11llIIJAIi 3 SoN. Chap. V. the people of the houP of Igoe! finned; and he delivered them into the h and of Nebacbadnetar King of Babylon, who led them into captivity : and in the captivity they were like to a mat afleepe , that cannot wake out of his fle.pe. And the voice of the Holy Ghoft admanifhed them by the band of the Prophets , and furred them up from the fleepe of their heart. The Lord of all the world fpalte,and than he faid :Turn by repentance,open thy mouth , and make regaeff , and land me, my fffer, my love , the oongregaoion of Ifrael, whieh art like a dove in perfiDion of thy worker : for the haire of my head is filled with thy tearer, as a manwhnfc haire of bit held is wet with the dew of heaven; and my hairy locket are filled with the drops of thine eyes, at a man whole baiey locket are full with toe drops of raine that defend in the night. Verf3,how'ball I put it on ?] that is,I cannot put it on without trouble and relu&ation of my heft). The like phrafe God ufed in Hof. 1.8. How fhal Igive thee up, Ephraim, &c. how fhal Intake thee at Adonde? &o. that is, I cannot utterly deliroy thee, as ( did thofe Cities, fuch is my compaffion towards thee. The Spòuíe here telleth her an- fiver toChrift,how fhe made excufes and delaies, and that (he could not preCently admit him : as the friend anfwereth tin Luke 11.7.) Trouble mee not,the doore io now fhut, and myebildren are with mee in bed: Icaemot rife anti give thee. The keeping, on of clothes,is a figde 6f care and watchfulnelhe,Neh. 4.23. fo Thee now (I in the abfence of her Lord) ( hould have had her Jayne/ girded about , her light burning, her felfe waiting for his retorne; that when he came and knocked,thee might open to him immediately, Luke 1 a.3 5.36. But fhe had not only engirded, but put off her coat , andwathed her feet, fo compolingher felfe to a felled refi in her bed ; and in head of watching, fleepeth; in head opening doore, driveth him away through her regle& and (loath. wafhed my feet] another figne that the had betaken her felfe to re(t : for in thole hot countries (where ufitally they went bare - footed) they washed their feet from Coile and fweat after travell : which thee now having done,could not (as fhe pretended) without fou- ling them againe, open to her beloved. Such' worthleffe excufes Both our heft, alleane; the time is unfeafonable,the night is cold & dampe, the weather wet, wee cannot ariCetoentertaine Chrilt, without trouble and detriment. So the people that dwelt in their fieledbeufes ,Ca id. the time is not cone that the Lerdo beffe fhould be built, Ag.1. 4.2. Thefloatbful Jaith,ALyon is in the way, a Lyon is inthe ffreets, Prov. 26.3. and Thefluggand will nit plow, by reafu of the cold, Prov. 20.4. The Chaldee here paraphrafeth thus, The Congregation of Ifrael, anfwered before the Prophets ; Loe now I have put off from me the yoafe of hit precept's, and haveferved the er- roneoue iddsof the peoples: andhowcan ¡have the face to turné again unto him ? The Lord of the world an- 'fwered them by the' band of the Prophets; And Ielf, Lee now I have talon away my divine- profence from midi of thee ; and how (hall 1 returne ? And thou baff done evil workes . and I have fanslified my feet from thy uncleanneli ; and how filial I defile them in the mils 39 of thee , by thy evil works 7 Verf.4,. put in]Hebr. feat bir'band,or,put it fartb. 4 by the holes] or, from the boles to wit , of the doore,where he knocked,which Conic underhand to been withdrawing of thehand as purpo(ingto leave off his calling of her : but the Greeke tran- flateth by the hale; and the putting forth of the hand ufitally meaneth the enterprifing of a worke,rather then the leaving of it off,as in Gen. 222. & 22.10.1 I. & 48.14. Exod.;.so. 1 Chro. 3.9. and the effc'Ets following , that her bowels were moved, that (he role ap, &c. leeme to confirme this., And an bole is a mean either to looke in,or to put in the hand , or to make a wider entrance, Ezek. 8 7,8,9. The Spoufe of Chriil here fignifi- eth, that though the doore was (hut again(t him, that her Beloved could not enter and though his voice(by the outward Mini(tery of his word could not cau a her to arise; yet he put forth his hand (by the inward working of his Spirit)and wrought moreeffcEtually in her. For, as thefinger of God (in Luk.11.20.) meaneth the Spirit of God, Mat. r2.28. fo doth his hand. Wherefore the dit- ciples outwardly preaching the word; it is laid, the hand of the bard war wirb them, andagreat number be- keyed, and turned to the Lord, A& 1 1.r 9.21. my bowels made a troubled not fe]or, my bowelsfoundest, rumbled. Hereby the fignifieth herdifquietneffe, hearty forrow , and repeneance,for her Beloved, who had filffered fomany things for her fake.and whom thee had fo negleEted and put from her, when he defired to come in. So the Prophet (to fhewahis forrow for Moabs calamity) faith, My bowels (hall found (or make- a- noife) like an barpe for Moab 16.1 I. and for the Iewes another faith, My bowels , my bowels , I am pained at my very bears; my heart maketh- a -noife (or a troubledföimd) I cannot hold my peace; Ier.4. 19. Yea God hintfelfe,in commiferation of Ephraims mifery, làith, My howetr fund (or make-a- troubled noif) for him, I will farely have mercy on him, faith the Lord. Ter.; 1.2o. So here the Spoufe, by the founding of her bowels, fheweth the griefe of her heart, which is one (and the chiefe(t) of the bowels,as is after noted on v.14. Vert 5. I rope up] or, /my fi f role up. Vnto her inward griefe,the addeth outward acts of amend- S ment,(fruits meet for repentance) riling, ope- ning,feeking,calling for her Belovednow dep cr- eed from her doore, through her former negli- gence. dropped myrrh] that is, eyleofmyrrh. puffing myrrh] cleat is.puremyrrh,which is of bitter- tall e,and fweet finelling favour : or [arrant myrrh, fach as paffeth from one to another, vendible to merchants, becaisfe it is good : as palling money is currant money with Merchants, Gen.2 ;. t 6. Paging myrrh dropping from Chrifts lips, (Song.5.13) fignifieth the fweet odour of bis do`chine; fo the like here dropping from the bands and fingers of his Spook , fecneeth to denote the fweet odour of her workes;that her godly forrow,with faith, andlove unfeigned , might be acceptable to her beloved , and of fweet ['melt in his nottrìls. Ip thofe countries , women (_before they were (D 2) brought