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IZO SONG. Chap. II. one of ¡fine!, both mati and woman , to every one a loafe of bread, and a good pace of fefh, and flagon, i Chron. 16.1,2,3. meaning a flagon (or pot) of wine ; as fìa- gom of grapes(that is, of wine made of grapes)are mentioned in Hof. 3. t. So here, with flagons of the wine of grace and confolation,which Gods people have diftribnted among them in the fpiri- snail banquet of the Gofpel,, doth the Church, defire to bee fuflained. Flagons are named for the wine in them: as the cup for the wine therin,Luk. 22.zo.The ffebrewes after their wonted manner, apply this to the doftriae of the Law ; as the Chaldee paraphraft here faith,Receiveye (ô Mofes and Aaron) the yoke of the words of the Lord, out of the midff of the fire , and bring me ,into the houfi of do- Iirine,a od fttffaine me with the words of the Law,where- with the world is delighted. But it is the Law which confetti the fsckneffe of the foule , as the Apolfle fheweth in Rom. 7. and the Gofpel of Christ healeth it,Luk.4,' 8. firm me a bed]or; /read me, make_ me a conch,boul er me up The original Ra- phad, fignifieth properly to fpread abroad asa bed to lie on,Iob 17.13. and fo it is tranllated by the Greeke Stoib fare, which is,to ftr-ow a bed, as they were wont with herbes; or to ftutte & boul- fter up. Thus it is of liké meaning with the for.. mer word,for they used beds and coaches atban- quets,Antos 6.4. Efth.1.5, 6. or it tùrtherfigni- fieth her falling downe as into a fwowne; and as one not able to fland,is to lie down on her couch which the defireth may bee made and boulftred with the apples, the comfortable doftrines & fruits of Chrilt forementioned in verfe 3. which the Chaldee explaineth, the interpretation of the holy words, which are fwcet áke the apples of the garden of Eden. lick of love] in languilhingwith defire to enjoy the comforts of my beloved.TheGreek tranllateth it, wounded of lose. The originall word fignifieth altoweakeneffe, as in bug, 16.7.'i. This fpeech intplietth a want of feeling and en- joying the pretence and comforts of Chrift, as by her after fpeech is manifeft, when the faith, I adjure).u, O daughters of Icrufal m , áf yee find my be- loved, thatye tell him that l amfcl(e f lave, Song. 5.8. And that filch is the Churches eltate fometimes,, appeareth by Song.3.1, a. &c. and f, 6. And as love is one of the ftrongelf affeltions, Song. 8. 6,7.10 the ficknes whichcomme:h of it,doth fore aftliEt and weaken the perfon as may be feene in that evilLexample ofAmnon,tìck of love for his filler Tamar, 2 Sam.s3.1,2.4. This ficknetfeari- feth in the heart, by feeling the wrath of God due to us for finn°,and curse of his laìv,Pfal. 9o. 8. and Dan. 9.' 1. Rom.7. 24. (where - upon it is fold, T be inhabitant shall not fay I amficke; the people that dwell tberein,lhaU be forgiven their inqui- ry, Ea), 33 .24.) and afllittions laid upon usfor our humiliation,Mic,6.13. lob 7 18. and 30.15. 1. & 10.6. Lament.3.17.18. Antos 6.6. in which Chrift fometlmes,as it were,hideth himfelf from us, Iob 13.24. Pfa1.77.6,7,8. and The Church feeling and acknowledging her felfe frek, locking for the Phylcian, and is in the way to health: for they that are whole need nota Phyfician, but they that are ficke, Mat, 9, 12. And inch as fade not their death in fin, will not come untoChrift, that they may have life, Iohn 5.40. who healeth all our fickneffes, Pfal. 103. 3. as he himfelfewas a man of f rrowes, and acquaintedwith fuk f Efay 533. Vert 6. Hit left hand ] underhand is under my head: or prayerwife, let it be under mine -bead The Church by faith beholdeth the helpe of Chrilt himfelfe, in the miniftery of his Word & Spirit fuftaining her, outwardly and inwardlyy,as with the left and right hand; upholding her h ad,fol. ding about and comforting her heart,as à loving husband doth his wife in her forrow & lickneffe, as.theApoftle faith,the Lord doth nottrifh and eke- rip his Church, Ephef. 5. 29. The like fpeech is repeated inSong.8.3, under my head] asapit- low to reft upon. By finnes and affliltions , the whole head it ftcke,and the whole heart faint , Efay 1.5, By the righteoufneffe of Chrift, & confolations of his Spirit,òur fins are forgiven, and our con- sciences comforted,' Iohn 2.12. and 3.24.Rom. 14.17. This grace is felt, when by the miniftra- tion of theWord the fiagom and apples foremen- Honed (in verf.5.5 areapplyed to the repentant beleeving finner : who fàith , when his flefh and his heart is confumed and failetb;The Rorke of my heart, and my, portion, is God for ever, P1á1.73. s6. his right hand ]which teacheth him fearful things, Pfal.45.5. fo both his hands, even all that Chrift is, his Godhead and Manhood, his life,death,re- furreEtion, afcenfion; his weakneffe, power, and glory,are imployed for the comfort and salvati- on of his Church, doth imbrace me] or,let im- brace me, or, will imbrace me: it is a fpeech of faith, or prayer, (as in Chap. 1.2. Let him life me,) con- cerning the fruition of Chrifts love and graces. For to imbrace or foal the armes about one, is (as killïng)a figue oflove,Gen.29. t 3. and 48.10. In thisfenfewee are cotìnlehled co imbrace thewile- dome of God,Prov.4.7.8. This commendeth the love of Chrifl,that leaveth not his Church in her fickneffe, fins, and infirmities ; but commeth to her, comforteth & fuflaineth her with his owne hands,in manifeflation of al love,compaljion and kindneffe: and joyeth in her,as the bridegroome re joyceth over the Bride, Efay 62. 5. and keepeth her fate from evill. It fetteth forth allo the Churches faith and thankfttlneffe, which teeth Christpre- font in his doctrine and ordinances, and his'Mi- niftery, as if he were crucified before lser,Ga1.3. s. and rejoyceth before others for his love and helpe, 2 Cor.1.34,5 &c. Verf.7. I adjureyort] that is,I earnestly cbargeyou with an oath,for which if you breake it,you Thai be guilty of punifhment. This feemeth to be the fpeech of the Church here, as it is allo after in ch.;.v.5. andch.8. v.4. to the daughters of Ierta- falem, her friends, of whom fee chap. 1.5. An adjuration, and a curse, are much of like nature, and one is fometime put for another:fee Gen.s4. 8.41. I01..6.26. 1 S2(11.1 1..24.27.28. So it thew - eth the weightineffe ofthis fpeech. By the Roes] here may be underftood, lee that are by the Roes : 6