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SONG Cllap. II. vinnotatións. ] This is thought of fome to be the fpeech of J Chrift: of others to be tpoken by the Church : which feemeth nioft probable, and is fo expoun- ded by the Chaldee Paraphraft.If we underftand it of Chrift, it fignifieth the excellency of graces in himfelfe, which hee readily communicateth with his people: if of the Church,it theweth her graces received from Chrift,whereby the is love- ly and delightful! , for fweet odour and beauty, Hof. r 4 7. the rofc ofSharon] in Greeke, theflower f the field : but Sharon is the name of a place or plaine, which was very fruitftdl , wherein King Davids herds of cattell were fed,: Chron.27.29. and the Prophet mentioneth the excellency of Car- mel and Sbaron,Efay 3 5.2.and when he t'hreatneth defolation,he faith, Sharon it like a wildernefe,Efay 33 9.but promifing mercy to his people,he faith Sharon fhall be a fold of poles, Efay 65.ío. The Rote is the ()scene of flowers, mofe commendable for lweetnelfe and beauty: fo the'Lilie(afcer mentio- ned) is glorious and amiable,even Solomon in allhis glory , was not arayed like one of tbefi, Match. 6.29. The Lily ie next in nobility to the Rafe, faith Pl iny,bifi. 1.21. c.5. of the vestiges] or, of the low (or deep) places. Thefe alto were froitfull places, where the Kings herds were fed, 1 Chron.27.29. And as roles and lilies growing in Sharon and thefe val - lies, had more moifture then chofe that grew on hills and mountaines : fo hereby it fignieied the bleffed eRate of the Church in Chrift, by whore grace it is in-low and bale eRate made fweet and amiable like the rote and lilie ; as the Prophet faith, The wilderneffe and the dry-place fhall be gladfor them : and the detail (hall rejoyce and blot ime as the R1, Efay 35.5. And the Lord faith , I will be at the dew unto Ifrael , bee f .,all bloffime st th. Lille, and firilegg forth his roots as Lebanon ,Hof. t 4.5. But as here is mentioned the plaineof Sharon, and the vallies, which were open places where cattell fed , and not inclored gardens :12 by it may bee fignified; how the Church is expofed to perfcution, to be plucked of all that paffe by the way, and :rodeo downc and eaten of brans. And this the words following doe more confirute. The Chaldee ope - neth thefe words thus: The congregation of Ifrael Paid, When the ruler of she worldcaufetb bis Divine ma- jelly to dwell in the midff of mee , I am like to a moil! ( a- greene ) lilie out of 'the garden of Eden ; and my works are faire as the Refe whieb is in the plaine of the garden f Eden. 2 Verf..2. among the thomes ] Thefe are the words of Chrift concerning his Love the Church, where he confirmeth and amplifieth the former fpeech; preferring her above other peoples,as the lilie is above thornes and Chillies : and withal! fignify- ing how fhe'is of lieted and pricked with them,as with thornes. This fimilitude the Scripture of- ten ufcth ; as, If iee will not drive out the Inhabitants. &c. thof wbirbyeletremaineof them, fhall be pricks in your eyes, and thornes inyour fides , and fhall vexeyou in the land whereinyee dwell , Numbers 33. 5 5. And againe , There fhall be no more a )nicking briar unto the hotefeof Ifrael, nor any grieving :borne , of all that are round about them, that defßifed them ', _Park. 28. 24. This fimilitude theweth alto what the Church ought to be , harmlette as Lilies amongthornes; innocent as fheepe, among wolves ; as doves,. a- mong ravenous birds , Match. r O. 16. The Lily among thornes may al fo in fpeciall bee underftood of that which wee call the Wood -bind ; which groweth and flouritheth in hedges and thornes. mylavej or, my fellow friend; my companion : as in chap.r.9. the daughters ] the congregations of peoples; as the Scriptures ntentien,tbe daugh- ter of Babylon Pfalme t37. the daughter of Tyttu, Pfalme 45. and many the like. V. 3. the apple -tree] TheChurch fetteth forth the excellency of Chrift by the fimilitude of an apple- tree,w the Scripture commendethfor three things,comfortable Ihadow, pleatànt fruit, (both noted in this place) and fweetfinel,Song. 7.8. And as the apple-tree hath more variety of fruits, then any other tree that groweth; (that it is not eaRe to reckon up the many forts of ap- ples-of different talk) fo Chrift excelleth in va- riety of graces wa he beftoweth on his Church. The Chaldee Paraphraft expoundeth this of' the Pomecit.n -tree ; but for the caufe aforefaid , I would not reftraine it to any one kind that the fulneffe ofgraee and truth which was in Chrift, might here be obferved : of whole fdnef all wee bave received, and grace frgraee,Iob.t.14.16, of the wood] or,of theforeff or grove : which are wilde trees, and without culture, bearing either none, or fowre,bitter, & unfavonry fruits. Such is the Rate of all the Ions of men by nature, Rom. 11. 24. whom Chrift fare excelleth in beauty,fruit, and comfort, Pfal.4S.3.Ioh.i5.i. &e. myle- loved] that istCbriff :in Hebrew Dad, the fame in fignification With David: fee the notes on c.1.13. the fins] of Adam,altwhomChrift far excel - leth,Pfal.45 .3. The Chaldce expoundeth it of Angell, which are the fonnes of God, Iohn t. 6. But though it be true that ChrilI excelleth them allo, Heb.1. yet the former fimilitude of the trees ofehewood,Ieadeth us rather to underftand it here of earthly creatures, as the Kings & Potentates, and wife men of the world, called formes in corn - parifon with their peoples, before called daugh- ters,in v.2.So in Rev.1.5. Chrift is the Prince of the Kings of the earth : in Ezek. 31.3.6. the King of Affyria is likened to a Cedar in Lebanon , under whore fhadosedwelt all great nations: in Dan. 4.20. a 1,22.Nebuchadnczar is likened to a tree, (trong and high, under which the heath of the field dwelt, &c. and Iohas King of ludah, under whole fhadow the Iewes hoped to live,Lant.4.2o and others, in his fhadow] that is,in his pro - teetion, and defence. The tree Ihadoweth from the heat of the Sun ; and Chrift from the heat Of the wrath of God, and from the perfecutions of the world : as it is written, There floall be aTaber- naelefir a fliadow in the day timefrom the heat,&c. Ifa. 4.6. and,Tbou(Lord)baff been affrength to the pore, a ffrengtb to the needy in his difireffi ; a refuge from the 3 {