..io\C'i. Chap, !i. 21! P. ,es : ycewhicds feed your flocks abroad in the fields where the Rocs and Hindes ruant: or, t_ ' abide with the Rne.r, or with the Rindaa of the field. Se me take it as if the oath were by them ; which ¡cannot bee but improper and figurative , seeing oathes and adjurations are by the name of God only,Dcnc.6.13. Gen. 24.3. The Roe, and Hinder are wild beafts of the field, and have the notati- ! on of their names, of armies and powers: and by j wildebeafs, the nations of the world arc often fignitied, which were not of the Lords fold , a- nwng his (beep : fo that the daughters of Ierufa- 1em ( Gods elcEt) being with and among them, are changed (and it may be figuratively by them, as the inllrurnents by whom God would punifh them if they kept not this charge) to beware that they troubled not her Love. Moreover the Roe ard the Hindare let forth in Scripture for ex- amplesof fwiftneffe of foot, as in 2 Sam. 2. 18. and 22. 34. which being referred to the punifh- ment for breaking this adjuration, may Lignifie the lìviftneffe of Gods judgements on them that Ihould fo doe. Theft creatures are alto mentio- ned when fpeech is of love betweene man and wife,as in Prov.5.19. Let her bçar the living Hind, r i and as thepleafant Rae &c. that as the wades and females of thefe beasts, doe dearly love one ano- ther fo is the unfeigned love betweene man and wife, and betweene Chrilt and his Church. And hereunto this fpeech may have refpe& ache rather for that after iq verfe 9. the likeneth Chrif to a R ,e, or ayanng 1-lart. And as the heavens , earth, hones , &c. are called to witneffe as inft men if they frnne, Deut.3o.1 g. lof. 24.27. fo the Roes and blindes (hall rife rip and condemn filch as breake their faith and love unto Chrilt. if yee ' fl ivre, and if yet flirre up] or, ¡rye awake, and if yee wake up:they are both words of one fignifcation, faye that they d lifer in forme; and being both re- ferred to the Love after mentioned , they meane a furring up or disquieting much or little.But the former may have reference to the daughters of Iertif:deni,tbat they themfelves fir rent, in this peace and quietnefle of Chrilt and his Church: ' the latter,ify,: flirre np,is referred to the Love,that it be not disquieted. And the word If, filed in oaths and adjurations, is a prohibition upon pe- nalty, fie that. fee filtre nor,as in t,eh.2 t 23. fweare intro me bete ig God, if than fbalt lie unto me ; that is, that thou wilt not lye r and in Mack 8. 12 if a fgnebe given: which is explained in Mat. 16.4. a figea (hall not begiven. Stirrirtqis opooled unto qui - etneffe or fitting ail! and unto flvepe and raft, Pia1.80. 3. and 35.27. D.tn.i 1.29. Zach. 1.13. and 4,1. and the Lord is laid then to fir up,or a- wake when he delivererh his Church out of trou- bles,PPa1.78.6 9,66. and the Church then ltirreth up tire Lord, when it earneltly prayeth for Citch deliverance, Ptùl. 44.24,25. The Chaldee Para- pltralt and other Hebrewes dnderltand it Co here; but apply is to the deliverance of ICracl out of E;ypt,which might not bee until¡ the time ap- pointed of clod and if we take it in this feule, ch_ daughters of Ien,faleal arc charged to Coffer aftliftion,for and with Ci rift, in faith and pati- ence, unto are comming of theLord, Iam. 5. 7. i Pet.5.6,7. and not to provoke him by murnru- ring,or otherwile, through feare and unbeliefc: a figure whereof may be fenne in Ch riffs fleeping in the ftornte,and the disciples waking him,Mar. 4.37.-40. But it may be applied unto the stirring and provoking ef Chriftbyfinne,for which bee often departeth from his people, and chaltcneth theirtranfgrelfons, Exod.23.2o.a1. Efay 59. 2. and 63.1o.that they should by no meanes grieve the holy Spirit of taod,Ephef.4.3o. the Lave] underfland my Love, meaning Chrilt her beloved ; who is called Leve,forexcellency' take(as,in Son. 1. 4. righteorfnelles were righteous perlons :) be- cage God is Love, n Ioh, 4. 8. molt worthy to bee ioserh,and loving luis molt dearly. So loses for lo- vers,in HoC8.9.Afterward the Spoale her ièlfe is called by this name Love, in Song.7.6 rrnt:a it pleafe] or, until( be pleafe, fpcaking of Chrilt : and beingunderfood of fining or provoking him by finne,it meaneth never; for fo the word mill often fignifieth n as Michal had no child will the day of her death, a Sam. 6.23. that is, fhe never liad any : and this iniquity lhall not be purged from you, ti/lyee dye, Era)! 12. 14. and, I will not leave thee, until! I have done that which I have fpol¿en unto thee, Gen.28.15. and fund ry the like. Veri. 8.7óe voice] Here the Spoufe breaketh 8 dtit and rejoyceth to heave the Bridegroomes voice, and fignifieth to her friends, the comforts that fife had thereby; as.it was her Conies lick wife and griefe, when he withdrew himfeife,and kept flence.By the vein is meant the word ut his grace, the preaching of the Golpel:which the Imo weth to be his,and reccivcth wish joy,ás Chrilts (beep are laid to heare and to know the voice, of the ffrepherd , and not a ftrangers, Iohn 10.3.4. &c. In this fide, he faid before Pilate, Every one that is 'of the truth hearerhmy voice, Loh. h 8.37. and, they knew not the voice, of the Propha,, Aí.13.27. that is, their doftrines ; and to day if fee (ball heart his coke, harden not your hearts, &c. Heb.3.7. This voice is heard before his commitig,to prepare the hearers to receive hint as Iohn the. Baptift (who prepared the way before Ch rift) is called the Voice of aeryer, &e. Marke 1.2,3. . b /iolel becimmerh] A further degree of grace from him, and comfort in her,that the not only heareth his voice, but Teeth him comming to lane her, as is promilcd in Eloy 35.4. By the preaching of the Golpel,received with taith,Christ himfelfe coni- meth,and is prefent with his people,Iohn.13.20. Ga1.3. r . And as the Church was fiche of lave. V. 5. fo Chrilt here anfwereth to her delire, fulfilling that which he pronged, If a man love me, bee will leepe my words ; and my Father will love him ; and wee will come unto him, and malag err abode with total 4.23. leaping]a umililude taken from the Roes and Harts, (whereunto Chrilt is likened in vet le9.) which are fwift in running, and skip upon mounts, hits and rocks : as in ECay 35.6. the lame man f ball leapt at an Hart. Herebythere- fore Chriffs (peed it read iineffe to hel pe is limn i- uified :