ÿ+ Io I! SO N G. C bap. 1 V. Mat.12.5 0. one of urine eyes] or, one look froth thine Otis; which eyes were in v. 1. likened to doves, fimple,chafte,pure : and wane here her faith,and the fruits therof, as praycr,&c. wherwithChritt is greatly affeaed and delighted. chain of thy neck] Hcbr. ofthy neck; that is, which hangeth on both fides of thy neck. The eye is a naturali part of the body ; the choice is an adjoynt and orna- ment of the body; figuringGods Lawes and Or- dinances, Prov. s 0.9. as also the graces of his fpi- rit in his people. Sec the noteson chap.l.10. Verse lo. Hoer faire] or how beautiful; and conic- quently, bow gracioue, bow booty and delightfull are thy loves i By loves are meant not onely the affe. ftions,, but the ailions alto and fruits of love, which the Church manifefteth towards Chrift; by her work of faith, and labour of hie, and patience of hope; and by keeping his commandements, i Thee t. 3. I Joh. 5.3. and there are faire and goodly in the eyes ofChrift, canting him to covet her beauty, Pfa1.45.11,12. bow much better] or, how good are thy loves, better than wine: the meaning of this fpeech is opened in Song 1. 2. there the Church preferreth Chrifts love above wine; here,he doth the like of her loves towards him:fignifying how pleafant and acceptable the fruits of his owne graces od deligbteth in h and Church rejoycethover hcr,Efa 62 4, 5. favour of tbinrointmemt] that is, of the graces of the Spirit wherewith thou art anoin- ted : fee the Annotations on chap. 11.3. where the Church extolleth the favour of Chrifts oint- ments, as here he doth hers. "'ices ] fweet o- dours, or tweet fmelling fpices : for of filch the holy anointing oile was made, Exod 30.2 3. and with fuch fometime womenwere purified , Efth. 2: rz. and the dead imbalined, 2 Chron. 16. 14. they were a prefent for a King, 2 Chron.9. í,9. Verle 11.drop the honey combe] that is,utter Tweet words: hereby the do &rines and prayers of the Church are commended,as fweet and pleafant to the hearers,like honey to the tafte.By this fìmili- tude the words of God are prrified in Pfa,t 59.10 and 119. 103. As grace is powred into the lips of Chrift, Pfal. 45.2. fo by communication of his grace,the fpeech of his people is withgrace,Colof. 4. 6. honey and milk under thy tongue] honey and milk,both of them meane the fweet,eafte,comfor- table and nourifhing words of faith, love, holi- neffe, &c. the fnceremilks of the Word, whereby the babes in Christ may grow,[ Pet.2.2. And plenty of grace is promifed in Emmanuels dayes, under the fimily of abundance of Mike, fo that every oise fhould ease butter and honey, Efa. 7.22. By under the tongue, feemeth to be meant the ferret and inward parts, as the heart andminde : (as Davidexalted God under his tongue, Pfal. 66. 17.) to chew her fineerity and difference hereby from the lewd woman, whole lips allo drop the honey combe, but her end is bitter at wormwood, Prover. 5.3,4. For force, by pod words andfaire fpeeebes, deceive the hearts of the ftmple, Rom. 16.18. the words of her mouth are fmoother than Butter, but warre is in their heart, Pfal. 55. 21. and Adders poi Ion is under their lips, Pfalme 140. 3' the favour] or the finel, (the odour) of thy garments : thefe are the beaus fulgarments of Si- en, EIa. 52. T. the fine linnen, cleans and height, the rigbteoufne of the Saints, Rev. 19.8. who have pkt on the Lord 'eras 'Chriff, Rom.; 3.14. Ga1.3.27. and In their faith, do &rive, converfation and admi- niftration are holy, juft and righteous, and risa- thed with faivation, Pfal 132.9,56. fo that the fa- your, the fame and good report hereof is fweet, like the fineli of Lebahon,where ¡Infant and o- doriferous trees , herbs and fpices grew in abun; dance,God maketh manif ft the favour of (n*roledgè by them inevery place ; for they are unto God afzreet favour inCbrifi z Cor. a. 14, 15. Thus God pro- mired unto Ifrael, that finel fhòuld be ar Lebanon, through the dew of his grace, Hof i4. 5,6i7. as when he firft received the bleffing,the fmell of his garments was filch, that his father compared the finell of his fònne, to the finel of fitld, which the Lord had bleffed,Gen.27.a7. Verle 1 z.á1 garden] understand from the verles It before and after, Thou are agarden; which is (by fignification) a place doled and fenced ; and is fowue and planted with herbs and trees , for ufe and pleafure. So in Elà.5. the Church of Ifrailis likened to a fenced Vineyard. looted] or bar- red : that is, dole (hut ; as the Greeke tranflateçh it ¡but : which is for fafety and defen ce,t hat no e- vil fhould come thereon,no enemies fhould enter. For walls, doores, locks, bars, &c. are means to preferve, fecure and fafe : fo in figure, when the walls of lerufalem were repaired, they were forti- fied with doores, locks and bars, Nehem. 3. 3, 13. But when filch fences are wanting, or broken downer all things lye open to the fpoile,Efa.5.5 Pfal.80.1 z. Hereby is usgnified on Gods ptrt,che prote&ion of his Church,for he is unto lerufalem a wall office round abcut,Zach z:5. and itrengthneth the bars of her gates, Pfal. 147. 13. he keepeth his Vineyard, and watereth it every moment, left any hurt it, he keepeth it night and day, Eta. 27. 3. A- gaine, on the Churches part it tignifieth her care to keep her felfe and all her plants and fruits ho- lÿ,chaft and pure unto her belovedonly;opening the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truths may enter in,Efa, z6.z.but keeping watch left the enemies fhould invade, left the uncleane, or any thing that defileth fhould enter thereinto, 2 Chron.23,19.Revel.21.27. As on the contrary fecure and carelefs people are laid to dwell with- out walls, barres or gates; Ezek.38.1 1.Jer.49.31. a fßrin .a] to weer, a water - fpring , in Hebrew Gal, to named of the rolling and waving of the waters that flow therfrom.This is to lignifie that the garden of Chrifts Church, is watered with his graces,and fo made fruitfull ándjoyfull,Eze. 31 .4,5Joh.7,38i39.Efa.44.314as it is promifed, the Lord will fatiofre thyfoule in droughts, and make fat thy boner, and thou fha /t be like a watered garden, and like a fpring ofwater, who watersfaiie not, Efa.58.11. locked]or barred,t hat is,kept dole from ene- mies,that the waters of grace may be thine only. This fignifieth(as before) Gods fpecial l favour & prote &ion for his Church; and her care to keepe her