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SONG. Chap VI I wiIIgnedwnenow andfee wbethertb yhìvedsealto- (in Hebrew Sbulam;tb ) of her peace and perfe- getheraceorekng to the coy ofit, which itcome entamee :. and if not, (oohs[) I my know. Sze at Exod. 33.5. Gen. 2a. t 2. Now that which Chris here knew hot , may bee undcrftood of the former things, that he perceived not the Vines to flourifh,or the Pomegranate to blolfome, and therefore calleth ! upon the Shulamenitefjì, (in verft3.) to. Rearm : or, that he knew not , neither was aware of the I frowardneffe of his people (which was beyond mans expeltation) and therefore hee furthered them as with Chariots , to helpe and hallen them foruynrd : For, Whofoever bath, to him (ball be given : and be fball have more abundance , Matthew 13.12. myfaule- put me] that is, I put my felfe ; but the manner of (perch noteth an earneltdefire and hearty affection ; as, my foule feeketb, Ecclef. 7. 28, my fade knreth, Song. 1.9. myfoule is troubled, Praline 6.4. my foule bate& , Efay t . r 4. my fink ie loyfedi, Efay 61.1o. and many the like. the charms t f my willing people] or, of my princely (or noble) peo- pk; in Hebrew amaivadtb: that is,my voluntary, free, bounteous or noble people. The Greek put- teth both words in one, make it a proper name, s` the charets of Aminadab: it rather denoteth the people of Chrilt, which are voluntaries in the day of his power, Plàlme 110.3. attained with afree (or prince! f/ irit,Pfalme 51.14. and receiving the word with all readine (or willingneffè) of' mind: as Alts 17. t 1. and 2. 41. To filch Chrit is as Charms, by the minitery of the Word,to helpe and haften them forward in grace : and to defend them from their eneniies. For Charms were ufed in warren, Iofua 11.4. 1 Sam,13.5. and when God threarneth vengeance unto thewicked, hee faith, he will come with his charets like awbidewinde, to render hit anger, &c. Efay 66.15. And as the Pro- phets of old, were the charms and borfenten of Ifrael, 2 King.2. t 2. and 13, 14. and peoples converfion unto thrift , is called a bringing of them upon holes and inebarrets, for an string to the Lord , Elày 66.20. fo the Minilters of the new Tetament, did fo miniter theGofpel of God, that the of ring up ofeheGentile" might be acceptable,Ronsanes 15./6. in which fence Chrift here, is by his fervants, as charrets for his voluntary and free people to bee brought as an oblation to the Lord. The Chal- dee paraphrafeth on there words thus, I con fished with my fooule to doe them good, and to put them high in the cbarrets of Kings, &e. 1 3 Vert 13. 0Shulammiteje] AsSdomen (named in Hebrew Shelomob) had his name of peace, 1 Chron.22 9. and Ierufalem was alto tolled Sha- !em(or Salem)Pfalme 76.3. which fignifieth Peace, Hebrewes 7. 2. fo here theChurch or people cal- led upon to returne, is named Sbulammitef, 47 Sion with God in Chaff; and to in one <,reeke verton, it is interpreted Eirenevouft, as being at peace. may al fo have reference to Ieru talent, as being adaughter to that mother of us ell. And this name hash occafioned force probably to ap- ply this unto the recalling of the Iewes , aS was foretold,Rom.i t,a 5. &c. which is yet to be fttl- Jr % filled. returne,returne] this doubling of the word and that ewife, fheweth the earner{ dèfire of her converfion , with the certainty thereof. that we may Tooke sopan thee ] or let Is lee (or view) thee , and properly it meaneth a looking upon with delight. Tnis feemeth to be 1poken by her friends defirous to fee the graces in this Shulammiteffe returned. For even the Angela de- fire to look into the things that are imparted to the Church by the Gofpel,l Pet. 1. 12.8z it was Da- yids one requelt,that he might view the pleafantneffe of the Lord, in his Houle or Temple, Pfalm.2y.4. And the Prophet foretold how the watchmen thould fing with a/high voice , for that they lhould fee eye to eye when the Lordreturned Sion, Efay 52. 8. The Chaldee Paraphraft explaineth the words thus, Resume unto me 0 congregation of lfrael ; returne umo Ierufalem ; resume unte the ltottfe f' the do- thine of my law; returne to receive Prophèfte, from my Prophets, whichproplefre in the name of the Woriof the Lord. What fbailyee fee, in the Sulammitef e] or, Why la* ye (or wouldje took) upon the Sulrmmioe e? The queftion (which feemeth to be demanded by Chriit)is to sir up attention and affection in the hearers. at the company] or, as the dance; that i8, a company of dancers,that rejoyce together, as they were vvont after viftories, Egod. 15'.20. And prophefying of the fpirituall joy at there- toying of his people, God faith 0 Virgin of If- rad, ttJ'e. thou fbaltgoe forth in the dances of them that mak merry : and, Then ¡hall the Virgin rejoyce in the dance,Ier.3 t,4 13. And at the returne of the pro- digall fon, there were muficke and dances its his fa- thers houtè,Luk. t 5.25. This anfwer feemeth to be made by Chrift himfelfe that asked them :- or it may be the queftion continued,thus : what lenke ye upon the Sbulammite which is , like the company (ordance)of twoarmies ? of two armies] or, of two camps (two hofi:) in Hebrew Machanaim: by which name the placewas called, where an hot (or troop) of Angels met lakob with his troop, at his returne out of fervitude,Gen.3 2. t.2.Hcre- by is fignified' both the deliverance of theShu- lammitelfe out of her miferies,& the joy of men & Angels for her vi &ory.For there is joy alfo in the prefeence ofthe angels ofGod,over one fanner that repenteth, Luk.t5to. & they pitch their camps about them that feare the Lord,for to deliver them,Pfa.348