SoNG. Chap. 11. the fforme, afhadöm from the beat ; when the Haft of the terrible ones is at a fiormeagain¡f the wall, Efay 25. 4. So the fbad,w of aE ypt , E(ay 3o. 2. the fhadewof Hefbbon, Ierem.48.45. fgnihe the defence where- in men [rutted ; which the faithfitll report In God and Chritt alone, as in Pfalme 36. 8. S7. 2. and 17.8.63 8. and 9o.t. And they that truth in him (lull be tàfe front evil! , as Jehovah is thy fha- d ry upon thy right band; the Swine fha1l net (mite thee by day, nor the Moen by night ; Jehovah will kept thee from all evil, P(àl. t z t.w,6,7. I deferedand fate] or Ima, deftred that 'might ft .The forme ofthe Hebrew word increafeth the fignification,asno- ting a continual' andferventdeftre, of that which is pleating, delightful!, or profitable : and by fitting is meant abiding and refting, as in Pfalme 91.1 . The Church therefore being by tine under wrath revealed by the Law ; and being maligned by the world, at a lilie among themes; acknowled- gech her faith, hope, love and delight, to bee in Chrill lean, who httb delivered teafromthe wrath to come, r The(L 1.s o. through whom wee have peace with God, Rom.5: t . and peace in him; though in the world we have tribulation, i Lohn 16.33. bie fruit]another benefit which the Church rea- peth by Chrift, that Thee is not onely delivered from evil!, but made partaker of his goodneffe ; in that the workes of his Prophefie, Priefthood and Kingdome, his death, retùrre &ion , andall fruits of them are communicated unto, her by the Gofpel,which the feedeth upon by faith, to the refreshing and life of her foule. Fouies figni- fie graces and good workes, which are to the be- nefit of our felves and others, Mat. 3.8.1o. Gal. 5.22. &c. and is al Co applied to the do &rine of the Gofpel,Iohn 15, 16. and tignifieth a comfor- table reward, Pfal.58.1 2. Prov. 27.18. The He- brewes referre there things to the Law , .which fhould better be applied to the Gape!: for the Chaldee paraphraft here faith, Al the Pome-citron tree is faire and commendable, among the unfreoitftl trees, and all the world knoweth it ; fi the Lord of the world was faire and commendable among the Angels, when bee was revealed uponmount Sinai, at the time that he gave the Law unto his people : at that time '1 deftred to fit in the fhadow of his Divine madly and the words of his Law were Tweet to my palate, and the reward of hispre- cepto is refèrved far me, in the world that is to come. q Verf4. the haute of wine] that is,either the wine cellar, the place where wine is kept ; or rather the banquetting houle, where wine is drunke. For cellars are called the treafuries or flare- boufes of wine, in i Chron.27.27. Wine, betides that ie flaketh thirlt, cheareth alto the heart of man, Pal. 104. t 5. caufeth him to forget his forrow & milery, ' Prov.3 t.6,7. comforteth the ficke, by cherilhing and augmenting the vitali fpirits. By this the Church tignitieth increafe of grace fromChrift, as the fruit of the vine,excelleth the fruit of the ,apple -tree, and is more comfortable unto the heart. And as her troubles and tentations were 1increaf d,fo was his grace towards her,for fpiri- I tball confolations ; fir as the fifirings ofCbrifi a- boundin ur, fa our cenfolation alfo abounded, by Chrif, 19 2 Cor. i.5. This houfe of wine,is like that in Prov. 9.1.-5. where wi fedome having budded her hau fe,ó e. inviteth the (inipic to come and eat of her bread, and drinkeof the wine which fhee hat hmingled. Of the Hebrewes, Larch! expounded' this wine- honk to be the Tabernacle of the ron1regatian, where the interpretation and explanation of the Law is given : anfwerable to which now, is the affembly of the Saints,though it may alto be underftood of Gods booke or Scripture, the true wine - cellar that af- fordeth fpirituall comforts. hisbanner]or,his fiandard,a flag or enfigne fpread abroad;awarlike fgne,as inchap.6.4. i o.the Church is làid to bee terrible as an army with banners. And the banner lifted up, is a ligne of fighting with joy and vi- &ory, as in P1à1. 20.6. !fee will(hourjoyfìdly in thy falvation, and in the name of our God, wee will fit up the banner. So Chrilts banner over her,fignified his de- fence and the vi &ory which bee giveth over all her enemies, Sin, Satan, and the world : al fo the figne,that as all fouldiers doe campe under their owne ftandards, Numbers a. 2. fo (he under the Gofpel, the enfigne of Chrilts love towards her. /eye] that wherewith Chrift bath loved us,t Iohn 4.2o. wherefore Ionic reade it thus hit ffandard was love toward me. By love, the Church is redee- med, Ephef.5.2 5. by it rzerlafl ing con !Illation is gi- ven us , and good hope through grace, zTheffa.16. And hope mah th not afhamed, becaufe the love of Godis fhed abro tel in our hearts, by the holy Ghoff which isgiven cotta te, Rom.5.5 VerC5. Stay] or, Supine, Strengthen, V holdyee me. The Church in her foule lickne(fe(peaketh to herfriends, ( the Minihers of Chrill, & other Chriltians) that they,with the comfortable do- &rines and promifes of the Gofpel applied tinto her confcience, would flay and up/sae/her ready to fall as into a fwowne, through trouble of mind, becaufe of her owne infirmities,and want of fee- ling of Chri(ts grace,and bledìng.Thus in figure, when Ifaak had bleffed lakob, he faith, sritúcarne and wine I havefuffained him,Gen.a7 37. Spiritual- ly we are (Whined and ftrengthned by thewords' & promifes of Chrift, which comfort the heart, quicken the fpirit , and ltrengthen faith when it is weake; as it is Paid, Bee ye alto patient, fIablifh,(or ffrengthen) your hearts ; for the ramming of the Lord drawethnigh, Iam.5.8. and, I1eng to feeJeuti that I may impart untoyou fame fßirituallgift , to the end you may be effabliifhed, Rom. 1. t 1. An example may be feene in Iudah, when Ezekias fpake: unto their heart , 'and laid , Bee fronnr and couragious, &c. for there be moe with ur then with him: with bim is an arme rrf ffefb, hat with us is lehaváh our God to helpe us, and to fight our hands. And'the people fl ayed (or refied ) themfelves upon the words of Ezekiat King of ludab, a Chron.3 2.6i7,8. Likewiiè in the Apoftle3,who preaching the Gofpel, confirmed (or ftabli(hed) the foules of the Difciples, A&. 14.2ís2.. & 18. 23. with flagons] to wit, of wine,which at ban- quets was wont to bee difiributed by flagons. When David had brought the Arke of God into his place, & had offred burnt- offrings and peace - offrings, and bleffed the people , bee dealt to every one 1 5 rAMMI 11 1!II IIlI