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SO NG, (,hap. V. (as in Rom. ro 2o.) then they fhould tell (or Crid to red, dyed and diet in blond; Eta. 63. 1, 2, 3. thew) unto him in their prayers, the 'late ofthis Rev. 19. 3. having the Banner, abase ten thort- his atfllfted Spotne. ficke oflave]in Greck,woun- fend] or,bavktg Banners, of ten-thou/and Hebrew, ded with love: langui(hing with defire of his mer- Gant;Bred, awe (or of or with) ten-the/fwd. Mean- t íe,of theforgiveneffeofmyfins,ofreconciliati - ing either that he was the chiefeil, valianteftand on, &c. See the notes on chap.:. verCe 5. mutt excellent of all : or,that he had many Ban- Verfe 9. more than another belázed] when God Hers and companies of Warders with hint. In 9 and Chrift is preached, the wicked take ocealìon the firlt lëntë the Greeke interpreteth it, the cho- w location and magnifie other falfe Gods, and fen (or cboifß) of ten- tboufands: in the latter, the erroneous Cervices, Efa.36.18,2o. Aa.19.26,z8, Chaldee Paraphrail, and other Hebrew Expolt- hut they that belong to the heavenly Lrufalem, tors apply it to the ten-thoufands of Angela that defire to be informed further in the truth,and to minifter before him, (as in Daniel 7. i o.) The Ban- i know the difference betweene true and falfe Her (or flanderd) is a warlike figue ; and he that Chriíts,worlhips, ordinances, &c. as thefe here, beareth it, is of the chietell ; and by it, other and foinA`ct.r7.i8,19,34, &c. 28.22,23,24. Warriers doe encampe, as appeareth in the or- faire(} among women] See chap. t.8.Here the Spoufe mies of IJrael, Numbers 2. And there I,,dahh was of Qhrilt, though in her forrowes and niiteries, dtiefe Standerd bearer, and had under his ban - though perfecuted and abufed by wicked watch- ner the greate't number of Warriers : (o here men, though in the danke night of tribulation, is Chrift (the Lion of the tribe of . I; doh, Revelation 5. notwithitanding difcerned and profelfed to be 5.) is chicle among many, yea above all ; for fair and glorious; by fuch as belong unto Chrift, he ttandeth for an Erofigne of the people, Era u t o. Heb., 1.24,-26.1 Theft.5.6. (that is , rnletb ozer the Gentiles, Romans t 5. t z.) I o VerCi o. White andtiudely] She defcribeth aria and unto him both the Angels doe mini fter , and unto them in his beauty, to (tit up both her own worfhip him, Matthew 4. i 1. Hebrews' i . 6. and and their affefkions,and to draw them after him. many ten tboufands of people doe beleeve in him, For as the outward thew of idolaters, allureth A&.2 Lao. Rev.7.9. and (,in his wars again' his the unwife to affeí and follow them,Ezek. z 3.5, enemies) as armies in beaten doe follow him, Re- 6,12,14,5 5,16. fo the true knowledgeofChrif1 velation 19.11,14. with his graces, draweth the Ele& to feeke and Verfe t 1. the fine gold, the fooled goal ] underfiand I r embrace him,A&t 2.22, 37i41. & 3.12.13, &c. &4. fine gold and folidgold, for this .word and is Come- 4. and 17. t t , 12. and by the Gofpel preached, time not expreffed in the Hebrew, though it be Chrift with his fiifferings is evidently ft forth, Gal. meant; as is noted on Exod.2 z.3o. Deuteron.24. 3. t. Here as a goodly yong man, he is as in an i- 17. Two names of the belt gold are here joyned, mage pourtraycd by his vilsble qualites, his co- Ceibem, and Paz (orPbaz;) the firf is fine, nota- i lours,and by the parts of his body. White and red, ble and Ihining; the latter, folid, Wrong, and left as they thew the bell temperature of man,fo here gold, or Feb gold: ( according to the Hebrew they may fignifie inChrift; Fin i, his Godhead & name.) Fine-gold is in Arabik called Fes and Manhood f for God in vifion hath appeared all the land of Frffe feemeth to be fo named of'Inch white as foow, and ar pure moot, Dan.7.9. and Chrift gold there.Both there together,lkt forth the gin- in his glory had his fate Ihining as the Sun, and his ry ofChrils head here: which being takeneither « raiment wbise as ¡h0 light, Mat.,7. 2 . and in him divi- properly,or figuratively for the crown or ornament lab all the fulnefje of the Godhead bodily,Coi.2 9. Man of the head; (as by the fee are implyed the fhaoes on had his name Adam ,.ofAdonah, the red mould the feet, Deuter .8.4,29i5.)feemethco denote his of the earth out of which he was taken, Gen.z.7. headlhip,dignity or regiment; that his Kingdom and Chrif(who here is Adorn red)is the loft Adam, is molt glorious(like fine fplendent gold)becaufe t Cor.15.45 . and' was partakr with his children it is fpirituall and heavenly ; and mo(t firme and of (le(h and blood,Heb. z.14. Secondly,wbitede- durable (like pure folid gold) becaufe it is eter= noteth his innocencie inhimfelfe, without 'pot nail: Joh. x8. 36,37. Luke í7.2o,21.Dan.7.t3,14. of fin: red,his finfull cafe by imputation, for God For the Sponfe calleth her Beloved King, in Song made him, who knew no fin, to be fin for us, that we 1.4. and Daz id praifing God, faith,TTbou haft let on might b e made the righteou(help ofGod in him, 2Cor.5. his head, acrowneo/fnen gold, PC244. And as Chriil 21. and fo there two colours are ufed to fignifie is here defcribed, fo is bee in the admini(tration finfulneflc and innocencie, Efa.t.;8. And confe- and government of his Church : that when his quently red betokened' his fufferings to the tiled - Kingdom is powerfull and glorious,and of large ding of his blood,as white doth his vi&ory,peace extent,it is like a golden head,as in Dan.2.37,38 joy and comfort in God,Rev.7.9,t 3,-17. Eccles and when it isadmini(tred according to his laws 9.8. And in relpéaft of his adminiltration, white and judgements,(which are more to be deft red than fetteth forth bis grace and mercie to repentant muchfine flidgold, Ptah 19.51.) then is the freet of and beleeving fi nners,whom he jufìifieth,fan &ifi- Ierufalem (the Law wherein men walke) pure gold, eth, and will bring into glory ; who therfore are as in Revelation 21. 2 r. Hereby allo his rich Paid to be clothed in byffe white andcleane,which is grace and bountitulne(fe unto men, may bee the rigbteeufnefft of the Saints, Rev. 19.8,14. and red, implyed. his locket ] his hairy - locker , of his jutice in puni(hing and doing vengeance on which before he complaineth in verfe z. that his enemies, in token whereof his garments are they were filled with drops of the night. curled] (.D 3) or, 11,/ / r Wwq,,,,-