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. ///l/d-1JIIIb1 d1i1rtitti SoNo. Chap.VI. 3 Verf 3.T ant mÿ Behvedt] The Spoufe here glo- riec h in the peace renewed betweene Chrift and her, and their mutual! communion by his Spirit ' and her faith; notwithftanding her former infir- mities and aftliaions. The fame word (but in o- thee order) the tiled before,in Song.2.16. fee the annotations there. V.4. Thou art faire] The Spoufe having found, 4 and beingreconciled to Chrift, is here commen- ded by him for her manifold graces wherewith Thee was. beautified. Compare theft her graces with the former, inSong.4.I. &c. asTirxah] ThisF,}vas a chic in Canaan,notfarfrom Samaria whelm one of the ; I Kings whom Iofuacôque- red did dwell,Iof t 2.24, Afterward the Kings of Ifrael kept their Courts in it, r King.14.17. and 15.21.33. Scßy interpretation Tirzab fignifleth grateefidT well-pleaftng,or acceptabk and fo the Gr. here tranflateth it Good pleafure, or fawn. cable acceptation : which fheweth it to be a goodly pleafant place,fuch as Kings delightto dwel in,A like beauty is here afcribed to the Spoufe being made faire &acceptable by Chrift her Beloved,as Ephef l.6. and 5,27., Terufalem] a chic renow- ned for glory, efpecially becaufe God himfelfe chofe to dwell in it, having his Temple built thereon mount Sion. It was fayre in fttuatim , the joy of all the earth, the City of the great King,Pfal 48. 2,3. &[.Hereupon the Church under the Gofpel, the Spoufe and Wife of the Lambe Chrifl , is called Ierufalem, holy,and heavenly : whofe glory from God,and excellent ornaments , are defcribed at large,in Rev.z 1.2.9, 1 0,11. &c. ,Ierufalem by in- terpretation is tha Sight of peace. at armies with banters] or, as bannered hofts ; as armies ordered tender their banners and enfignes, which are ter- rible to their enemies. So again in vest o.This fheweth the peace of the Spoufe to be in Chrift, but from the world the is to Tooke for affliftion, Sr is to fight the good fight of faith, in the order ap pointed her of God. Thus when Iliad abode in his tents, according to their tribes, encamping in the wilderneffe, his tents were goodly , his ftrength was as an Vnicornes, he couched as a couragious Lion,whom none durit ftic up, Num.24.s.fl.8.9. 5 Verf 5. Turne about ¡biterejes]This word is nfed fometime for turning towards, as in 1 Chron. 12. 23. fometime for turning away, as in Ezek. 7.22. Here it feemeth to be meant in the firft fènfe that the yes of the Spoufe(which were like doves,Song. 4. 1.) fhould now in her Beloveds abfence, bee turned to him,by faith;that he therebymight be encouraged & cheared in her love. over againfl me] towards nie, though afar of: fotheword is tired fundry times,as is noted on Num. 2.2. It may alto be Engl iihed from me,or,frem before me. for they have liftedme up] or that they may lift me up, to wit?with courage,itrength, comfort, &c. as in Pfal 138.3 .thon baft incauraged,(or lifted-upiflrength- ned) me. In this feule the Greeke here tranflateth figuratively; for they have lffedtuetop naming, (or, havemade me fy) that is,encouragéd, cheared me. The Hebrewes alto in their Chaldee paraphrafe apply this, to the reftdring of the high Conned! or Senate in Ierufalem, after their return from Babylon. thy baire]thy thoughts,counfels, purpofes, &c. are orderly compofed , like the haire of fat goats : fee the notes on Song. 4.1. Verf.6. teeth] wherewith thee cateth the fpiri- tuall food of the Word &c, or, devoureth her enemies. See Song.4.z. from the mafhing] and fo are white and cleane. Verf.7. temp /es] fignifying her modefly,fhame- faftneffe, &c. Sec Song.4. 3. Verf. 8. There are threefcare Quemes ]'Hebrew Sixtie, they fueenes, and eighty Concabines: which May be underttood either aflirmatively,There are fiietie (as the Greeke alto tranflateth) or by lisp - pofition Be there ftxty Queens ;that is,though there were fixty, &c. yet one is my dove. And for the numbers tbreejare and fourefeore, it is uncertain whether the allufion bee to Solomons wives and concubines which hee tooke at firft,beforehe in- creafed them to fiver hundredwives , and three hun- dredrencubines, 1 King.t t.3. (as beforewee heard oftbreefeore valiantmen,about Solomóns bed, Son. 3.7.) or, as the Hebrewes conjeâure, to the fons of Noe, Abraham, Efau, &c. or rather whether a certaine number be not put for an undermin ; meaning many Queenes,moe concubines,andin- numerable damfels : as fives fbepherdr and eight Princes, in Mie.5.5. fignifie many,and no definite number. So ¡x troubles and feven,in lob 5.19. and other the like. concubines] theft were fècon- dary wives, taken for propagation of children, but they bare no rule is the family as wives, nei- ther had their children filch right to inherit as had the others,but were font away with gifts, as Abrahams pXl&ife fheweth, Gen. z 5,1.5,6. See the Annotations onGen. 22.24. Virgins] or, maid,ne, damafelr; Such as are not marriedat al,but accompany and attend upon Q2eenes, and other great women, as in Pfal.45.i 5. Elt.2.9, V.9. fbeis one] or, There is (but) me my devo, &c. lb this one oncly , is oppofed to the many neenes, Concubines, &c. foremontioned. Here the Spoufe of Chrift which is but one, (as there is one body,and one Spirit,ose Hope,ose Lord,ene Faitb,&c. Eph. 4.45.) is preferred before the multitude of other, which in their owne & the worlds efteem, are Queens, Ladies, &c. Rev. 18.7. Efay 47, 7, Thus was it laid of Ifrael,And who is like thypeople, li/ye Ifrael: one nation in the carob, whom God ws nt to re- ekemefir a people to himfelfe, &c. 2 Sam, 7. 23. And when God entred into covenant with them, bee faid,lfye will obey my voice in deed , and lygepe my rove - nant; then ye fiall be apeculiar tresfare untome abate all peoples :for all the earth is mine, Exod,19.5. the only one, f her mother] or, one fke is to her mother, meaning by mother, Terufa /em,wbich is above, which is the mother of to al/ Gal.4. z 6. which was prefigu- red by Sarah the free woman,the only wife ofA- braham,of whom he had his only fon Ifaak the child of promife : though he had (by Agar and Keturah his Concubines) other children alto; to whom be gave gifts, and font them away; but gave all that s eaths had unto Ifaak.,Gen.2 5.5,6, And Sarah was a type of the NewTeftament,& Ifaak (in whop, Abrahams '' 6 7 8 9