1 SONG Chap. II. fled. upon the mountains] that is openly and areas a wall to hinder us from Chrift , till they i apparently to the eye of faith ; as in Nahum.'1. he pulled down, and refortred at cot ding to the 15. Behold upon the mot» raises, the feet of him that knowledge of God. And to it is r ror belied of brfngetbgood tidings, &c. Spiritually by the moms- Chrift, 'that he (hould unwall (or coil dew ne the tams and hilt, may be meant the Kingdomesand wals of) all the fens of Seth, Num. 24. 17. that is, Nations of the world , fubdued unto Chrift by (as the Apo {le openeth) fhould by thepreach- thepreaching of the Gape!, Rev 11.15. Or, it ing ofthe Gofpel , pull don ne flreng bo;ds, calf may be trantlated, over the mountajnes, and over the dowite imaginations, and ezery high tbing that exaBetb bills ; palling over all impedimentswhich might it felfe againfl the Faowledge of God; and bring into feeme to hinder hint, as the fin ies of his people, captivity ezery thought,to the obedience of Cbrfff,2 Cor. the oppoltion of the world,and the like.So the 1 0.4,5. loobting through] or, lceI ing in,at 'Le win- adverlìtries of the Church,are likened to a motto- domes : this word,nfed only here,and in Pta1.33. taine, inZach.4.9.Wbe art thou,O great mnmtaine? 14. & ECay14 .56.fignifiethaloókiggnarrowly; befreZerubbabel "thou {halt become aplaine. And, and an incentive obfervation of that which is by the preaching of the Gofpel , every mounraine done or Gtffered by others`: So it noteth Chrilts and bill fhalbe made low, Efay 40.4. See alto Efay providence and care of his Church , and all her 41.1 ç . and 42.15. Habak.3.6. wayes ;' to fee how (he would accept of him and 9 VerE9. Like, a Roe] for fwiftnefle,2Sam.2,18. ! his word. flourifhing] or, bloming; that is, and for pleafantneffe,Prov. 5' .19. The fame is (hewing himtelte as as flower, tweet , plealant, meant by the next frnilitude of the Fawneor amiable : to teach,that Chrift commeth not unto young,iert,2 Sam.22.34. Prov.5.19 fame of his, without profit and comfort to their tonics. the Hisdeajor, of the Hart, (for the original word For as he is all gracious,fo he proferehlsgrace to impliethboth stales and females)and fhefpeak- his Church. The Greeketran{ateth it,loolfmgin5 eth in the plurals number either becaute the agreeable to the former word. lattefes] a word Fawne is ingendred of both stale and female, not elfewhere need in the Hebrew.; but theChal- which delight each in other; or for excellency, dee ufeth it for wisdomes, as in Iof. a. 21. And as as Sol. Iarchi expoundeth it, the Fasaneof a choice windowes & lattefsdoe both ferve to let in light Hinde ( or Hart. ) Here the Church fheweth the into the honk : fo (according to the fotxtter in- readineffc of Chriffto helpe her; as in ver.8, the terpretation)they may here be applied to Chri{, taw hint come leaping and skipping; fo by there through whom grace (pined in his humane na- two crcatttres,nsoft (wilt of foot, theehgnificth ture; or to his ordinances , through which the the fpeed he maketh ; as in h.B. t 4. and the mu- light of 5race fhineth unto us , as by his Word, tuall love and delight betweene than, according Scales of the Covenant, &c. or to the hearts of to Prov.5. t 9. behind our wall] This fignifieth a his people, into which hee conveyeth heavenly more neere communion with Chrift , then when light. But his looking in to his Spcufe through he was farther off, leaping on the is; there , betokeneth alto his fecret obfervation of and yet not Co neere , but there was (till a wall her,& all her doings ; for things which one doth between her and hin,,which parted them: Co the fecretly unefpied,are faid to be by looking out at degrees of graces are here meant,w hereby Chrift the window,as in Prov.7.6. &c.Gen.26.8.And as manife{eth his love to his Church , not wholly for her the teeth him not plaitly,but as through at once, but as he feeth good for us ; that by be- windovdes and latteffes ; for in this life weknow holding and delighting in his goodneffc,we may but in part ; and now we fee through aglafe darer, t be drawne to follow hint calling us after him, ! Cor.13.12.The Chaldee referreth this fpeech to v.10. His ffanding behind our wall, if it be referred ! Gods refpeEt of his people, when they kept the to Chrill hïfelte, may be underlood of his in- ! im Paffeoverin fEgypt,Exod.r a. which was a figure carnation,when he dwelt in our bottle of clay(as of Chriff our Pal over facrifieedfor na,1 Cor.5'.7. it is called in lob 4.19.) and in our {efit,appea - V. t0.anfwered]or, #a(e. She telleth here the ro red, preached, futffered, &c. to draw its after him end and fruit of Chr)fts fwift comming, to call into the kiugdomeof his Father, as John 1.14. her by his Word and Spirit, from her prefent e- rbe word was made flefb, and dwelt amonglf tie, and wee than and place of affliction, unto a better; or beheldhie glory, the glory as of tbe only begotten of the Fa- from that {oath or fecurity wherein fhe lay , to doer, full of grace and truth. If it be referred to the follow him in the faith & love of his Gofpel: for wall , which God hash made for hisChurch , it when we with open face,behold as in a glalle the may nteane his holy ordinances ( which in the glory of the Lord,we have alto this grace added, time of the Law, were a *sidle wall of partition , as that we are changed into the fame image from glory to ! Paul nameth then[, Ephef, 2. 14.) behind which gbry, even of b the Spirit of tbolord, 2 Cor.3.18, Chrift ft.mBeth ,fpeaketh, and fhewethhimfelfe Rife up ¡bon] or, Rife up for thyfef, and for thy though more 'obkr;rely. But we may bell apply good : fo after; Come away for thy fe /f t Sitting or it to oitrowne wall,nteaningof the heart,(as the lying {il fitteth not with a ChriSian in this life; Prophet fpeaketh oftheme&sofhis beart,Ier.4.19. who is called to Bonne the way of Gods com- which the Greeke here tranllateth,tbe fenfes of his mandements,Pfal. t r 9,32 & to follow theLamb heart) and it agreeth with that laying, Behold I whitherfoever he goeth, Rev.14.4. By our owne ffand at the doore and knock', eh'c. Revel. 3. so. For default and negligence, we want the comforts of the natural( Genies & uiderttanding of our hearts Chrift and his communion : but this our finite is reproved