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Kffl/%i/sliuiiJ äi, 1W;t S O N G, (.;hap. I I I. Of theMinitlers of Chrift , or the Church (his myfticall body)it may (as I think)rather here be fpoken ; which by the preaching, profeffion and praai Ce of the GoCpel,carieth Chrift as a charret, holding forth the word of truth, & of falvation, in the midit whereof Chrift fittath, teaching, go- verningand triumphing.So the former fimilitude of the Bed, lignifieth the more fecret (late of the Church in times of danger : this of the charret be- tokeneth the more open glory of the fame,by the publilhing and praafiing of the Gofpel. Woad] or,trees of Lebarii ,that is,ofCedar wood that grew on LelSanon.figuring,theSaints likned to Cedars in Lebanó,Pl,9z.i2,13.of which,as of the matter, Chrift maketh his Church, Rom. r.7.1 Cor. t .2. 10 thepiaars ]Thisifitbe referred toperlons, nieaneth the Minifters , who by the doarine of theGofpell fulleyned theChurch;as Ianees,Cephas and lohn feemedto be pillars, Ga1.2.9. If unto other things, it may be under(tood of the words of God, (likened unto fined (Over in Pa.'s.) with whole oracles , as with pillars the charret of the Church is füftained. So Prov.9. Wifedome buil- ded her hou le, and hewed out her fev:n pillars. A pillar lignifieth conftancyand (tability,Rev.312. the bottom] or, the feat on which Solomon fit- teth,relteth or lyeth in his charret a fo the Greek tranllateth it Anacliton, that which one fitteth or lyeth dowse upon. This battome or fiat of gold, lèemeth to have reference to the golden Merde- feat over the Arke in the Templc,on which God is Paid to fit, Pfa 80.s. And it lignifieth the cove -' nane of grace, apprehended by faith : ( which is much more precious then gold that perifheth, r Pet. t .7.)and the doarincs of the Law by faith, which are better then thoufands of gold and fil- ver,P1s19.72. ahecovering]the top and hangings, which have the name here of riding, becaufe it teethed as is were to ride upon the charret:fo the Greek cal leth it Epibafis,offafcending. It feemeth to lignifie the outward conver.1tion & cloathing of the Church,which being purple, is not onely a Princely colour, denoting heavenly life,bue hath fpeciall reference to the blood & death ofChrift, whereof theChurch is made partaker, both for jollification and Coati fication, Rev.r.5,6.and 7. 14.Rom.6 3,4.And fo thehope of heavenly glory is here al fa applyed,and protcaion from Chrift, till we come unto his glory. shemidit] or, the ism i ft tberof being gazed with locator he made apaze- ment of love. This in refpea ofCh rift, fignifieth his inmon and fervent love cowards us , even giving his life for us, and having us as it were written in his heart in refpea of his people it fignifiech the fenf acid feeling of Ch rifts love towards them,as silo their love unto Chrifi,and one to another.So the feat, the covering; and the pavement, are anfwe- ruble to thofe three graces,faith, hope and loee,fpo- ken of in t Cor. a 3. of the daughters of Ierufalem] thefe are the elca of God, the children of lerufa- lens (the mother ofut all, Gal.4. 26.) which being loved ofchrill,aregraven on the palmet on his hands, Efay 49. ,6.yea carted upon his heart,as the high Priait bare the names of the children of I frael,in the brefl piste ofjudgement uponhieheart, Exo.28.29. And fo of his Milliners , as it is laid, Te are else Epiffle Written in our burst, 2 Cor.3. 2. and you are in our hearts, to dye, and live with you, 2 Cor.7 3. Such therefore , as the love of Chilli , are the pave- ment of his Coach. Ver. i t . daughters of ,Zion] Zion was a mount in I t Ierufalem, and as that was called the btfCitie, E- fay Zion is called the Lords hoÿ mount aine, Ioel3. 57. becaufe of his Temple there. The daughters of Zion were the women dwelling therein, orbelonging thereto, Efay 3.1 6,,7.and 4.4. But under the name daughters, all the inha- bitants, men and women, are comprifed ; and all Townes and Cities of head which were daugh- ters (in Scripture phrafe) to the mother Zion e & fo theChaldee here expoundeth it, Inhabitants of the Provinces of the land of Iliad. This mount Sion figured the Chriftian Church, Heb. t z. 22. the daughters figured Chriflians either perlons or Churches, ElaY49.14. 22. w, hich are therefore laid to be Virgins, and to follow the Lamb Chrift, who ftandeth upon mount Sion,Rev.14.1i4. There are called forth by the preaching of the Gofpel, to beholdChrift (the true Solomon) with his crowne.So in PCa.,49.2. Letybj ns of ion beglad in their King : and in Mat.2 t.5. 744yethe daughter of Sion, behold thy King eommetb, &c. fee K. Solomon the faithful) are called out of their former Rate, to a further degree of knowledge , to lie Chrift (whom Solomon figured in his kingdotne)crow- ned with glory and honor in his Church.$o tinto Iohn it was faid,Comeand fe,Rev.6.t,3,5,7. bit mother crowned him] by the mother, feemethtobe meant the congregation of the faithful(, (as allo the Chaldee here expoundethit, the propleof the bottle of Ifraal,) called bér motber,becaule by the do- 1 aline of faith, they fpiritually doe conceive and bring forth Chrill,Ga1.4.19, and doing thewill of his Father they are e(teemed and loved ofhim, as his jljler and mother, The e,orrne is a ligneofKingdome,Dominionand Viaorie,Pfal. st. and Chrift warring againit his enemies, and overcomming,hath on his head many crowms(or dim - demes)Rev.t 9.1 t,t 2. &c. and 6.z. And the King= domes of this world, after the tyranny of Anti - 'chrilt,do become the Kingdomes ofour Lord, and of his Chrift, Rev .1 r. t5. When Chrill therefore ruleth in his Church by the fcepter of his Word, and his people fubmit unto his Law and Govern- ment , then lit they theCrowne upon his head, acknowledging his foveraigoty. day of hit efpaufullo] when he wasefpoufed untobss Bride theChu rch;this is the day of the Covenant made between Chrift and his people, Ezek. t 6.8. &c. as he faith to Ierufalem,I remember thee, the kindneffè oftbyyouth, the love of thine effufalr,wbm thou rrenteft after me be the srtldernejfe, &a. ler.2.2. For when a people are by theGofpel won unto the faith, and titled in the order of Chrift,they are a fpoufd unto him as to S buobaud, 2 Cor. i i z. And this is after called the day of the gladmf f e of bit heart , becaufe sel the Bridegrooms rejoyceth Over the Eride,fo God rejoy- }I( ceth over his people, Efay 6z.5. (C 3) CHAP.