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! S o zv G. Chap. 1. 15 of gifts and graces, and endued with wifedome from on high, is tritely faire & beautifull in the eyes of Chritt: and when the obeyeth the voice of 'sod, and forgetteth and forlaketh her owne naturali corruptions , hee taketh delight in her beauty, as it is laid, Heark,n 0 daughter , and confi- der, and encline thine care : forget al fa thine owne people, and thy fathers boufe e f fhsll the Kinggreatly defzre thy beauty, &e. Pt:A.45.10, II. Thus is the pro- phetic fulfilled with the joy, óf oho Bridegroame over the Brid , thy God will rejoyce over tbee,Efay 62.5. devei] fo in Chap, 4. I. These doves eyes where- with the SpouCe is beautified, doe let forth the fìmplicity,imcerity, humility, meeknetfe, but e- fpecially the fpirituall chastity of the Church; whole eyes are unto Chrift alone , looking unto him for life and falvation, Matt. t o.16. Pfa Ime 123. Philip.3.7, - -10. Efay 17.7, 8, Ezekiel' 8. 6. and 20.7. observing his wayes, Prov. 23. a6. not beholding evil(, nor looking on iniquity, Habak. t.13. Contrary to which are the lofty eyes, Prov.3 o.; 3 eyes after idols,Ezekiel 20.24. eyes full of adultery, 2 Pet.2.t 4. eyes beholding ltrange women, Prov.23.3.3, and the like. Verf,i6. Thou artfaire the Spouse returneth the prayfeof beauty unto herbeloved : who is mncb fairer then the formes of Adam, Pfainte 45. 2,3. fromwhom all her 'f, ireneffe is derived , fo that the praife thereof belongeth not to her but un- to him, Pfal. 115. e . as the Apostle faith, Ilive ; yet not I, but Chrifilivethinmeee and the life which I mw live in thefiefs, Ilive by the faith of theSon ofGod, who lovedme, andgave himfelfe for me , Galat. a. 2o. Howbeit,though Chritt be molt faire,and beauty it belle,; yet such was his bafeneffe and fttfferings in the Heft, at hit visage was marred Mort then any man, and hie forme , more then the fannesof men, Efay 52.14. and 53.2,3. and buch he often appeareth unto the world, to be in theChurch, partaker of his afli&ions.But the eye of faith,beholdesh bis fpirituall beauty, through all tribulations, and gloriette therein, Rom. 8.35.-:39. i Pet. 1.5, 6. and 4. 12, 13, 14. and when the mysteries of theGolpel are opened, and the ordinances of Chrilì faithfully taught & pra&ilèd ; then doch the Spouse behold the King in his beauty, Efay 3;. 17. Andof foiefulntji wee have all received, and grace for grace, Iohn 1.16. yea pleasant] Or also pleasant, amiable , deligbtfull beautzfull. This is an addition unto the beauty of Chrdit, in refpe& of his plealànt and gracious adminiltration of his covenant c dobrines, reproofes , &c. For the Lords ffafe called Beauty or Plepfantnef, fignifieth his Covenant made with the people, Zach.11.10. and David desired to remain in the Lords house all the dayes of his life, that hee might /. halt/tbe pleafantnef r (or beauty) of the Lord, Praline 27.4. and Moles defireth that the pleafantnef of the Lord might bee upon them, in the performance' of his covenant and Promises , Plalme 90. 17. And Solomon fheweth that pleafantnef (hall bee unto them that 'rebuke the wicked, Pro - verbes 24. 24, 25. All which, and the like, have their accomplifhmenc in Chritt, teach- (B2) ing with the fame letters that David; whore name alío fignitìed Belayed: he was 4-figure of Chritt, and iii; father aftertheflefh, Romanes 1.3. and. Chritt is often called David ,as in Ier.3o.9. Ezek. 34.23. and 37 24. HoC3.5. unto me] A Meech of faith, applying the prorniCes & graces of Chrift unto herown foule ; as the Apostle al(ò reacheth by his owne cxample,Gal.2.19.z0. he !ball lye a0 night] or, he pall lodge, shall abide. The night ufnally fignitieth the time of darkeneffe and afi &ion : wherfore the meaneth that Chrift with his conlolations, should be her continual( joy and comfort whom the would hold fat by faith, against all tentations and troubles of this present life; and solace her felfe in him. be- , maim my breasts ] dwelling in my heart by faith, Ephef 3a 7. The hrefls fignifie alCo theminillery of theChurch , feeding the Saints with the fin - cere milke of the word , that they may grow thereby,' Pet.z.a.whereupon the Prophet faith, Rejoice yet veith Ierufalem, ehe, thatyee may fuoke and be fa tisfted with the breaffs of her emfolatiars , that yet may milke out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory, Efay 66.10 t 1. 14 Verf, 14. A duffer of Cypres] or, of Campbire; which is a fweet gumme; but Cypres is a_tree whoCefruit groweth in clulters,and is alto tweet. The Hebrew name Gopher, (front which Caphura or Camphire, as a lfo the Cypres tree feemeth to be derived) ufitally fignifieth Atonement, Propitiation, or Redemption i according to which interpreta- tion the holy Ghoff here may have reference to theworke and fruit of Christs cleat h,whereby he became a duffer of redemption unto his Church,be- iugapropitiation for the hones of the whole world, t Iohn 2,2. the fweetneffe whereof is relembled Bye elußer(which is of many berries compa& to- gether) of the fweet Cypres: for that his blood deanftb no from ail fttne, s lohn 5.7. and is accom- panied with all other graces. Eagedi] the name of a place in the land of Canaan, which fell to the tribe of Iudah : and being necre the lea, and watered with fprhtgs , was a fruit - hill Toile, for gardens and vineyards,lof. '5.62. Ezek.47. 10. It was called allo HatagnnTamar, z Chron. 20.2. where the enemies comming a- gainft Iehofaphar,hee prayed unro God,and was delivered. Which viftory may alto be refpe&ed here as a figure of the vi &ories which the Church obtaineth by faith in Chrift. 15 ; Verf,t 5. then art fzi,e] Chrift here Cpeaketh to his Church, commending her beauty, which (he hath by his làn&ilication and cleanhng, with the wslbing of the water by the word, Ephcf.5 26.27. as alto by her conflitution, and order, as mount Zion was beautiful(fir ftnation, Psalm. 48. 2. Of Tyrus (a city of merchandise) it is laid, Thy builders have perfelled thy beauty, Ezek. 27. 4. and of her Ancients , wifemeá, mariners, merchants , men of warre, ei`e it isliktewlie laid, they havemade thy team y perfeli, Ezekiel 27. 9, t 0,11. and in Ezek. 28. 7.,hee mentioneth the beauty of wifedome. So the city and Church of God, being builded by the do&rine of the Golpel, furnithed with men 16- 111 twaan111u11i.%`