of repentance, faith,love,prayer, thankelgiving, &c.which the Church fheweth forth by the com- munion of Chrill with her; and in fpeciall ofì mortification, and communion with Chriftsf death, buriall,and refìirre&ion, Romanes 6,3,4,i 5. &c. as that which Mary did tinto Chrill, was to anoint his body to the burying, Marke 54.& lohn 12.7. Vert. 13. Abundle] or, Abagge of myrr3: by myrrh is meant the fweetgumme that iffueth from the myrrh tree,which is gathered and bound up in bagges : it was the firft of the chiefe fpices, whereof the holy anointing oyle in the Sanau- ary was made, Exod.3 o 23. and that holy oynt -- ment figured the graces of the Spirir,poured out upon Chrift, and by him upon his Church, Efay 61.1.P fal Iohrr 2.20. See the annotati- ons on Exodus 30,26. With myrrh and aloes,the dead body of our Lord Iefus was imbalmed , Íohn 19.39. and with it the wife men honoured him at his birth,Mat.2. Hereby the Church pro- f ffeth her fpirituall comfort which fhee hadín Chrill,taking our humanity,filled with the Spi- rit of God without meafure, dying for her fins, and riling againe for her juftification:the feeling whereof is as a fweet odour tinto the beleeving heart.A bundle or bagge,is for to keepe fafe,things that are of worth ; as, The fo le of my Lordfbalibe bow:din the bundle of l f with lebovab thy God, i Sans. 25.29. So by this bagge of myrrh, fhee fignifieth her care to enjoy and poneffe the benefits of Chrift and of his death, to the remifliion of her finnes, which for his fake are all call into the ekprimofehe fed, Mic.7.19. which otherwife with- out himfbould be foaled up in a bagge,and referved againft her for punifhment, Iob 1 4.1 y. my welbeloved]that is Chrift; whomfhe thus calleth, not hecaufe the loved him , but he loved her, and gave himfelfe to bee the propitiation for her fins : whereupon the againe loved' him, besaufe bee loved her firlt, I Iohn 4. 10.1 9. So the glo- rieth not in her owne righteoufneffe, but in that which her Beloved is unto her : who of God is made unto her , wifedome and righteoufne fe, and fanl7ifrcation, and redemption, t Corinthians 1. 30. welbeloved , in Hebrew Dod , is written with 13