ONG. Chap. 11. Elay 59.11.Againe, who are tilde, that hie as the . putation ,had his vif ge & fors c fò marred, that dove: to thrir windowe,r ( ordccttcrt) Efày.6.o.:b. and many wet e a honied at low: be had noforme no, iiiEzek.7.16,., they thatefeape of :hem, Pi/ efeape, comeli nelfe,EfaY;52.14._ anti 53.2. and J1aUbeon the monntaines ,likdines of the 'allies, Veri.i 5. Tak,yee fir wi.le ari] It isuncer - 16 all of them mourning evcywe for his iniquity. And in tiinewhether thelewords LeIpokeuby Chant, ; Hof.. t 1.11 they fball tremble at a dote, out of the land of Abria : Matth. 10. 16. be barmelel as doves. All Which properties agree with the Church in this her chat[ : elpecially fearetnlncf e, and mourn - ning for her iniquities,wherebyfhe became ficke of love,verik 5. the ekfts el the Rieke] hidden there for fcare of enemies ; as it is written, O yee that dwell_in Moab, leave the cities, and dwell in the Rock e, and be like the dove that makth her nefi in the fides of the holes mouth, Jer.48. 28. The Rocke whi- ther this dove the Church was now fled,feemeth fafi) of these foxes, is the ditcovering,and refu- ting of their clout s,the judging, cenluiine;and offing themout of the Church, i Tim. 1.3.t.ß, 19,20. or avoiding them, if they be none of the Church,2 lohu l o. And becaute the vine keepers knowing the malignity ot Foxes, would deltroy them, but by realms ot their fubtilty they often elcape, and are not taken ; therefore hee faith , Take: meaning by consequence the rooting of then, out,And as the Foxe is famous for his craft and fitbtilty ; fo are falls Teachers,called there- fore deceitful! workerr, transforming themfelvesinto the Apoffles of Chrifí, 2Cor. 11. 13. And not they only,but crafty tyrants, and other like enemies, may be meant byfaxes; as Chrift called Herod a Foxe, Luk. i 3.32. allo hunes of all forts, may by law in a vilion,upon whom theAngels of God at- . reafon of their don:044e (Heb. 3.13.) bee here ceneJed and defcended ,Gen.28.i2.Joh.1.51. implyed under the name of Foxes? whole pro- let me fie thy countenance ] or, caufe me to fee thy perry is to have boles in the earth, Matth.8.2o. as per (ónage,tly vifage,thy forme,fa hion,fhape fght, or ap- fins are hidden inthe fraudulent hearts of men. pearance : ( fee chap.5. i 5. ) that is,ftirre up thy I the little Fox. a] the feller fort of lìns,er ours, faith and hold up thy face with comfort, come falle teachers, &c. even in their beginning &brit unto me,walke before sise,and be upright:as Ge. bud ; when they may feeme to be lcffe hurtful': 17.1 .Prefent thy body,as a living facriftce,holy, as is raid of Babylon, Happy (hall he be :hat taketh &c. Rom. 12. I. So the Chaldeeexpoundeth it, and dafhethtbylittle ones againff the racba:PIal.t37.9. Shea me thy countenance and they righteous, woke:. corrupt the vineyards] ny devouring the grapes, beate till voyce] that is, thy prayers, prayfes, the foxes corrupt, mar and dedeoy vines and longs,thankfgivings, &c.Pfàlm.5.3 and 26.7. and vineyards: fofinnes,hnners, &,beretikes,dehroy 28.2.and upon mein all thy feares_and thefaith, do&rine, and Churches ; makingfbip- troubles : as in P1,1. 5o.15. Callon me in the day of wrack ot faith, r Tim.1, 19. their word eared, as diflref,eN.By thee words Chris both fhewech dot, a canker, 2Tim 2.17. they are vaine talkers, her themule of her fouleshckneffe,tobeher own and deceivers of minds; who fubzerr whole houfes,Tit. infirmitics,and negligence in praier & otherholy r.10, 11. they privily bring in bereftes of perdition: dotties,as altò comforteth ber,againi her feares, ! being as natural' bruit heals, made to be taken and de- and the confcieuce of her infirmities. Thus the ! firoyed, 2 Pet.2.1.12.Os loch, the Lord complai- Chaldee all() explaineth it, Let me beare thy vyce, neth, Marry Parlors bave corruptedmy Vineyard, Ier. for thy vyee is fin et in prayer; in the beetle, if the little 12.10. for] Hebt, and: which word is often fanbluary, and thy countenance faire,in good workes. ! ufed in head of for, as in Pfalme 60.13. Efay 64. isfweet] that is, pleauìssg and acceptable, 7.Gen,i2.19. have tender grapes] or, bring being uttered in faith,and according to the will forth the sendergrapc.This reaüon(heweth the love ofGod: as it is written, Then fball the offerings of and care of God towards his Churches and peo- Indali and Icrufalem be fweet ( that is, plealiug)unto pie that are fruitful'. If they beare wilde grapes the Loed,Malsc. 3. 4. but unto the tranfgrdlbrs inhead of wholefome truit,hee will takeaway the he fait ,,your burnt offerings are not acceptable, noryour bedge of his vineyard,& it Pall be eaten up, Efa.5.4. facrifices flews unto me,Jerem.6,20. cwmey] ç. Every branch in Chritt that beareth not fruit, or, to be e'e¡reel,beautifnl, ai in Song. 1.4. There his Father the Husbandman,taketh it away;and prailes of the Church are fpirituall , and ac- every branch that beareth fruit, hee purgeth it, cording to the efteeme of God , not of men: that it may bring forth morefruit, loh. 15.1,2. for even ChriS hinifelfein relpedt of worldly re- and when the fruit is young and tender, he bath care or by the Churclt,or both': hut they texan rather ro bee Cbrllts words; dirclted chiefly to the watchmen,and minisers of the Church.By Foxes are nicant talk prophets and hereticke.s : as in Ezek.t3:4.0lfrárl, thy prop fese are likethie 'e.:les n the defarts. Such arc by Ch rift likened to wolves, Matt. 7.12. And the Apoltle to the Elders of E- phefusgiveth warning of ij:ch,Adt,20.28,i9.8;[. and all Chriftians are to marke and elpy titch, Rom.' 6.a 7.Ttse talyng(or a fprelocndino and balding most properly to mean faith in Chritt,as Mat.16. 18. wherein the hid her feite, for fore of Gods wrath for her fin,and yet durst noTthew her. Pelf : or,the ele&iop of God,which as .a Cure and rocky foundation abide,) for ever. Herewith compare Exod.32.22.whcre rile ¡es was put in a rift of the Roche, and covered with Gods hand ,while hee paffcdby. fcret place] or, htdingplace: thus Davidoften calleth God his fecal or biding place : as in Plàline 32.7. Thou art afecret place tome,, tom d fret thou wilt preferve me, &c. See alto Pfaha1.61 5.and 9.1.1, flares ] Hebffayre,or fleepe place. This as the Rorke aforcfaid may hgnifie Chrift; by faith in hint,we afcend unto God,by degrees, as by ftayres : he being the Ladder, which Jakob