V-7 r//714ul 1d 7( So Na: Chap. 1 V. lh,e fleeth for refuge to the mount ofmirrb, and hill of fantincenfe, where thehopeth for comfort. The speech hath reference to mountMorijah, where - on the Temple was builded, z Chron. 3. I. in whichTemple was the holy anointing oile made ofpureMyrrb and other chicle fpices; asallothe incenfe made of. purefrankincenfe and other Tweet fpices;which were to anoint and fan&ifie the ho- ly things and perfons; and to burn upon the gol- den Altar daily; Exo,3o23,34 I Chr.9.29,30. On which mount,Abraham long before,did offer his felt Iftak for a facrifice; and upon experience of Gods grace and providence,this proverbe was ufed,ln themoumaine of Iehovab; it(hall be feene: Gen. 22.2.-14. To the kingdome of Chrift, figured by this ntountainc , peoples fhould flow; for Gods Law and word was to proceed from it,Mic.4.1,2. The Chorcls therefore in the darkeneffe of her tentations,fleeth to the Lords mountain by faith in Chrill, meditation in his prom ifes, confolati- on by his graces,prayer,reading ofche fcriptures, and other like fpirituall exercifes, confirming by faith and hops, and waiting with,patiencc, till the day lhould dawne,and the day ftarre arife in her heart, as the Apoftle fpeaketh, 2 Pet.1.19. So Chrift hinfelf,in the dales of his flelh,ufed to go up into mountains to pray,and (pent the whole night in prayer to God, Luk,6.1 z,and 9.28. and preached the Golpel in fuck places,Mat.5.1.2.&c. 7 Ver.y.aU faire] The Spoufe was called faire,be- fore in verle r. and chap. r . t 5. now Chrill faith, the is al/faire; whereby he comforteth her againft her feares, and infirmities, that in hint the path perfe &beauty;for he loved her,and gave himfelfe for her, that he might lan&ifie and cleanfe her, With the wafhing of water by the word; that he might prelim her to himfelfeglerioue, a Church not having jinn or wrinkle or any fuck thing, but that the fhould belioly and :without blemifle ; Eplr 5. z 5, z 6,t 7. noblemifii]orsofjiot, no fault , no blame-worthy thing; called in Hebrew Mum, and thereof inGreeke, Manor, which meaneth fist[ any blemifh in the body,as blinde, lame, or deformed in any limmc or part,Lev.2 t. i 8.-2 i .Deu. s 5.2 t. and 17.I.10 is applied to blemilhes, in the foule, that is , to fins and vices,from which Chrill purgeth his people, t hat -being reconciledmito God, in the body of be fee h, through faitb,he might prefent them holy, and with- out blemith,andunreproveableinbit figbt;Col. r .2 i,22. Thus the 144 thoufand -that fand with the Lamb on mount Sion,&c.are laid to be without blemifh be- fore the throne of God,Rev;14.1.5. 8 Vert 8. Come with me] or , T hots floalt come with me. Here Chrill (havingcleanfed his Spoufe by his death) calleth her to follow him, from the mountains of wilde beafts, from the falle Chur- ches and focicties of wicked people; that for - faking all corruption in her felfe and others, Thee may walke with him in newneffe and holineffe of life, beholding and acknowledgingGods mercy in herddiverance ;Rom.6.ó.13.as. 1 Peaz.xl. -- 24.and 4.1,2 ;. 2 Pet.r.3,4, Lebanon] in Gr. Libantio,a mountaine in the north part of the land of Catxsau,poffeffed of old by the Evites,Jud8.3 33 3.afterward by the Ifraelites : on it grew ninny Cedar treesSong 3.9.but in comparilònwith o- ther places it was a forrelt or wilderneffe, Ef.29. 17.and fo the haunt of wilde beafts, z King. t 4.9. which is ref-petted here,as the end of the verf.ma- nifelteth. Sometime in refpe& of the l0 -gnefie of the mount,and goodly trees thereon,ft is tiled to fignifie glorious things:as in Song 5.1 5.and 3.9. Deut.3.25. my fpoufe] or, my bride ; named in Hebrew Callah,(of the perfe&ion of her attire,or- naments and beauty; Ier.2.32.) in Greeke Nym- plow , which name the Holy Gholt giveth to the Church, calling her the Wimple, (or Bride,) the Lambe wife; who is prepared as a Bride adorned for herhatband: Reve1.21.9.2. Chrill before had called her his Love or Friend; now when the is all fait e, and without blemifh, he calleth her Spoufi ; and in verle 9. both Sifter and Spoufe. bake] or, thou fault looke,yhalt fee, marke and obferve. top of Amassah] or, head of Amanah, which was a mountainf in Syria,the valley and river in it was alto callegrAmanah, and Abanah, in z King.5. r 2. and fo the Chaldee here expoundeth ir, the bead: that is , the Princes afthe people that dwell by the ri- ver of Amavab, fhall offer a gift unto thee. Humane writers teltifie that Amour, was a rrtountaine forci- blypleffid by many tyrants, &c. Strobe 1.14. So the Holy t-'holt here calleth thefe placedennes of Ly- ons, and meuntainer of Leopards. Sbemr and Hermon] This Hermon was a goodly mountain polfeffed of old by Ogh King of Bafhan , taken from him by the Ifraelites:and the Amorites cal- led it Shenir, the Sidonians Shirion, as Mofes tel- leth in Dent.; 9. dens efLyns]T his openeth the former, and fheweth the danger wherein Chrifts fpoufe was,dwelling as among Lions and Leopards, that is among falvage,heaftly and ido- latrous peoples, (as David complaineth,my fide is among Lions,Pfal.57.4 ) from which efface Chrift calleth and delivereth his chofen;who being deli- vered doe fee and obferve the perils wherein they were, and fate eftase whereinto the Lord, had brought them : So the Apoltle writing to the convertedGentiles faith ; Such were fame ofyou ;but ye are wafhed, but ye at e fantïii ied , battle are juftifred in the name of the Lord lefur, and by the Spirit ofour God: t Cor.6.g,1c,si. Verf.9. haft ravifhed -mine -heart ] or haft- taken -a- 9 way; or NO pierced (haft wounded) my heart : the o- , riginall is but one word , and tiled onely in this place twife ; and meaneth the ravifhing or draw- ing of the heart with love and delight.The Chal- dee expoundeth it ,T by-thee is fixed in the tableofmine I heart.Chrift fpeaketh here to his fppoufe, as a man overcome with love:as it is faid, With she joy of the Bridegroome over the Bride, thy God will rejeyce. over thee: Efa.62.5. my fefter] fo he calleth her out of his love,in refpe& of her adoption aid regene- ration (being borne of God) and of her Can &ifi - cations; as it is written, Bodo be thatfanfk: fresh, and they that are fanflified , are all of one ; for which caul he ie not afhamed to call them brethren : Ilebr.2. 1 1, And , whofeverfball doe the will of my Father which it in heaven : the fame is my brother anal fitter, and mother, Match; 10111111,