144 S o N G. Chap. d' I. have lifted mee up : thy haire is as a flocke of Goats, that appeare from 6 Gilead. Thy teeth, are a flocke of fheepé, whichcome -up from the waffl- ing : which all of them beare-twinns, and none among them is bereaved -of- 7 the-yong. As a piece of a Pomegra- nate, are thy temples, wig hin thy locks. 8 There are three-fcore Qeenes, and foure-fcore Concubines: and Virgins, 9 without number. My Dove my per- feCt -one, fhe is one, fite is the only one W.' her mother ; (flee rs the choice one of her that bare her: The daughters fa.: her, and they bleffed her, the EZueenes and the Concubines, and prai- so fed her. Who is she that looketh -forth as the morning e faire as the Moone, cleare as the Sunne; terrible, as armies with banners. I went- downe to the nut - garden, to fee the fruits of the valley: t fee whe- ther the vine flourished , whether the 12 Pome- granates bloffamed. -I knew nor; my foule put nie, the chariots of my wil- ling people. 2' 13 Returne, returne, O Shulammiteffe, returne, returne, that we may looke up- on thee: what fhall we fee is the Shu- lammiteffe e as the company of two. armies. :II For they have lift me up : e is thine haire,, As peke of goats, from Gilead that appeare: Thy teeth as flocke of fheepe are, which be gone 6 Vp from the wa(Finf : of which every one Doe briny fort .eq'all- twins, and them among Is none that is bereaved -of the.gong. The temples- of.thine-head, thy leckes within, 7 Like to a piece of a pomegranate beene. ,ueenes threeftore are,and Concubines fourfcore: 8 Of Virgins eke innumerableflore. My Dove, my undefiled, she is one: 9 She of her mother is the one - alone, N Of her that bare her fig the choice -one is : Thedau,hters they her faw anddid ber bliffi, The reeenes and Concubines , and did her praise. Who is fie that ns morne her ftlfe d,fftlayes 1 10 Faire as the Moone is, as the Sun fa cleare, Driadf ell, as armies that doe Banners beare: To the Neetgarden r went - downe, to foe The valley fruits : to Re if the vine -tree Floserilbt, ifbloffomedidthe Pomegranets. I knew not, my foule put me, the c,arrets 1 z ofmy free people. Turne,oturne (l fay) 13 Shulammiteff é; turne, turne, we view thee may: What shall we fee in the Shulammiteffe? As company that of two armies is. 11 vinnotations. I t rVrned afide] or3batb be turned his face, to wit, bedof fpia] rankes, rewes, or beds wherein fpices were fowne : which feenteth to mean companies of beleevers, in whole hearts (as in good earth) the tweet and precious word of the Gofpel was fowne, Mat. r3.8, 23. For these beds are by A- quila a Greeke Interpreter, tranflated Prafeai, which word is tiled in Marke 6.4o. for ranks of people fitting downe to be fed of Chrif. to feed]toaffociate himfelfe,and communicate with the graces of his peopie,eating his pleasant fruits as in Song 4.16. as alto to feed his friends & im- part unto them the graces of his fpirit,in the gar - dens(his particularphurches)as in Song 5.1. to gather Liliet]to accept the tweet-tasselling fruits of his owns graces growing in hisChurches : or 2 g hie ] T g to gather unto him his faithful people,which are as Lilies among thorns, Song 2.2. The Hebrews in their Chaldee paraphrafe, apply this to Gods returning of his people from the captivity of 8,- bylon by Cyrus, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zorobabel, &c. and the refforing of his worship in the Temple , rc- edified, & accepting their fervice,and nourishing then with dainties; and at a man t hat gat beresb li &ea out of the vallieo,jo gathn oh he than out of Babylon. Verse from thee to others; or,to another place. that we may ficke] or, and we will fieke him. The daughters of Iertefalem (Gods eleEt) having heard from his Spoule,the praises ofChrifl; are moved carnally to inquire after him, and promile (if they know where) to leeke him with her, that they might be made partakers of his grace and blellings. Such is the effe& of the preaching of the Gofpel,in the hearts of the chofen,A &s 2.37. and 4.4. and /1. 20,21. But the watchmen fore - mentioned (Song 3.3. and 5.7.) had no fuck affe &ion: that in them the fay ingwas fulfilled; TbePoflors are became bruitifb, and have not fought the Lord; therefore they fhall notprofiler, Jer. t o.2 r. Verses. mae- dswneta t arden he arden of Chrift is his Church, as in chap. 4.16. and 5.1. The fpouíh which before miffed and fought hint, bath now intelligence, and informeth others where he is : fo that this refpeð another time and ftate, and the promise is fulfilled, Seeke,andye foal!find, Mat. 7.7. If from thence thou 'halt f eke she Lordtby God, thoufhalt find him; ifthou feeke him with all thine heart, and with all thy foule., Dent. 4.29. t