JO N G. Chap. l V. are all dyed and coloured,[ Cor.2.4. t 2,1 3. and t .17,18 Or there thfe things applied to perlons, fignifie the minifers of the word and prayer: as the Chaldee paraphraft applyeth it to the high Prieft in Iliac!, and his prayers for the reconci- liation of the Church on Atonement day, Levit. 16. Other of the 'ewes expound it of the fingers in Mae!. comely] gracious, and to bedefired: fee the notes on Song.1.5.So our praifesof God,are (-aid to be pleafant, and comely ; Pfal. t 47.1. and w are commanded that our kerb beealwdy with grace, Colof.4.6. thy temp er] Hebr. tby temple, that is, each of the temples of thine head : Here by the checks alto may DC meant (as the Greeke verfion here hath it) which arc adjoyned to the temples,whofe red-colour(like peece of Pome- granate when it is cut) are a part of the beauty of the face, and a figne of modefty & fhamefaft- neffe.So here in theChurch it betokeneth her re- verend and modeft countenance ; as fearing and taking heed left fhe fhonld fpeake or doamit'è;or blufhing if the bath failed. Some do explain this to fignifie the Governors of the Chnrch,and the flmilicude of the pomegranate to denote the fruit and benefit that conimeth by fuch. The Chaldee alto expoundeth it of the King in Ifrael,& the lock: (after mentioned)of the Governors under hint. 4 Verf.4. like the towre of David] whereof menti- on is made in Neh. 3. 19.25 or the fort of Zion, which David tooke , and builded,2 Sam. S. 7.9. Hereby is meant that her necke was upright, high and ttrong : for the necke is named inHebrew 7favvaar,of firmnetre and ftrength; aTower(lidig- dal) is a building great and high,Efay 2.15. This fignifieth the magnanimity,and courage,the fore hope, the bold and comfortable cariage of the Church , while: flue being by faith united unto Chrift her head, doth no longer bow downe her neck to beare the yoke of her enemies', to ferve Satan and fin any more or to be a lervant unto men,Rons.6.17.1$. 1 Cor.7.23. busby the wea- pons of her warfare, (which are not carnal/ bat mighty for God, 2 Cor. 10.4.) thee ftandeth , and withltandeth in theeviil day, taking the field of faith,tbefwordof the Spirit, which is the word of God, and other like armour, wherewith fhe defendeth her felfe,and difcomfiteth all her enemies,Ephef 6. r 1, t 7. fo that her neck is like the horfes, da- ubed wish thunder (and terrour) Iob 39. 19. The contrary Rate of the Church was figured by the captivity of Babylon, when her neck was under perfecution , and her tranfgret$uns (as a yoke) were wreathed,and conic -up upon her neck,Lam. 5.5. & 1.14. See after,in Song.7.4 The Hebrews in their Chaldee Paraphrá,expound this neck to nteane the Chiefe of the Seffion (or great Corni- ce]) in Ifrael. for an armorie] to hang (words on,and other like weapons of war. The Hebrew word ralpijoth (ufed only in this place)is by the Greeks left uninterpreted 7balpiash: and feemeth to be derived of rhalah to bang,and pijotbtwo -ed- ged (words ; meaning all infttruments to offend or wound the enemy : as the buck / ca and Jbidds after mentioned, were to defend her (elfe. buckler, bang] or , arc banged : a buckles' hath the name in the originali of prole£lion or defence : the word following, fieW,i(which feemeth to be bor- rowed from the Hebrew Sbiltei) hath the fignifi- cation of power or dominion, as being ulèd of great and mighty men. Such bucklers and thields of David,were fometime kept in the houle of God, 2 Chro. 23.9. and as the taking away of (Melds t the enemy,was afigne ofvitory,2 Sam 8 7 fo the hanging of them up onwals, was a figti of glory, Ezek. 27.11. of migbty men] This hath reference to Davids worthies or mightg, men, who heldfrong J with him in bis kingehme, andwith all Ifrael, tomak him King, whole names & heroicall deeds are recorded in 1 Chron.i r.1 0.47. Their (hields hangedup in Davids tower for nionuméts are here taken for figures and examples ofall the mighty men of God,which by the (hield of faith (in God and Chrift the fhield of,his people)have done Many great and mighty works ; as the A- poftle bringeth a cloud of witne(fes, in Rebe. i t. with all which the Spoufe of Cbritt is adorned, whiles with courage and comfort (he followeth the footfteps of their faith and workes ; and ahi- deth con(tant, ftsftained by the promifes of God. Ver.5.719 twobreafs]Thefe ere both for orna- ment and for ufe,as experience in nature,and the fcriptures thew : for God faith to his church thuu art come to excellent ornament ; thy breafs arefafbioned, &c.Evek. 16.7. and fheweth the uleof them , that her children and lovers may fuck and be fatitfied with she breafs of her eanf lotion, &e. Efa. 66. It. So here the breafs of Chrlfts fpoufe, are likened to Roes for pleafantneffe,to Fownes,or yong Roes for fmalne(fe,to twins for equalizing;and to Roes feeding among Lilies, as in fat & fweet pafture.Here- by is fignified how the Church is fruitful ingood workes,and comfortablewords and commmnica- tion of all Gods bleflìngs : tò that by her loving affelion, wholefome do(trines, Tweet confolati- ' ons,& gracious beneficence; her children are de- lighted ; and fucking the friary milke of the word doe grow therby:Efa.66. i 1.1 Pet.2.2. fed a- mong the hillies]in fat,fwect, and wholefome pa- lture. Hereby is lsgnified , that the breath of the Church,(that is,herdo&rines,exhortations and con rotations wherewith fhe nouritheth her chil- dren,)are fed and filled not with humane traditi- ons,butwith the do&rines of Chrift; whore/Wei are likenedunto Lillies,dropping[meet [mellmg myrrh{ Song 5.13. So when the foule of the Melts , is fatiate with fatnetfe ; the Lords people are fatis- fled with goadnefe; as he promiCed,Ier.31.14. 'erf.6.Vtaill the day dawn] or blow :fee before on chap.2.17. f adawes]that is,darkne(fes; meaning ignorances, infirmities, troubles, mile - ries, & ch.2.17. I widget me] or , I'M!! goe for my f/fe. It is not evident, whether there be the words ofChrilt,withdrawing himfelffor a time, or of his fpoufe, betaking her belle to the moun- taine.Comparing this place with the former,ch. 2.17. I underftand it of the latter : that as the Spoufe there requefled, fpeedy helpe of Chrift in the time of her forrow;fo here, in like tentation, (bee S rr 6