So l.' G. Chap. care to preferve and cherifh the fame. r 6 Verle 16. is mine] Here the Spoufe profef- feth the joyfull comittunion becweene Chrift and her, which the now feeleth renewed after her lòule fickne!Te. Chrift is ours, when by faith wee apply him and all his graces, his death, relitrreecion, afcenlìon, intercetfion, &c. unto our felves , as our owne Becaufe we that judge, that if one died for all, then are all dead; e Corin- thians 5. 14. .I am crucified with (hriff. Never - theleeI live jet not I, but Chrift lived, inme, e"c. Galatkians 2.20. And we bave l¿nowne and beleeved . the love that God bath to us, t John 4.16. and I his] by the covenant of his grace : as it is writ. ten, I enured into covenant with thee, faith tbe Lord Gad, and thou became ff mine, Ezek. 16.8. Or, as the former branch fignified her faith to jufffification, fò this latter, her (anftification; whiles by ho- lineffe of life, the giveth her (elfe to Chrift in all obedience to doe his will, Romans 6. And, hereby we know that we dae/l in him, and he in us, beeau fe he hat, given Of his Spirit, t John 4.13. feedeth among the Lilies] this fignifieth the con - tinuance and increafe of grace; for that faith and holireffe might be increafed daily, Chrift by his Spirit, and by the miniftery of his word, feedeth his flocke among the faire, fwect and comfortable Lilies of the Scriptures ; and in the communion of the Saints, which are like Lilies among tbornes, verle i. 17 Verle 17. Vntill the day damn] or, until' the day blow, or breathe forth, to wit, light : as appeareth by that which followeth, she fleeing of fhadowes. Although it may have reference to the blowing of the wind at the breake of the day. The like (peech is ufed againe in Song 4.6. thefhadows _fly] that is, the darkneffes of the night flee : as on the contrary , when the daygoeth away, the pa- domes oftbe evening are Paid to be ffretehed out, Jere - mie 6.4. turn - about] to wit , unto me, have 25 refpeftunto, and care of me: it is requeft of comfort from Chi'tft, as Davidfaith, Thou didff much increafe my greathiffè, and didfi turne about and comfort me, Plalme7t. 21. The Spoufe here in the night and darkneffe of her tribulation and tentation , defireth Chrift to be ready at hand for her helpe, by the comfort of his Word and Spirit. The night and fhadowes thereof, doe lignifie either the darkneffe of ignorance and Pinne, when the truth and way of God is not known, Ephefians 5. 8. I John t. 6. Micha ;. 6. or the time of trouble and perfecution, Lamentat. 3. 1, 2. the day is the time of know- ledge, holineffe, comfort, peace and joy, t Thef- falonians 5. 5. Romans 13. 12,13. Efther 8. 16. The dawning or breake of this day, is the leali and feeling of inward joy and comfort by the Word and Spirit; as the Apoftlewilleth us to take heed unto the fare word of prophefie, as unto a light that fhipeth in a danke place, until( the day dawn, and the day llar a rife in our hearts, a Peter t . 1 9 . the fleeing of the fhadowes, is the removing away of blindenelfe, ignorance, finful- neffe, mifery and trouble; which. God beginneth to his people in this life, and continuing to the end ; when the day of the Lord, and the day of Chrift Hhall appeare , t Thelfalónians 5.2. 2 Theffafo -¡ nians 2.2. when there lhall be eternity of light,' and joy to the faidtfull. to aRoe] for fwi,tnes to helpe me, and plealàntneffe to delight me : fee the notes on verle 9. fawn ofthe Modes] or of the Harts, that is, along Hart : fee verte 9, efBe- ¡her] or (by interpretation) of divef :on, ofpartition. This leemeth to be the place called alto Bithten, which was on the outfide of Jordan, a Sam.2.29, called partition, becaufe it was parted by the Ri- ver lordan from the land of ladeo. And on thofe mountaines (as by this Scripture appeareth), Harts and Roes tiled to run, from whom the fi- militude is taken. 49144°`v 1404414491.0..14...1.-4r^`44.4. C HAPT It R III. CHAPTER III. z 7 Pon my bed, in the nights, I fought V him whom my foule loveth : I fought him, but I found him nor. 2 I will rife nos , and goe-about in the citie, in the ftreers, and in the broad - places, I will feeke him whom my foule loveth : I fought him, but I found him nor. The watchmen that goe-about in the Chie found mee : Saw yce, him 4 whom my foule loveth It was but a little that I had paired from them, but I found him whom my foule loveth : I held him, and would not let him goe: untill I had brought him into my mo- thers houfe ; and into the chamber, of her Vron my bed, I in the nights him fought Whom my foule loves : fought , but found him not. Now will i rife, and'bout the Citie goe, Within the lineal, in ,places -broad alp; 1 will feeke him whom I doe love in minde: I did him feeke, but him I did not finde. The watch that 'bout the Citie goe, found me : Whom my foule loves, (laid I) did ye himfee ? It was but even a little that from them I gaffed had, until! that I found him Whom my pule loveth : hold on him I caught And would not let him goe, till r him brought Intomy mothers houfe : and into the Chamber, of her that bath conceived me. (C) o dough- a 3 4