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S a N G. Chap. V. or bears, that is, are like heaps, curled and bufhy. b1J e] in Revel.1.14. Chrift appeareth as an Ancicnt,with his hairs :kite at wool; here he is de Bribed as a goodly yong man , with curled locks, Macke as a Raven : that white colour [hewed him to be the Ancient ofdaies, Dan.7.9. full of gravity, wifdome, jultice, &c. but blacke and cur /edlockes, as they are fsgnes of heat and firength in nature, fo here they feeme to denote ftrength and vigour fpirituall,as alfo the hidden myftery of his coun- fels. thoughts and purpo(ès tsnfèarchable. Accor- ding to thevariety of times, caulks and admini- ftrations, fo things are fpoken diveriy of God and of Chrift: as in 5 Thu.6.16. he dwelleth in the light which none can approach unto; in 2 Chro.6. 1. he dwelleth in the thick darknef : his admini- ffration of mercy by the preaching of the Golpel is fignified by a white hole', his judgement by a blackeborf,Rev.6.2,5. And if we refer this here to Chriftsadminiftrarion, it may denote both his coonfels unfearchable of any , and in fpeciall his ¡ judgements decreed for his enemies. Y2 Verle 12. at doves] in Revelation 5.14. her eyes are at a flame of fire, and in Daniel 1 o. 6. as lamps offire; to (earth and try all mens wales, and to fet mens ferret funs to the light of his counte- nance, Jeremy 16.17. Hahne 9o. S. and 15.4. here, he hath doves eyes, to thew that he is ofpurer eyes than to behold evill, and cannot look en iniquity, Habak. 1. 13. that he gracioufly beholdeth his people with mercie, and commiferation of their mifery, Deuteronomy. II. 1 2, pralmt 34.16. and 33. 18,19. and that he faithfully looketh to his covenant with his people; as the Spoufe for her faith and loyalty is Paid allo to have does eyes, Song 5.15. & 4.1. ly Jlreams] or by currents.(ri- vers) of water that run violently : loch waters are pure and cleare, where doves delight to be. wafting] to weer, themfelzes; which the Greeke tranflatcth, wafhed in milke. As doves wafhing the'felves in milk white water are cleanfed from dots and bile : fo the eyes of Chritl are pure and clean,beholding his people in grace. fitting in i fidmffe] if the finsilittide of waters be continued; then it meaneth full channels of water, bywhich doves delight to fit : or,if of the doves,it may be underftood of fitting in their lockers, and fo ap- plyed to the eyes in the holes of the head with fit and due proportion,neither flinke in,nor liar - tingout; lotit as the precious filingHonks, Exo.2 5 . 7. were emboffed and fitly let in the hollow pla- ces of the golden Ephod : fo were theft pure and gracious eyes, in the head of Chrift. i3 Verle 13. bed of JJice] meaninga garden-bed, wherein fpice aromaticall is let; as after in Song 6.2. flowers] or, groove plants,fo named of be- ing grow n great: the word alto may be tran(la- ted towers, which have their names of greatneffe. The cheekes (which are both fides of the face) are likened here to a garden bed of fweet fpice; not barren or faded,but sprouting and growne up to blade and ficwteof fweetodours; whereby the beard afro thát groweth out of the cheeks or jaws, (Efa,50.6.) may be meant. There cheeks of Chrift thus adorned, lignifie his manlineffe and comelinels to all that by faith behold him,& the fweetneffe of the graces that flow from his hea- venly countenance; whiles being as a man gro wn up ro yeeres of difcretion, he adminiltreth all things difcreetly , juftly and comfortably to liis people. The Hebrews in the Chaldee paraphrafe on this booke,underftand by the bead,the Law of God, which is to be defired more than gold : by the locks of haire, the interpretation ,fihe words th. rin heaped together, such are blacke to thole that keep them not : by the yes, his providence to behold and bleffe his people by 'canes of ColXnfel- Iors,Tcachers,Judges, &c, by the cberk,,the twota- bles of lone, written with lines as with rewes of a garden of fpices; & yeelding acute & fweet fen ter. pa Ping myrrh]that is,i3deofnryrrb of Tweet favour, which paffeth currant & is vendible among Mer- chants (as before in ver. 5.) Thit fignifieth that grace,(or words ofgrace,Luke 4.22.)which was po:- red one in lips of Chrilt,P1 :45.3. which let forth by limilitude of the pleafant lily,& tweet myrrh - oile, doe note out the comfort and fweetnelfe of the Gofpel,ln the hearts of them that beleeve. Verlè r4. 7beCbryfolite] inHebrew Tharfh ; it is a precious (tone ofa golden lea-green colour: fee Exo.28.2o. Thefe bands of Chrilt,likened uu- to,or adorned with gold rmgr,whofe hollow place or foyle is let and filled with theC'tryfolite,flg- nifie his precious,pure& religious works;accep- table and honorable before God and men. bit bowels] that is , bit brefi and belly , for in them the bowels are contained, as the heart, liver, &c. but he nameth bowels, to denote his inward affetlions outwardly manifefted. So the beast is Paid to be among the botbels, in Pfal. 22. 15. and the liver is joyned therewith in Lam. a. 51. where alto the bowels are in Greek tranflated the beare.See before on verlè 4. bright yvory] Hebr.brigktneji ofyzo- ry; meaning,'oft bright,pol ifhed,faireand glori- ous. overlaid]or, which is covered, and fo ador- ned with Saphirs: for in Gen. 38.14. this word is tiled for covered,w here the Greek and Chaldee ex= pound it adorned.Thefe bowels of Chrift like bar - nifht yvory decked with Saphirs (which are pre- cious hones of a lea blew,ot heavenly colonr)lìg- nifie his hearty & heavenly affeftions, love, mer- cie,commiferation,&c. towards God,his Law,& his people; as he faith (in Ptàl.4o.9.) thy Law is within t.y bowels and bowels are inward- affeflions, In. 2 Coe7.15. & joyned with mercie,in Phil.2.1.& ufed for tender-mercy,in Luke 1 78.and Paul, great longing after the Saints,is laid to be in the bowels oflefas CbriJl,Phil.r.8. TheGhald.raraphraft ap- plyeth thelè to the body of the Church of If ael, the twelve Tribes, who (Mined (as he faith) like lampes, were polifhed in their works like Ele- phants tooth(or yvory) and (hone like Saphirs. Vert 15. His legs pillars of marble] under the name legs, the rbigbes albo are comprehended, and all downe to the feet: which are the inftruments to beare,fùftain and remove the body from place to place : fo the leg of a map, and the fl rength of an horfe are mentioned (in Pfal.i47.1o.)to lignifie mans 14 t5