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/////f/11111.9 .1 1 SONG. Chap. 11. I CHAPTER II. am the role of Sharon ; the lilie, of the val lies. 2 As the lilie , among the thornes; fo is my love,among the daughters. As the apple -tree, among the trees 3 of the wood ; fo is my beloved, among the fonnes : in his fliadow, I defired and fate -downe ; and his fruit, was 4 fweet to my palate. Hee brought met, in the houie of wine , and his banner overme,maclove. Stay mee, with fla- gons : flrow mea bed, withapples : for 6 I, am ficke of love. His left hand, under minehead ; and his right hand, imbrace 7 met. I adjure you, O daughters of Ie- rufalem, by the Roes; or by the Hindes of the field : if yee (litre , and if yee fliire.up the Love, untill it please. ß The voice of my beloved ! behold he commeth : leaping upon the man - 9 taises ; skipping, upon the hills. My Beloved hi like a Roe, or a fawns of the Hindes : behold hee ii flanding behind our wall,looking- forrh,thórow the win - dowes , flourishing thorow the latteffes. Io My beloved answered, and faid unto me : Rife-up thou,my love my faire one, It and come thou away. For loe,the winter is pall : the raine is over,it is gone away. 12 The flowers, appeare on the earth, the time of the Enging (of birds) is come : and the voice of the Turtle, is heard in 13 our land. The fig -tree, putreth -forth her greene figs ; and the Vines with the tender grape , give a finell : Rife up thou my Love my faire one, and come 14 thou away. My dove , that art inthe clefts of the Rocke, in the fecret-place of the flaires; let me fee thy coue- tenance, let met heare thy voice : for thy voice is fweeu, and thy counte- rs nanee is comely. Take ye for us, the I foxes, the little foxes, that corruptthe vineyards: forour vineyards, have ten- der-grapes.. 16 My beloved is mine, and I am his ; bee 57 feedeth among the Lilies. Vntill the day dawn, and the fhadowes flee -away : turne - about, and be thou like, O my be- loved, to a Roe ; or, to a fawn of the Hindes, upon the mountaines of Be- thcr. C H A P T E R n. I, am the rofe that lath in Sharongrow ; The lilie alfo of the va/leyes-low. Like -as the lilie is, the thorns among ; So ismy Love among the daughters young. LA's th'apple-tree, amongtreesof the grove, So is among the fonnes,ke whom I love : I in his fhadi defired and downfate ; Andfweet his fruit was unto my palate. Into the houfeof wine,he bath one led ; And over me, love was his banner hired. Stay me, withflagons ; hirow me a bed to lye, With apples : for even fiche of love am I. His left hand, underneath mine head(have place) His right hand alfo, me about. imbrace, 0 daughters of lerufalem, you by The Roes, or by Hindes of the field, doe I Adjure : if that yeffirring- doe- difeafe, And if the Love yeflirre -up rig it pleafr. My Loveds voice ! beholdhe cames : he leapes Vpon the mounts ; upon the hills he skips. My Lev'd is likea Roe, or fawn of th'Hinde Behold he flooding is our wallbehind ; Thorow the windoweslooking -forth he viewer Thermo the latteffeflourishing : he themes. My Loved /Bake, and unto me did fay : My Love my faire one, rife and come thy way. For winter, foe, is pall : over ú the raine, Its gone. Theflowers, on earth appeare againe ; Come is the time of the (birds) hinging- noife: And in our land heard is the Turtles voice. The fig -tree, with hergreen figs forth dot li ffiront; And vines with tender grapes a finellgive out ; My Lave my faire one, rife and come thy relay. My dove, that in clefts of the rocke cloth flay ; Within theflayérs hiding place feeret ; Sight of thy countenance o let me get : Let me thy voice heart : for thy voice frveet u, . tslfo thy countenance bath comelineffe. The foxes, tittle foxes for us take, That inthe vineyards waflfullfboile doe make : Becaufe the tender-grape is on our vine. He that my welbelovedis, n mine, And I am hti ; 'meng lilies bee feedeth, Yntillthe day with dawning light breaketh, And tillthe fhadowes fleeing hence be gone ; Turne thee about, o my beloved one, And be thou like the young Hart, or the Roe, That dash uponthe mounts of Bether got. (B 3) Annotations. 1111110imirmassm iIII ...v-- I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 13 t4 IS 16 17 I