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26 So N G. Chap. I I I. her that conceived me. I adjure you, O daughters of Jerufalem,by the Roes; or, by the Hindes of the Feld : ify e stir, and if ye ilk- up the Love until! it pleafe. 6 Who he this that commeth up, out of the wildernefle, like pillars of fmoake- perfumed with myrrh, and frankincenfe, with all powder of the Merchant! 7 Behold, his bed which is Solomons, threescore mighty-ones are about it of 8 the mighty ones of Ifrael. They all , hold the fword ; being expert in war: e- very man hat; his fword upon his thigh, because of feare in the nights. 9 King Solomon , made hirm felfe a i o charret, of the wood of Lebanon. He made the pillars thereof, of sliver; the bottome thereof, of gold; the covering thereof, of purple: the midst thereof, being paved with love, of the daughters i s of Jerufalem. Goe forth, O ye daugh- ters of Zion: and fee King Solomon: with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him, in the day of his efpou- fals, and in the day of the gladneffe of his heart. 0 daughters of lerufalem, you by The Roes, or by Hindes of the field, doe I Adjure: if that ye flirring- doe- difeafe, And if the Loveye flir -up, till it pliafe. Who is/he this that making her egreffe, Likefmoaky pillars,from the wilderneffe: Perfum'dwith myrrh and frankincenfe : with all The merchants powder- aromatic:a? Behold his bed that which is Solomons, About the fame are threefcore mighty -ones : Of mighty ones of Ifrael which are. They al', doe hold the f word, expert in war : Each man his [word upon his thigh he dights, Becaufe of fearful!- terrour in the nights. Acharret, of the wood of' Lebanon, Make for himfe f did the King Salomon. Of flver,'he did pillars of it frame : Of gold (he made) the bottome of the fame: Of purple, was the covering-above : The middefl of it, being pav'd with love, of daughters of lerufalem that be. o Zions daughters, get ye forth, andfee King Solomon with royall.diademe, Even that wherewith his mother crowned him; The day wherein he hot e/foufals had, Andin the day whereinhis heart wassglad., vinnotatiorts. 7 Pon my bed] The Church now fheweth grea- t/ ter aflia Ions into which the fell, through want of feeling the pretence and comforts of Chrif. Whiles the thought her felfe fure of her Beloved, and laid her downe as on the bed of café, fitppofing him to be with her, the mitfeth his company, and feeking him by folitary medi- tation,found him not. Thus may we underfand this place,comparing it with chap.5.ver.2,3, &c. The bed fometime fignifieth tribulation, as in Rev.2.22.which may be alfe. implyed here; that the Church fought and waited for the Lord, in the way of his judgements, as in Efa.26. 8. the nights]the times of folitary and earnefmeditati- on, as alto of aflietion, are fignified by the nights: as inPfa 63.7. &119.55. &77.3,4,7, &c. So in Efa.26.9. With my fule hase I defered thee in the night; yea, with my f joirit within me, will I felee thee early. I fought] by prayer, fudy,meditation; upon re- pentance of fins and negligences,in faith of Gods promi fes,&c. See Mat.7.7,8,Hofea 3.5. and 5.15 Jer. 50.4. Zeph. 2. 3. Deuter. 4.29. myfoule loves h] Chrif, whom before the called her Belo - ved; is here the love of her foule ; for by with- drawing the light of his face,& afliíting the con - fcience,thc love, zeale and affeftions of the Chri- fian heart are kindled and increafed,Wbenheflew them, then they fought him; and returned and fought God early,bi. Ptal. 78.34,35- I foundhim not]to wit prefently, till afterward,.4. For negleCt of taking hold on grace when it is offered, or not 7 8 9 Io tz keeping it when it is received , God often with. draweth the light of his countenance , to fir up zeale and fervencie in his children,Prov.1.24,28, Mic.3.4.,11. V 2. I will rife now] or Let me rife now. This figni- fieth a firring up of grace in her, an increafe of faith,love,zeale and fervenciein fpirit: Neh.2.1z. r 8.Lam.z.19. Pfa.5 7.6. Thus afliftions are pro - fitable,that we may learn Gods fatutes,Pfz29.17 goe about in the Chit] a figne ofearncf defire to obtain that which one feeketh, whether is be for evili, as in Pla.5 5.11. & 5 9.7,15. or-for good, as in this place. See alto Efa.23.16. By the Citie, un- derhand lerufalem the holy Citie, where Chrif dwelt amongh men , and had feated his Temple, and the pra&ife of his Ordinances, whither all Ifrael repaired thrice every yeare; which was a fi- gure of the Church,Ecclef. t 0.15.Efa.26.1. So a- mongft the people of God,in his wprd and ordi- nances, the fought Chrif for the comfort of her foule. _greets and broad places] or narrow ßrtet.t, and broad fireet4or both words are ufed for fire/Lc of a city; and thelatter, for fach broad places as oftentimes people met together in, as in z Chro. 3z.6. Neh.8.t,3,16. Jcb 29.7. So this noteth an exquifite search, as in another cafe it is laid, Run ye so andfro through theffreets ofJerufalem, and fee now and lgnow,and frl1 in tle broad places thereofifje can find a man, if there be any that executer) jueh ement &c. Jer.5.1.And the therfore feeketh hint in the!steets, becaufe there wifdotne uttered; her voice, Prov. 1.2o, 21. z