38 SON G Chap. 1.: have fin: fire frontheaven,and it hash eaten the Earnt- rffrings, and fkrifce of Peace- frgs : accepted with fat our beforéme,le the drinke- f eying of red wine and of n bite wine which the Priefis have poured out upon mine Altar. Now come yee Priefts that lave my precept:, eat that which is left of the oblations , and delight your fèlves in thegood that is prepared forgot, drink¢ abundantly O &loved ] or , he deemken, (that is, bee plecteoufly- filled) with loves. By Be'ozed,hc mea- neth his friends aforefaid t or , by love: (for fo the word may be interpreted ) bee nreaneth the fruits of love , which his Spoufe had brought forth unto him ; which lot et, he faid,were much better then wine,chap.4. I o. In Efay z 5.6. it is pro- phefied how the Lord of hops would make ( in the mountaiue of his church) unto all people, a feall of fat things a feat} of wine on the Lees,&c. 2 Vert., z. I fleepeJ or, /f/aping , and my heart ma- king. The Spoulè of Chrift here telleth of a new and greater trouble that befell her, through her owne negligence; and how the got out thereof. In chap 3. the had a Much like ttntation,bnt not fo heavie as this : for there the Wept not ; but upon her bed, in the nights,fought her beloved; here the fleepeth, her beloved feeketh her,knock- eth , provoketh , but thee maketh excufes fora while. There the watchmen though they tell her no tidings of her beloved, yet they doeher no farther harmer herc,they linite,wotutd, and un- veile her.. There,(he ('bone findeth him, after the was pat} the watchmen : here,the fi ndeth hint not fo foone, but languilheth with love, and corn- 'pplaineth to her friends, who (upon report of hisprail-es) doe helpe to fècke him with her. Sierpe is the reif or ceafing of the creature, front ufe of the outward fenfes, and from a &ion : It is tattled by vapour in the head, that aril from meat; drink; &c. which lop the paffages of the fpirits, and bind the fences. This fleepe, as it is a refrefring,i s fouled= stied in a good fenfe, for the repofè & reif that the faithful{ have in God ; Pfa1.3.5, and 4.8. Prov.3.24. But more often it fignifieth the negleft of holy duties,and a It 'thin kind of life,Efay56.to Rom.l3.1s.s TbeI.5. 6,7. and this fleepe is caufed fometimes through forrow,Luk.z2.45 fometime through wearines, Eli. 5. 27. Matetitnethrough floathfulncf , and thin it caufeth fpirituall beggery, Prov.1 9.15. and zo.t ;. The Spoule here, having eaten and drunk largely of the blcfìngs of Chrilb, begin- neth to remit her zealc,and negleft the works of faith and love,wanting the pretence of her belo- ved, and being preffed withthe remnants of the fléfh, to the gave place to carnal( cafe & fecurity. Occalioned further hereunto by the time, the night; and by the weather which was rainy: that is, by ignorance and moue prevailing ;& by the oppofition and perfecntion of enemies. and my heart wai etb] or, but my heart watcheth, or is, a- wake. The heart meaneth the inner matr,the fpirit, or man as he is regenerate,oppofed to the flefh or outward man,Rom.2.28. 29. and thejidh& ypirit (even in (cods children) doe lit ft. one again( ano- ther,that we cannot do the thingsthat we would, Gal. 5.17. and when the ¡bit* is willing (to watch, pray &c.) the flefbitweal¿,. Mat. 26.41. Whereas the' fore her heart waked while the Wept, it figni- fied that the gave not her felt wholly to this neg- ligence , but as the wife virgins had their lamps burning whiles all fumbred and Wept, when the lamps of the foolifh were gone our, Mate 5.4.5 8. fo Thee now had given her fenfe to tltfitly cafe, but had her heart and fpirit otherwi(è difpofed. For when the whole man addifted it felfe to any thing, the heart alfò is adjoyned ; as Solomon faith, J coinpaf!edabout, I and my Geart,to fear ch and to feekee rut wifedome; Ecd el. 7.25 . that lnerkaih]or, that beateth, to wit,at the doore. Shee telleth the love and care of her beloved, who would net let her reif in the bed of worldly cafe, but exciteth her to holy duries,by receiving him & the fpirit of his grace.Ch rifts voice is uttered by preaching of his Gofpel,calling to repentance,faith and o.. bedience, Heb.3.7,8 1 5. and 4.1. His knocking, fig - nifieth amore carpel provocation and delire to be let in, Ma67.7. Luk.13.25. and it may imply his chaftifements alto wherby he would call her to repentance; as he faith to the Church in Lao - dicea, (when it was fallen to be neither cold nor hot) Ar many at Ilave I rebuke and thaflen, be zealoux therefore and repent. Behold , l liand at the doore , and knocke,Revel.3.19,20. open to me] Godbpmetb drares to us,when he befoweth his hidings on us, Kahn. 78. 23.24. Efa.45.1,2 3. and fpiritually, when he giveth grace to utter his word , and to beleeve the fame,Co1.4.3. Abk. t 4.27.So we open the doore unto him, when we give him entrance into our hearts, he calling upon us by his word and workes; whey we repent,beleeve, and accept Chrift with his graces, &c. Rev.3. zo. . my filler, my low , &c.] there titles given unto the Church, even in her infirmity,fhew what affefti- on he bare unto her,and how he efeemed of her notwithftanding her ftnnes; which he imputeth not , but looketh upon her graces which hee had endued her with, as if the were perfeít & undefi- led. filledwitb dew] or, full of dew. This bead of Ch rift (which in v. 1 r . is likened to moll fine gold) here filled with dew,feemeth torneati his manifold troubles which he fuffered for her fake, not only in his owne perfon,while he was on carth,but'in his Servants and Minifters,who are often troubled on every fide, perplexed, per flouted, raft dower, alwaye: bearing abort. in the body, the dying ofthe Lord lefur,&c. 2 Cor.4. 8, 9, s o. Thus Chrift commeth in the darke night of affiftion to awake her,& to com- municate himfelfe and his graces with her.. For a man to lie wet witht/e dew e heaven, is a fine of mifery, Dan. 4. 25. fo is rainewhere there is no covert, Efa.4.6. and drop: (or droppings) likewife lignifie troubies,Amos 6.1 i.But dew& rain upon the land maketh it fruitfull: fo is Chrift by his d o&rine to his Church,Plal,72.6 Hof s 4.5.Dou. 32.2. And in this fenfe tome take it here, as if Chrift came unto her full of the dew of blefhngs to ineich her. The Chaldee paraphraft applieth this verte to the Iewes captivity,& Gods calling them to repentance, thus : After all theft words, the