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7 SONG. (Tap. I I I. (the bagge of myrrh that lodgeth betweene her brefts, Song 1.13.) w hole death was like myrrh, bitter in talte, but of fweet finell : with this the was perfumed by knowing bim, and the power of hi, re fur rc thon,and the fellowfbip of his fuf(rings, being m de confirmable unto hit death, Phil. 3.10. Andwith the odour of this incenfe the is comforted;according to the Proverbe , Ointment and perfume rejoyce the heart, Prov.z 7.9. and (rankincenfe] Myrrh was ufed in the holyanointing oile;and fraukincenfe in the fweet perfume,Exo.3o. which perfume fi- gured the mediation ofChrift, the Angell which offereth much incenfe with the prayers of all Saints,Rev.8.3. So through his death and inter - ceffron, the Church hath her fweet Gnel:& all her garments are Myrrh,Aloes and Calfta,Pfa1.45 with all powder]or,above all powder(that is powders or fpices) oftFx Merchant. That is, with all other graces that Chrift bath bellowed upon her by the preaching of his Gofpel. Or, thofe forenamed Myrrh and Frankincenfe which thee bath from Chrift,are above all other graces and gifts which can be attained to in this world. o'themerchant] or, of the 'ire merchant, as the word is englifhed in s Kings a o. 15. But the Greek interpreteth it A- potheearie, or Ointment-maker. Such were of the Priefis under the Law, which made the ointment of the Pees, r Chron. 9. 30. and filch flows are the Minilers of the Gofpel, uttering the word and graces of the Spirit. V erle 7. Behold bit bed, which is Selumonr] an He- brew manner of fpeech,explained thus in Greek, Behold the bed of Solemn. Some underfland here, his bed like that which was Solomon' : others, above (or better than)that which was Solomon, .T he Spi- rit here calleth us to behold the guardwhich was about Salomon, bed, for his fafety and'fecuricy from feare. Solomon in his name,Kingly offrce,wil= dome and royalty was a figure ofChrift,(who is greater than Solomon, Mat. 12.42.) and his bed is above Solomon,. Chrifts bed here feemeth to meane the hearts of the Elea, (as in Song 1.13. the Spoufe laid, he thould lodge betwixt her brats) in whole hearts Chrift dwelleth by faitb,Ephef.3. 17.aud there taketh his repofe and reit. And this habitation or lodging,was figured by the Taber- nacle and Temple of Solomon,} Cor.6. 2 9. There- fore the ChaldeeParaphrafl(who taw not Chrift but in fhadowes) apply this bed, to the Temple which Sobvnoa built. fixty mighty enes] orfix - tie valiant,, ftrong men. Solo no, bed was guarded with fixty of the Valiants, or mighty men of If- rael, that he might be fate from perilll, figuring the fate guarding and keeping of the hearts and mindes of Gods Elea, both by their owne dili- gent watch over their hearts and.yvaies; (as it is written , Above all obfirvation keepe thy bean : for out of it are the ¡fetes of life, Prov.4.23. wherein whiles they keepe found wildome and dilcretion, when they lye downe,they (hall not be afraid; yea they lye downe,and their bleep is fweet,Prov.3.21,24) as allo by the Cafe keeping & prote &ion of God, by whole power,the Saints are guarded(or kept) through faith unto falvaticn, i Pet. t. 5. fo that they are not afraid for the termer of the night, or for the arrow that huh by day,Pfa.9 t.1,5.and the,peace of Gud, which paffeth all underllanding, doth keep (or guard)their hearts and mindes through Chrilt Jelus,Phil.4.7.And in fpeciall,this is done by the Miniltcrs of Chrilt, that watch and wake for the foules of his people, Heb. 13. r 7. A&.20. 28, -3 t, as his fervants of old,did flandin the knife of the Lord,in the nigbts,Pfal. s 34.1. mighty ones of Ifrael] what mighty valiants were in Ifael,appea- reth by David,worthies,which helped hits in his wars: and are mentioned in 1 Chron. r }.142, -47. and t a. t, -38. They figured fuels firong men as have the word of God abiding in them, and doe overcome the wicked one, t John 2, 14. Ver. 8. hold the fword] or holden (apprehended) of 8 the fword,that is,girded therewith. The word of God is the fword of the Spirit, Eph.6.17. which men doe then hold, when they hold forth the word of life, Phil.a.16. and therewith refill Satan and all ene- mies; and by faith doe overcome,} Joh.2.14.and S . 4. expert] or learned, taught, (as the Greeke trantlateth it)bcing taught of ood,who teacheth the hands of his people to war, 2 Sam. 22. 3 5. fo that they fight the good fight of faith,tTitn.6.i2 and by long cultome are inured and skilful in the Lords battels, and have their fenfe, exercifed te dif- cerne good and evill, Heb. 5.14. Such in figure, were the Cons of Reuben, Gad and Mantes, 1 Chron. 5. 18. bit ferordon bit thigh] by his fide prepa- red , and ready to fight, as Exod. ;a.27. So unto Chrift it is Paid, Gird tby fnord upon thy thigh, 0 mighty one , Pfal.45.4.. fèare in the nights] or dread (terror) in the nights; the dreadful! evils that are fecret and unfeene,and every night do endan- ger. For thefts,murders, treafons and other mif- chiefes, are often done in the night ; as experi- ence and the Scriptures teftifie, Job 24.14. Jer.6. 5. Neh.6.10. Dan.5.30, s Cor.1 1.23.Mat.13.25. Prov.7.9,22.and then it is needful! to watch,and ifand ready armed,Neh.4.22.Mat.24.43. and 26 31,41.S°Chriftians which are to wrafile againft manifold tentations, and againff the rulers of the darknefle of this world, againfl fpirituall wiekednefet in highplaces; are willed to take unto them the whole armour of God: and to fiavd, having their loyne,gir- ded &o. Ephef.6. 22,13,14. V.9. a charret] The Hebrew Airjon is not found but in this one place,tranflated in the Greek Pho- reion, which is a thing to cary upon,as a charret, lifter or the like;but after the Hebrew it hath the name of fairnefs or glorioufneffe,and of fruitful - nes.Some take it to be a ihrone,fomea pallace,fome a bed: Sol. Iambi expounds it a f net chamber f r ho- nor, to wit,fuch as is made for the Bride & Bride- groom. The Chald. expoundeth this of the tem- ple which Solomon made of the wood of Lebanon, but that temple was a figure of Chrift and of his Church : to which wemay better referre it. Of Chrift, it maybe meant, in refpedt of his humane nature,wch was all glorious, without fpot of fin; which humanity he made and'affumed to himlelf with all the glorious grates of the f iris, for the falvation of his Elea, the daughters of Iern falem. Of 9