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///l/iiph;r üï,i1tiIrGii/r%i/ So NG-. Chap. VI , grace of Chriit, Gal s. t. not going barefooted, as was the manner of captives,and others, in mi- Cerie,ECa.2o.4. 2 Samt 5.3o: but as God rehear - fìng his blelfngs upon his Church,faith Ilk's' thee with Tachafb skin , Ezek.16. to. fo here the feet of his Spoufe are fbodwith the preparation (or liability) of the Gofpel f Peace; EpheC 6. t p. with the know- ledge, profeflon and obedience whereof, Thee be- ing firmely titled and defenled; her feet & fteps were now beautiful!; as the feet alfo of them tbat preach the Gefpell of peace , are laid to be beautifull: Ponb r o. t 5. bounteous princes daughter] He- bredles bath uadib, that is, daughter of ¡be bountiful!, (or of the Prince, the Noble) for Princes were filled Bountiful! or Benefit-fors, Luke a 2.25. as being free, liberali , and willing to doe good unto others hereby is fignified that the was of noble race and ingenuous difpofition, ready and willing to ferve the Lord , and propagate the grace of his GoCpell unto others; as before Chrift calleth them his willing (or noble) people: Song. 6. 12. And as a Caste or daughter of Renal, nieaneth one of wicked difpofition , Deateronomie 13. 13. 1 Samuel 1. 16. and for a King to be the fine of Nobles Ecclef t e. 17. is to be of an ingenuous and noble difpofition l fo to be a daughter of Na- dib, is to bee nobly and bounteoufly affeéted. This title belongeth to fuch onely as beleevein Chrift, whichare borne not of bloods, nor of the will of the fe, , nor of the will of man, but of God; Ioh. 1.13. Wherefore whenChrift was promifed to reigne in jufiice, it was faid, that then Nabal ( the fele, or vile perfon) fhould no more bee called (Nadib) Libeerall , Noble or Bounti(ioll , Efay 32.1.5. joints] The original! word, nfed onely in this place, hath the fignification of turning or going about; and feenieth to meant the bones that turne and hove in the hollow of the thighes : thefe are likened to jewels or ornaments; figni Cy ing the firme , upright, goodly and glori- ous ffature, gefture, walking and converfation of this Princes daughter , well beleeming the Gol- pelt which the profeffeth : being in fit, orderly and due proportion, as the Greeke verfion alto implyeth. artificer ] or faithful/ crafrfman, in Hebrew Amen, of fidelity and skilfnlnel£e in his workmanlhìp : meaning here God or Chrift, for her is the Artificer in heavenly things, He- brewes it. so. and the Church with her graci- ous bleffings is the work of his bands, Efay 6(9.21. Verle 2. ároundgoblet] or, agoblet (or cup) of roundnef. The Spoufe being prayfed before for her ready receivingof, and holy ftedfaft walking in the GoCpell of Chrift: is now further com- mended for her propagating the truth unto o- thers : likened to a mother conceiving and non- rifhing her children. For Sion or Ierufalim(named here the Sbnlemmitef, Song. 6. 13.) likened toa- woman with' child, travelling, bringingforth children (or a man child) and after nourfing I then with the brefs of her co olation, Efay 66.7.--i t. So here fish the n (by which the child is nourished in the be) is cony 4-9 mended for the forme, round as agoblet ; and for the nourishment, which is as mixed liquor with- out fcarcity, wherwith the goblet is M11: and after her keep (with which the childe is nouri- Rted after it is brought forth) are praifed in v.3. Thus Paul preaching the Gofpel to the Chur- ches, is likened fometime to a father that beget- teth, fometime (o a mother travelling in child- birth ; fometime to a nurfe cherilhing her chil- dren, l Corinth. 4.15. Galathians 4.19. r Thel falonians 2.7. let there not want] or, there wan - tetb not, or Gall not want : but the former is more pathetical'', as wifhing-a continual! fitpply of grace, for nourishment of the children of Unlit: though a promile allo is herewith implied. mixture] that is , liquor mixed and tempered , and fo made fit to refrefh and nourifh. For they ufed to temper and mixe their wine, either with water or milke, to allay the heat ; or with fpices to make it more comfortable. So the wifedome of God is Paid to have mingled her wine, Proverbs 9. 2. Chrift dranke his wine with his milke, Song 5. t. and after here is mentioned fisted wine Song 8; 2. and mixture( or mixed mine) was fought for of drunkards, Proverbs 23. 29, 3o. Efay 5. 22. The navel therefore, not wan- ting mixture, fignifieth the juyceof grace abun- dantly fupplied of God, for the nonrifhing and cherishing of his yong children, ir, the body of his Church, fo that both mother and infant are in health and good plight, not deftitute of any good : even as to them that remember and keepe Gods Law, it is promifed, that health (hall be to their navel, and marrow ( or moilkning to their. bones, Proverbs 4. 1, 8. an heape of Wheat] The fupply and growth of grace is here further commended,, by likening her belly to on heape ofwheat ; for intheir harveft, they gathered their corne into (looses, where it was flocked upon heapes, and after threfhed, Ruth 3. 7. Haggai 2. 16. To loch a flake or heape, is her belly refembled : fignifying that her 1piritu all harveft being. come, the was ready to bring forth flore-of good ilfue, as wheat, fit for the Lords Granary. fit about with Lilies ] As the come- floores in Iliad , being in the open fields, were hedged about for fafedefence: fo the belly ofOhrifts Spcufe, bigge and ready to bring forth fruit unto him, is beret as with an hedge of Lilies, for her further comfort and glory. So that her way was not hedgedup with ebonies, as was the Harlots, Hofea 2. S 6. but let about with Lilies, denoting the graces wherewith the Spoufe her (elfe, and chofe about her aretnvironed. The Jewes applying thefe things to their Church &fate, in their Chaldee paraphrafe, underftandbytheNavel, t eC iefe of their Synedrion or highCouncill, governing all, as the child is nourifhed by the navel!' di the mothers wombe: the round goblet , to lignifie his cleave dobtrine of the Law, as the round mooue : fo that the words of the Law are not wanting from his mouth, as the waters of the greatRiver running out of Eden, doe not falle () bL- I