S O N G. Chap. V. brought to Kings)were purified with oile ofmyrrb, and farces odours , E1th. 2. 12. and the garments of Chrifts Spoufe doe finell of 119jrrb, &c. Pfalme 45.9. here her hands , that is , her actions are anointed with oyleof myrrh, that is, the grace of Gods Spirit as the holy oyle in the Sanftuary (figuring grace) wasmade of pure myrrh, and o- therchide fpices,Exod.3o.23. &c.Otherwile we may underftand is of the grace of Chrift,which he left behind him as a tweet odour to allure her, when he put in his hand at the hole of the doore; which he perceived now when lisce was rifen from her bed of carnali fecurity. handles of the.locke]thefe handles (or hands) of she locke,were thofe that kept out Chrift fromentring ; which now (he anointeth with oyle of myrrh, that her heart being ointed and fuppled with grace , all bars and lets being removed, he might freely en- ter to reape the fruit of his owne grace in her. 6 Ver.6. I opened] or, Imyfelfeopened: this no- teth a further degree of grace in her, who after file had rifen,ope neth the doore,(puttingaway all encules, delayer binderances, admitting the word and worke of Chrift into her heart,) that the King of glory might come in. withdrawn bimfelfe] or, turned-away. was paid- away] This doubling of the complaint for his depar- ture,fheweth her paffion and grief, in that the in- joyed not his pretence & favour, as in timepaft. But the narration telleth how even the righteous arc(for their fìus)meotnpenfed in the raroh,and Jeareely faved; Prov.i 1.31.' Pet. } s8. if we refufe the grace of God profered bee will hide hibface from us, Mic.3.4. Hof.5.5. my fine went forth] or, wasgone,departed; that is,failed, fainted. I was even a dead woman, through feare and gricfe: for death is the departing of the foule from the body,Gen. 3 5.18. and as the bears is laid togae forth when men are aftonifhed with feare, or the like pallions, Gen.42. 28. fo here the fìule is laid to goe forth for like caufe. becaufe of hiefpeecb] for his words, which he had ufed, when fo loving- ly he intreateth me, in ver. 2. The word fpoken doth not alwayes prefently take effeft in the hea- rers, but after, when they fall into tentation,the Spirit of God often bringeth things to their re- membrance,that they doe better underhand and makeufe of that they heard, Ioh.54.26. Match. 26.75. he anfwered menot] This is one of the greateft tentations,thatGod feemeth not to hear the prayers of his people, though they call day and night, Pfaim.s2. 3. he fhutteth out their prayer, Lam. 3.8. But here the Spoufe bath meafure for meafure; becaufe he called and the would noto- bey,fhe alto calleth and hath no aufwer.Howbeit his Bare is not beavie,that it cannot heare : but (as i t is written) Tour iniquities have feparated between you andyour Gad; andyour ins have hid bit face fromyou, shale will nos¡vare; Efay 59.1,2. The Hebrewes (in their Chald. paraphrafe)apply the aft &ions here prophefied of, to the fins & captivity of If- rael,mentioned in s Chro5.25,26..2King.r7. 6. at what time, though the Prie(ts (as they fay) offredoblations & burnt incenfe, yet were they not accepted. Verl7. The watchmen] or,ketpers,that kcepe watch and ward in the City by night : meaning the officers of the Church ; fee before en cha.3.3, found me ] By this it appearcth,that the went not only to the dore of her houle to leek Chriff, but did goe about the rip, in the flwets, &e. as before in chap.a.3. they fmote me] fruiting is not one - ly with the hand, or other like inffrnment, but with the tongeee,as in Ier.18.18.Come and let ut!mite him with the 'tongue: and generally to finite, is to affift by what meanes foever, Efa.5 34. Pfal.69. 27.Here the Watchmen are mere injurious then before in chap. 3. neither inguireth f1ae of thefe for her Beloved ; but being by them Found, out of the common courfe,is !mitten &wounded as an evil! doer , judged as a dithoneli woman; whole feet would not abide in her hoot, no not by night,is rebuked, cenfured , &c. wounded me ] drew blood of me, for it is a further degree of hurt then fruiting,' King.ao.37.Exod.2s.25. So the hnsbandmen wounded the Lords fervent, Luk.2o.17. watchmen of the mils] watch- men in the citie are to look that order and peace be kept ofthofe that are within,watchmen on the walles,are to looke to enemies without,that they breake not in, and to warne the citie if foes ap- proach:fo thefe were other thenthe former,frotn whom the efcaping With flripcs and wounds,paf- feth from the ftreets to the wallet to leek Chrift, but is thereat evil! intreated. Thefe are in name the Mini(ters of Chrifk , fupplying the place of fuck as are mentioned in Efa.62.6.but of another kind,not making mention of the Lord,but perle- cutiug thofe that fecke him. toekmy veik]or,my fearfe ;it hath the name in the original!, of fprea- ding,as being fpread over her head to cover her : Such veiles were worne of women,partly for or- nament,as appeared by Efa.3. 3 3. partly for mo- defty,and in tgne of fubjetion to men,efpecially their husbands, s Corinth. u. 6,7, o. and an husband to the wife a covering of the eyes, Gen. 2t', 16. The taking away therefore of her veile, fee- meth to be a note of infamy; difloyalty ordd. honefty imputedunto her:as of idolatry,herefie, fchifine& the like;fo the was fpoilcd of hergood name and reputations and counted among the light & lewd women. For it appeareth by Ezek. 23.2 5,2 6.that they ufed to entreat dilhoneft wo- men fo;disfiguring their faces,itripping them out of their clothes,& taking away their faire jewels. Verf.8.1 adjureyou]I charge you by oath ; Here the 8 Spoufe (having with much adoe efcaped from the watchmen) meeteth with her friends the daughters of lerufakm; of whom, fee the notes on Song 2. 7. and a. 5. where alto thee adjured them, upon other weighty caufe. what fhallye tell him i] this is anearneft and pallionate kind of fpeech, (hewing her great affeftion ; and (timing up their care and dilgence; that if they who had not for theprefent the knowledge of Chrift by his graces clearely manifefted unto them,(as appearethby their anfwer in v.9,& c.6. y.5.)fhould finde him by being made partakers of his mercy through the revelation of his Gofpel, (as 7