46 SONG. Chap. VI. Abrahamsfeedwas call ed)of the children of pro nufe,which by faith in Chrilt are made heires of falvation, Ro111.9.7.8,9. Ga1.4.2 2.3 I . But here, the holy feed is likened to a daughter, efponfed unto Chrift,belonging to the heavenly Ierufalem the mother of thefaithfull only. the choke one] or, the Beare ( the pure) one , as after inv.1o. Beare Of the Sen. The Hebrew bar ab fignifieth pure and cleaue from filthineffe, purged, polifhed, fevered and fèleEt from others; and fo the Greek here ex- poundeth it dell orcbofm ; and theword is ufed for cheire, in 1 Ghron.7.4o. Neh,5.18.and other - where, as alfo for parged by trials and affli &ions, Dan. 11, 35. & 1t.. so. which fignification hath ufe in this place. the daughter] the virgins or damofels forementioned in v.8.and Inch as were fpoken of in Song.2.2. they bief idher] or,tbey cal- kdher bkf ed, they counted her happy, as in Iam.5.11. We count them happy which endure. praifed ber] The Spoufe here,as Ifrael of old, is praifed and counted happy , for the great b:effings of God upon her ; whom he hath made high above all nati- ons which he bath made, in praire and in name and in ho- nour : Deut.26.1 9.So Mofes faid,Tbic isyour wife- dome and your under/landing , in the eyes of the peoples ; which fhall heart all theft f}atutes and fly Purely this great nation,1, a wife and underflanding people, Deut.4. 6. So the people maggnifiedChriftians, Aft.5.13. i o V.10. Who is floe] or, who is this ; that is, what manner of one is this : as Tie,l33'bo, in Mar.4.41. Is Potapos, what manner of man, in M.att.8, 27. So, whofe fin: that is , what manner of mans fm it this youth e Sam. 17.5 5. Here the praires forefpo- ken of, are let forth mort glorioufly : or a new ¡late of the Church is defcribed. at the morning] that is,lightfome,bright, cheat full; as the mor- ning after thedarke night,fo the fpoule after the darkeneffe of of hEtion,erronr,ignorance,arifcth to her owne and others comfort. Thus it is faid to the Church,Arife, fhine, for thy ,1 ght is come , and the glory of the Lord is rifer upon thee: and the Gentiles (hall come to thy light , and Kings to the brightnef of thy ri. fing, Efay 6o. 1.3. And to filch as amend their wayes,he pronsifeth, T henfloe/! thy light breake forth Of the morning,&.. Efay, 58. 8. faire at the Ju ne] which is called inHebrew Lebanah of her whitener and brightIhining. When glory and profperity is pronlifed, God faith, Thy Sun frail no more goe dswne,neitherloath) Moonewithdraw it fe/fe, ECa.6o. 20. The light of the Moone fhall be as the light of the Sunne;and thelight , f the Sun ¡bal be feven foi Ifa.3 o. 26. but when affll&ion isthreatned, he faith,Tbe San and the Man frail be darkened,&c. Ioel.3.15. E- zek. 32. 7, 8. Here therfore the glorious (Cate of the Spoufe is fignified, tothe admiration of o- thers; ás it is faid , Thy renown. went floh among the heathen for thy beauty: for it war perfect through my tome - linej which I hadput upon thee, faith the Lord God, E- zek.16.14. eleare at the Sun] or pure,(in Gr. choice al the Stn,as v.9.) Chrift himfelf is the Snnefrigh- teoufnefè,Ma1.4.2. the Woman (his Spoufe)it clothed with the Sun, Rev. 1 z,1. bècaufe by faith ¡he path put on Chrifl, Gal. 3.27. by whole righteoufneffe, imputed,lhe is purged from all fin, & fo is made glorious.Here alfo we may obfetve in her the de grecsof grace o her fit lt light being like the mor- ning or day dawning; her fecond beauty like the /Wine; her third degree, life the Sun it fèlfe in brightneffe. And fo it is laid T br park of the jufi it ea the fhining light ; that fhinnh more and more;unto tie prrfe a day, Pro. 4.18. terrilk]to the en( mics, with whom Thee is to fight under the banner of Chrilts Gofpel & love,Song,z 4.having the wea- pons of her warfare, sot carnalllnt mgbtythough God,to the pulling donne of firing holds, &c. 2 Cor. o. 4. So Ilrael,wasa people fared by the Lord thefhield of their belpe,and who was the fwordof their well eng, Deut.3 3.29.God did p ut the dread of tl.ent Ind tke feare of them upon the nations ,eendert be whole beaven: who heard the report of them,& trcmblcd,Deut. 5.25. The peoples heard,and were afraid;forrow Cooke hold on the inhabitants of Paleftina; the Dukes ofEdom were amazed, the mighty men of Moab trembling took hold upon them;al the in- habitants of Canaan melted away; feare & dread fell upon them, &c. Exod.15.14,15, 16. Pial. 48: 5,6. See before on v.4. V.1 r.I went down]The words of Chrift,fhewing how hee went to vifit the garden of his Church. Nut garden] The originali word Egoz is not found but in this one place t the Gr. tranflateth it the Nut ,St moll interpreters : the Ara bike alto agreeth,in which tongue Nuts are called Geuz.It meaaaeth aromatical trees & fruits(fuch asChrifts gardens are planted with,Son. 4.12,13,14.)& fo is to be underftood of that fruit which wee call Nutmegs, & thelite. The Chaldee paraphraft ap- plieth this Nutgarden to the fecond Temple,buil- ded by Cyrus commandement, & the hate of the Church then: but theteProphefiesfeemrather to mean the times under the tiofpel, as before is ¡hewed. tbefruitsof the vailey]fruits here proper- ly mean the uew,gree?a or fill ripe fruits,fuch as are tidie and forward in the beginning of the year. So, after-the winter of tribulation and wrath,commeth the chearfull Spring of grace in the garden of the Church,fituate low and bale as in a valley-or bourne, where it is watered with Gods Word and Spirit,and made fruitfull. The. Gr. tranflateth it,fruits of the bourne(' or f reame.)In hot Countries,gardens and orchards were wont to be planted neere bourses, firearms & pools of water,to make them fruitfull,Ecc1.2.6.Ezek.31. 4,5,7. the pomegranates] or,pcmegranate trees : by there and the former vines, are meant the people called of God, and planted in the garden of his Church,which when they flourifh in a good pro - fefton , doe after bring forth the fruits of good works,to the glory of Chrift.The Chal. expoun- deth there of the w ilè men of Ifrael,l ikened to a vine,& their plenty of good works,as the pome- granate is full of juice & kernels.So in Son. 7.12. Verf. r 2. I knew not] There words feeme to bee the continued fpeech of Cbritt, (though Come thinke them fpoken by his Spoufe) and by lay- ing I knewnot, he meaneth experimental( know- ledge or perceiving : for things are fpoken of God after the manner of men, as in Gen. 18. 2 1. I will flI lZ