S alv Ci- Chap IL reproved and made manife(t by the light : Where- ft be (id. ; Avekethou that fleepeff, end arifefrom the d ad ; andGhrifi ¡ball give thee light, E fief, 5 ,13. r4, HereuntoChri(t callethus, with words of love andkindneffc. come thou away] or, goe thou, or,get thee away. Such words God Lited to Abra- . ham, whets he called him out of his Count rey, Genes 1 a. I I Verf.1 r. Winter] a time of cold , hardneffc, forme and tempe(t ; wherein flowers and fruits are conformed ; travel' is difficult : for then God cafletb forth busy a like men f is ; who can fiend b f re hie told ? Pfa1.147.17. ThereforeChriil faith, Pray tbatyottr flight be not in the winter, Mat.14.ao. raine ie over] or, a changed , that is, pall away, and faire weather come in theplace.Raine in winter is an hindrance of travel' or going abroad,as ap- peared' alto by Ezr. t 0.9:13. There things may be applyed to outward troubles and grievances in this life, by the mal ice of the world : as when Ifrael was in the bondage of Egypt, and of Ba- bylon; and after were *cleared : likewile to the fpirituall winter, raine and rage of Antichrill, after which the graces and fruits of the Gape! began to flourifh again. May alto lignifie the ab. lifions of foule, wherein feares and forrowes are (timed op like tempefts; by the -swath of God, caufed by fin, difcovered and ftirred up by the Law,RÒnsg.zo. & 4.15. & All to h ich by Chrifts comming are done away,Rom. 7.23. For that man is an hiding placefrom the wind, anda covert from the tempefl,Efa y 32.2. and through him are being juflifred by faith , have peace with God, Rom. 5. 1. and his Tabernacle is far a p lace of re- fuge, and fir a covert fromflenne andfrom raine , Efay 4.6. The fame thing is elfewhere fignified by the scorching heat of the fummer,Rev.7. r 6,17. s 2 Verf.t s. the flowers] or, The floxrifhing things, (the flawerieo s) appeare.Adefcriptionofapleafant and fruitful' Spring,after a doleful! winter: fg - nifying Chrifts gracious and comfortable gifts, for the delight and benefit of his Church, after the removal' of the former evils. There flowers may be underftood,both of the Saints themfelvs !which now began to hold up their heads: and of the graces of the fpirit , wherewith they are a- dorned, for their mutuall comfort : whiles the joyful' tidings of the Gofpel are dìfcovered unto the confciences of afli&ed finners,to a(fure them j of the favourof God. Thus unto Pharaohs But- ler in prifon., was fignified his re(toringto his former good elate, by a dreamt of vine bran- ches that budded, bloWonied, and brought forth grapes, Gen.4o,9.io. r 3. And when God pro- mifetb grace to his people, he faith, Ifraelfbal bblante, and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit, Efày27.Ó. and they of theeitiefjaUflourifb like grab' of the earth, Pfa1.7 z.16. the 4artb]which being naturally dry and barren , (and curled for mans linne, Gen.3.) is by the ble(hng of God,and by manes of the raine and dew of heaven , made fruitful' : and this is applyed unto our finfull barren natnre,made fruitful by the biding and Gofpel of Chrifl,Heb.6.7,8.9, So God prowl- ' fing to beak the backfliding of his people,and to love them freely, after his anger is turned away, faith, I will bee as the dew unto Igoe!, bee fhall grow at the Lilie , and oaf} f rth hit roots al Lebanon; his bran- ches fball fßread and bù beauty ¡ball be at chi Olive tree, &e. Hof., 4.4,5,6. The ChaldeeParaphraft ap- plieth thelè flowers to Mofis and Aaron, which were like unto Pahne tree branehes, and appeared to doe mira- cles iutbe land of .Egypt, finging]to wit, of birds, as after in fpeciall , hee nameth the Turtledove. This is both afgne and an effeft of the Spring time, which cheareth all creatures, and cauferh them in their kind, to fing praifes unto God : and theft birds and turtles , lignifie the Saints, who feeling the comforts of Gods word and fpi- rit,doe fing his prayfe; and with Plalmes and Hymnes and fpirittall longs, doe fing and make melody in their heart to the Lord, Ephef. 5.a 9. As it is written, They fhalllifr up their voice,they¡ball fing for the majefj of the Lord &c. From the mull part of the earth, have we beard Tongs, Glary to the righ- teous, Efay 24. 14. 16. of the turtle] The Church it felfe,is ¡onetime meant by the Turtle, Pfal. 74..19. and the Dove, Song. 2. 14 ;and 5.2. fometime the holy Gbolt with his graces, is re- fembled by a dove , as at our Lords baptifine, Matt.3. 16. and thus the Chaldee expoundeth it here, the voice of the bey Ghof1. So it fignifieth`the voice of the Spirit, in the people of Chrift,mu- tually comforting one another, & joyntly prai- fing God,with & far hisgraces.The Turtle dove calling her feathers, is Paid to hide her felfe in winter in holes of trees, her voice therefore be- ing now beard,fignifieth that Summer was come: Vert'. 13. ber greene figs] or, her unripe figs ; filch as the fìgtree thrufleth out in (read of flowers which appeare on other trees. A Egne not only of the Spring, but of a fruitfull yeare. Our Sa- viour faith, Learne a parable of the fig -tree. When ber branch is jet tender and puttetb firth leaves , ye know that Summer isnigh, Matth. 24. 32. And the bier- fing of God upon his Church,is hereby fignified: as on the contrary, when he threatneth to con- fume the fame, he faith, there (hall be no grapes ora the vine, nor gs on the vine -tree, tic. Jet. 8. 13. tender grape]feOr, yang fnall grape, called in Hebr. Smaller, a word tired onely in this Song,here,and in verfe t 5. and ch. 7. ver. a a. By this variety of fruits , is figured the variety of graces, thegood works and Tweet odour of them, which appeare in the Saintsafter they are reconciled to God by Jefus Chrift; who is the true vine, the faithful! are the branches; who when they beare much fruit, the Father is glorified, Job. r 5.1,5,8. The people of God themfelves are alfo likened to grapes, and figges; as, Ifiwidlfael likegrapesin the wildernef; 1 faw your fathers , as the firf ripe in the fig -tree, be. Hof. 9.10. rife rep thou] or, rife zip for thy fella, as in verle Io. which exhortation is here again repeated. Verle 14. My dove] fo Chrilt calleth herehis I Church. The dove is mournful!,lociabie,harm- 4 Idle, chafe, fearful!, &c. as, I did mourn as a! deve, Efay 38. s4. -and, we mourn fire like doves, Efay