1 o N G. Chapa I. ins, aümonìfhisg,reproving,comforting his pee- Cedars] trees Ilrong, tall, and durable, the' pie, with words of grace .wholè pleafau: words are timber whereof is of fweet find', and it rotteth not. To itch C.dar: the Saints of God are com- pared, Pfàl.92. t 3 . and t be Tabernacle of Ifrael, are by Balaam likened unto fuch , for goodlineffe, Numbers 24. 5, 6. This wood was Mid inSolo- mons Temple, 1 King.6.9. 36. and 7.12. and hee made it common in Israel , hee made Cedars like the Sycamore tree: rrbich are in the vale , for abundance, . I King. lo. 27. prefiguring the graces which fhould abound under Chrift. galleries] walking places , named of running , becaufe they ramie along by the houle fides. Elfewhere the word is tiled for gutters wherein waters runne, GeueGs 30.38.41. Exodus z. 16. which mayAlb have ufe here, to lignifie the pipes and conduits of Gods graces,through which the waters of his Spirit are conveyed into their hearts,But becaufe the fpake of houfes,this may rather be underffood of galleries, fignifying the means of converfing with Chrift, in the communion of his graces. See the notes on Song.7.5. Brutine trees] or, Boratine trees. The Hebrew Brorhim is found only in this place , and feemeth to bee that which in Latine is called Brute,whichis a tree like Cypres, and of a pleafant finel! like Cedar,as Pliny Tew- eth, in Nat. hí.1.1 2, c.17. Hereupon the Greeke tranflateth it Cypref- trees: but Aquila, anex- aNGreeks tranflator,turneth it Baratine, as being of thetree named in Greeke Boratan, which bath alto affinity with the Hebrew name, and is a tree growing in Arabia : Diadar, Sicul. biblioth. lib.z. ThefeCedar and Bottine trees, may be applied both to the perlons of men,as is forefhewed, and to,thedoítrines wherewith the Church is buil- ded upon the foundation Chrift, r Corinth.3.9 50,11,12. all which let forth by thefe Gmili- tudes, areftrong and firme , and of fweet odour unto the comfort of the Saints, and glory of Chrifb. So the holy perlons and graces where- with the Church Could be adorned , are by the Prophets likened to goodly trees,in Efay 41.19. and 55.13. and 60.13. The Chaldee paraphra- feth on this verte thus : Solomon the Prophetfairs, How faire is the boule of the Saniluay of the Lord, which is buildedby mine bands, ofCedar wood : but fairer fhall be the boufe tif the Saniluary which (hall be budded in the Bayes of the King Cbrif, the beames whereof (ball be of the Cedars, ef the garden of Eden (or of Paradife) and the galleries thereof fhall be of Brutirc trees, &c. as an oney combe, prat to the foule, and health te the I ones ,Prov.r6.24. our bed] or, our bed fled. Beds were ulèd either to redand Ileepe upon , as Plat. 132. 3.4. or to fit upon when they did Bate and banquet, as we doe at tables, Efth. 1.5 6. A- mos 0.4. Ezek.23 41. And figuratively the place of offring facri fi ces,is called a bed,E (ay. 5 7.7. greme] or flourifbing and frnitfull : for it is not meant fo much.of colour,as of florifhing growth and increafe.This word applied unto men, rues- nedì profperous and flourifhing &fate, as Nabu- chadnezarDid, I was atrefiinmyhoufe, andgreene (orflouring)in my palace, Dan.4.4. And David likeneth himfelfe to agreene (or fauriif ing) olive ! tree, in the houle of God, Plat. 52.10. where the Gr. tranflateth it , a fruitfull olive. Hereby then the Church fignifieth, that by her communion with Chrid ( whether by the fimilitude of bed or I board) the became flourithing and fruitful!: as it is faid,of them that are planted in the Lords houle; Theyfhalfill bring forth fruit inboary.age,they i Pall be fat and greene,Pfalm.92.13,14. And this is the nature of the eJofpel,where it is received by I faith, that it bringeth Alb fruit , and tnaketh men fruiefullle every goodmorne and increaf:ng in the know - ( ledge of Gad,Colof.1.6.10. It may here allo ligni- fie the increafe of the children of the Church, which are begotten by the immortall feed of the word,through the power of Chrift,giving a bid: ring to the miniftery of the fame : The Chaldee Paraphrafl expoundeth this fpeech thus: The con - , gregation of Ifrael anfwered before the Lordofehe world ; how faire it the Álajeflie of'ehy boline e; in the time that thou dwellefl among us, and in favourable aecep- tatienreceivefi our prayers: and in the time that thou dwelleft Mom belévedbed, and oar children are multiply- ed on the earth ; and we doe grow and multiply like a tree that isplanted by a king of waters , rebofe! cafe is faire, and whole fruit ie abundant . 17 Verf17. The beatuco] or, the raftere: it meaneth the timber whereof beames or rafters are made, which are called by this name, when they are cut downe in the wood, as in 2 King. 6. 2.5 . heifer] or, edifices; fo named of building./ Such figured the Churches ofChrifl, as in 1 Ti- mothy 3. 15. the houle of God, is expounded the Church of the living God : and the faithful! He- brewes were the bereft of Chrif , Hebrewes 3.6. CHAP.