SONG . Chap. V I. mans might and fwiftnelfe. And asyron legs de- noted a firong Kingdome, Daniel 2. 33, 4o. fo the drength of Chrilt in his wayes and gevernment, is role mbled by marble pillars, and the upright= and purity thereof,bythe colour of white-marble, orAlablalter. founded] or grounded, fitfall as on a foundation. focietsof folidgold] that is,Chrifts fcet,onwhich his legs are lèt,(as pillars on their rockets to fuftaine and day them up) are of folid gold; firme and Roble, pure and glorious : fo that his way is perreïl, his anclesflip not, 2 Sam. 32.33, 37. hisfoot flandetb in rigbteoufnef, Pí31.26.12. he walkfth lately in his way,and his foot ftumbleth nor, Prov.3.23. with there feet in jnftice he trea- deth dowse his enemies, Pfal.11o.s. Efay 26.6. 2 Sam. 22.39,43. but bringeth good tidings of peace to his people, Nah.1. 15. that all they are blelfed which trust in him, Prat. 2.22. whereas confidence in an unfaithful! man in the day of trouble, is like a foot out ofjeynt, Prov. 25. 19. his counte- nance] or bisfght,appearance,forme ;that is,his per - lonage: for this word meaneth not his face only, but his whole perfon : to fee to he is like Lebanon, goodly, great,high,glorious. So in 2 Sam.23.2 man of countmance, (that is a goodly perfonable man) is by another Prophet called a man of mea- fare,(that ss,ofgreat and goodly flature) I Chro. 11. 23. Lebanon] a goodly mounsaine in the North part of the land of Canaan, fee Song 4.8. As Chrilfs large, glorious, andeverlafting King- dome was fsgnified by aflare, that became agreat mountain andfilled the whole earth, Dan. 2. 35,44 and other kingdoms alto are figured by noun- taines,Jer.51.2 5: fo the largeneffe,eninencieand glory of Chrilt hi his kingdom,is here refembled by mount Lebanon. choice] that is,goodly, ex- cellent, for things that excell are tholes before o- ther: and thefc words, choice and good (or goodly) are joyned together in the praife of men (as in I Sam. 9. 2.) or of trees, Ezek. 31. 16. and choice Cedars are mentioned in Jer. 22.7. fo here, Chrilt is choke as the Cedars, meaning, goodly, excellent, 43 flourifhing and continuing ha vigour: the juli mangroweth ás a Cedar in Lebanon. P151.92.I3. V erfe 16. his palate] or, the roofe of his mouth which (as the tongue and lips) is-the inftrument of /peaking; and to figuratively Mid for goads or words, Pron. 5.3. fweeinelfes] or freers, Tweet things : which properly is meant of fìviet meats and drinks, as in Neh.8.1 o. Prov. 24.1 3. but ap- plyed to thewords of God -, which are fweet to the foule, as honey; er other fseeets to the talle, Pfalme 19. to. and 119. so3. Here the palate (or mouth) ofChrid being likenedtofweetabntgs,fig- nified his words, doítrines, promifes, comforts proceeding from his fpirit, and being plainly and powerfully uttered, to be pleafant,shhole- fonte,comfortableto the fouler of filch as do di: cerne and beleeve them; as the Spoufe before raid, bit finis was fweet unto her palate (or tafle) Song 2.3. So the Wifdome of God faith (in Pro. 8.7 .)my palate(that is,my mouth) full ffeahtbe troth. And theChaldee here paraphrafeth ,The words of his palate are fweet ai bony. he is altogether] or, all (every whit) of him is defires; that is,much to be de- fired, he is wholly amiable: which theChaldee expoundeth, all bio commandemems are to be deli- red. Thus Christ is both generally and in parti- cularscommended and magnified, by che tongue of his Spoufe, unto the daughters of Ierufalem (as by the tongue of Paul he was crucified among the Galathians,Gal.3. t.when his fufferingswere de- dared.) But as he is the power of God, and the noifdome of God unto them which are tailed, when to others he is a ffnmbling bloche, and foolifhnetti, 1 Co- rinthians 1. 23, 24. fo here he is to the Spoufe and her friends glorious and beautiful! ; but to the world he is bate and ignominious ; a worme and not a man, the reproach of men, and contemned of the people, Pfalme 22. 7. his vifge marred more than a- ny man, and bit forme, more than the Pones of men: growing up at a root one of a dry ground : having no forme nor comeline; no beauty that wefhould defire him, Efay 52.14.aud 53.2. 4.444t4.-.440.440114.14.144.....000 I Hither is tity Beloved gone, O thou faireft among Wo- men: whither is thy Belo - ved turned -afide, that wee may feeke him with thee 2 My Beloved, is gone-downe to his garden to the beds of fpice: to feed in the gardens , and to gather Li- 3 lies. T am my Beloveds, and my Be- loved is mine : he feedeth among tjie Lilies. 4 Thou art faire, O my Love, as Tir- zah, comely, as Jerufalem : terrible, 5 as armies with Banners. Turne-about thine eyes , over - against me: for they, have Cu a PT I s. VI. OWhither is thy welbelavedgone, Thou that of women are the faire/l one: o whither may thy Lovedearned be d fide, that we may feeke for him with thee. My Welbeloved, be, deftended is Ynto his garden, to the beds. of ¡pile Within thegardens that he food.may get, That alfobe may gather Lilies fweet. I my Beloveds am,andmy Loved Is mine, he loth among sha Lilies feed. My Love, thou art as Tirzah beautiful!, Comely, as u Ierufalem : dreadful tAs are the warlike-bannered -ái mien. over againfi me, turne -aboat thine eyes I 2 3 Per \ 4 5