48 SONG, Chap. V11. C H A P T E R VII. C H A P T R R V I I. I Ow beautifull are thy feet with (Woes , O bounteous - Princes daughter : the joynts of thy thighcs are like Jewels, the worke of 2 the hands of an Artificer. Thy navell, is like a round goblet ; let there not want mixture : thy belly, is like an heape of wheat; fet-about with Lilies. 3 Thy two brefls , are like two fawnes, 4 twinnes of the Roe. Thy necke, is like a tower of Ivory : thine eyes, like the pooles in He(ltbon, by the gate of Bath - rabbim ; thy nofe , is like the Towrè of Lebanon, locking toward S Damafcus. Thine head upon thee, is like Carmel , and the haire of thine head, like purple: the. King, is bound 6 in the Galleries. How faire art thou, and how pleafant art thou ; O Love, 7 for delights ! This thy ftatute , is like to a palme -tree; and thy brefts, 8 to cluflers. I Paid, I will goe -up to the Palme_tree, I will take -hold , of the boughes thereof: and now let thy brefls be, as cluflers of the vine: and 9 the finell of thy nofe, like apples. And thy palate, like the good wine, that go eth to my beloved , to righteoufneffe; caufing -to fpeake, the lips of thofe that are afleepe. Io I am my beloveds; and his defire is 21 towards me. Come my Beloved, let us goe-forth intothe field; let us lodge. 12 in the villages. Let ús get -up early, to the vineyards; let us fee whether the vine flourilli, the tender -grape open it felfe, whether the Pomegranates blof- foie : there will I give my loves to 13 thee. The Mandrakes give a finell, and at our doores are all precious- things, new and old: O my Beloved, I have laid them up for thee. THy feet with fleoes, how are they beautifull, i o thou the daughter of Prince bonxtifull : Ioyntsof thythighes, like unto jewels are, Worke of thy hands of an artificer. Thy navel, u like to agobletround ; of mixed colour let no tome-be-found : Thy belly is like to an heape of wheat ; That is with Lilies round-about-befit. e Thy two bre. jis, like two fawnes,twins ofthe Poe. 3 more necke,an yv'rie ca is like unto : 4 Thine eyes are like the pooles in H&bon, By gate that haúrmedis of many a one e Thy nofe u like the tower of Lebanus, That looketh to theface of Damafcus. Likeunto Carmel is, thine bead on thee ; The bares eke of thine head, like purple he e' The King, he bound is in the galleries. Ho ,u faire art thou, how pleafant art liken:fe Thou o deare Love for all delightfulneffe ! Like toopalme-tree this thy (mature is, 7 Like untoclufiers are thy breafis alfa. Ifail, I will up to thepalme tree goe ; 8 Will of the bottghes thereof fall -hold get me : :And now thy breafis like the Vine clufiners be ; find of thy nofe like apples be the fmell. Thy palate eke, like wine that Both excel!, That goes to my Belov d, to righteonfneffe: Caufing the fkepers lipsfpeech- to-expreffe. I my Beloveds am , and his defire Is towards me. Come let ses forth retire Into the field o my Belov'd, and let Vs in the villages a lodging-ye. Tinto the vineyards, let us rife -early Whether the vine doe flourifb let us fee, The tender -grape if opening it appeare ; If the Pomegranate-trees doebloffames berme : There willlgive my dearefl loves tothee. The Mandrakes give a frnell, at our doores be 13 Ailprecious things eke, new and oldwhich For thee, my Loved, laid -up- warily. 5 6 lo I2 i'nnotations. friend's, that called upon her to retarne,Song 6.13 For Solomon(or Chrift)is fpoken of as another, or third perfon,after in v.5 and 9. feet with f' es] cr fiepe (goings) in fbees : hereby is meant ber obe- dient walking in the faith and Golpell of Chrift; wherby the being freed from the mifery and bon- dage of fin,made free by the truth (as Toh.8.3 z.) flood fait, arfti ipalkcd headily in the liberty and grace Oro beautiful! arc] The Shulantmite fe or Spode of Chaff, is here admired and pray- fed for her graces.wherewith God had furnithed ber,and adorned her whole body:the particulars whereof are deteribed in other order then before in Ch.4. and 6. for here her fret are firh mentio- ned,and then-other parts upward,unto her head. This dcfcription feemeth to bee made by her t