%/A/%IIYU11:1//// / S o N G. Chap. V. 37 Cniote mee, they wounded mee: the watchmen of the walles tooke my veile 8 from on me. I adjure you, O daughters of IeruCalem: if yee find my beloved, what (hall ye tell him a that I am fick of love. 9 What is thy beloved more then nas- al?. beloved, O thou faire(t among wo- men e What is thy beloved more then another beloved , that thou doll fo ad- jure us e t o 14 beloved is white and ruddy ; ha- ving - the- banner, above ten-thoufand. I I His head, the fine -gold, the folid -gold his locker curled blacke as a Raven. I v Bs eyes as doves, by' the ltreames of water : wallíing in milke , fitting in 31 nelfe. His cheekest as a bed of fpice, flowers of fweet - odours : his lips Li- 14 lies ; dropping paling myrrh. His hands rings of gold , filled with the Chryfolite ; his bowels, bright yvorie, 15 overlaid with Saphires. His legges pil- lars of marble, founded upon lockets of folid -gold : his countenance as Le- 16 banon, choice as the Cedars. His pa- late,lweetneffe; and he is alto ether de- fires : This is ma beloved , and this is myfriend, t) daughters of Jerufalem. Did frame ; they did ('miteme, did mewound s The keepers that upon the wilt did watch, They from onme my veile away did catch. o ye the daughters of Ieru,/alem, I you adjuring charge if ye find him That my Beloved is, whatJhallyeefay To him ? that I for love languifh away. What is thy Lief more then another Lief, O thou that ha]?'mong women beauty chiefe 3 Thy Lief then other Liefs what u he more, That thou adjuring charge/, us fo fore ? My welbeloved white and red appears Above ten - thoufand he the banner bears. His head, is floe foiled gold of.Fe/f': His leckes are curl' d, blacke as a Raven is. His eyes, as doves ,the ;reamer of water by : Walking in milke, fitting in plenity. Hischeeks,asbedof flice,flowers fweetlyimelling. Htl lips ,like Lilies, paling myrrh di filling. H hands gold rings, fldwith the Chryfolete: His bdwels yv'rie bright with Saphirs dighe. His legs like Marble pillars, that have hold , Firmel on feckets of fine - folidgold, His fight as Lebanon, choife as Cedars. His palate, flouts and heisall defires; 16 This is my welbeloved and this fame My friends, o daughters of lent alem. 8 IO iI II' 13 14 15 Annotations. f Am come] or, Ihavecome: but the time palfed,is b often riled for the prefent. Here Chrilt anfwe- teth to the prayer of the Spoulè, being ready to fulfill the de f re of them that feare bim,Pl..145.19.God is làid to Come unto men,when he manifefteth his preCence by his workes, either of mercy or judg- ment,Exod.3.7,8.Gen.11.5.7. Here he cbmmeth to the garden of his Church with grace,accepta- tion, comfort and bleffing , to keepe a fpirituall banquet there : as he promifed, In every place where I /l,all make the mermaid, of my name ; I willcomeunto [ thee, and I will blef e thee, .Exod.zo 24. My filter, fprufe] fee the notes, on chap., 4. vcrC8.9. Myrrh with my fplee] that is , with my other fpices oraromaticall- fruits: for myrrh was one of the -chiefe fpices , tiled in comporttion of fweet ointments, Etto.;o.z ;.with filch ointments they anointed -them and their friends at leads, fee the ' annotations on ch 1.3. I have eaten] or,Idaeat, for the words following thew this to be fpoken as at a banquet. my honey- cumbe] as the word and do&rine of Chrilt is likened to honey and the bony amie, to wine and milke, Pfalme 19.11. and- 119. to3,ECa 55.1 t Pet.2.2. becanfe it is Cweet,çom- fortable and wholefome to nourilh the foule, as there things doe the body : lo here the manifold fruits and graces which that word,by the Spirit, bringeth forth in Chriftians, are likened allò to fuch things : whereofChrift is Paid to eat,that is, gracioufly to accept, and delight in them.On the contrary,the evill.fruits oflinners,are likened to grapes of and their wine , to the poyfanofdra- gons, Deuteronomie.32.3 2,3 3. este 0 friends,] or, 0 neighbours. Chritt (peaketh as at a featt, cheating up his friends, as partakers with hint of his graces,and comforts afordàid.They that doe his commandements, are his friendr,Joh.15.14.(as Abraham is called the friend ofGod,EC41.8.Jam. 2.z ;)and there delire and delight to be partakers of the fruits of thefiints,and rejoice in their obe- dience ; Phil. 1.9,10,11.and41.17,18.: Johv.4. 3 Joh.v 3.4.The Angels al1ò are made joyful!, at the convert-ion, Can&itie and falvation of finners by Chrilt;Luk. t 5.7,10. and 2.13,14. The Chal- dee expoundeth this of Gods acceptation of his Churches lervice under the Law,thns:The holy and blefféd (God) fail te hi, people the he, fof Ifrac): .1- am canoe to the houfeaf my fattEtuarie; which thou brat -' deft for me, my filler, 0 congregation of Ifrael , which art likened to an hone([ fyoufe. and haveeattfed ntydi- vine prefence to dwell in the midfl of thee : I accept thy inemf of fpices, which thou madefe, for my (D)