SO NG. Chap. VII. by the belt' ; they underhand the 7o. wifemen or Conned tors that fate abaft- him as a round floore,whofe cellars are full of tithes,fanaified things, &c. and by Lilies the men of the great congregation, as Ezra,Zerobabel,Nehemia,Iofua and the like, who had their employment in the Law, day and night. 3. V.3. breafls] that minifter fweet confolations to the children, fucking out of them the fincere milke of the Word, Efay 66.11. r Pet,a:a. See the notes on Song. 4. 5. where this refemblance was formerly ufed. V. towre ofyvorie]faire,ttrong and upright. 4 In Song.4.4. the necI a of the Spoufe was likened to the towre ofDavid bwilded jar an armory : here it is likened to a towre of yvorie (orof Elephants tooth) which the Chaldee paraphraft exponndeth the yvorie towre that Ring Solomon made. But we reade of no fisch towre made by him , unleffe it be meant cf that great throne of yvorie which hee made, 2 Chro.9.17. & that -may well be called a town ; even as the pulpit which was made for Ezra and others to hand upon when they read & expoun- ded the Law unto the people is called in Hebrew a tower,Neh.8.4.Thus,the ncekof the Sbwlammitefe likened to Solomons Ivery throne, denoteth the power and glory of the Church,in her clear do- &rine and upright judgements,whereby her chil- dren are guided and governed peaceably; freed front the fervitude of men, ofln,Satan & al ene- mies,' Gor.7.23.Rom.6.6. Heb. a. t 4.15. fo that now , lerufalem is loofed front the bands of her necke,as was prontifed in Efay 53.2.and is made to inherit the throne of glory,r Sam.2.8.See the notes on Song.4.4. The Chaldee alfo by the ;withere, underhanded, the judge lg Ifrael. the posies in Hbon] or, Che(hbon, in Gr. the lakes in EfJtbon. As before her eyes were like doves, Song. 4. 1. fo here they are like water pooler , dare to fee the truth, and to look unto tide wales & salons of her felfe and others. It ails may intend her witty eyes, weeping for her for-er fins:as Ieremy lamenting the Gus of his people,wifhing that his eyes were a fountsineof teares,Ier. 9 t. and prophefying their converf on,he faith they (ball céme with weeping, &c. Ier. 3 r. 9. Hefhon was a chic where King Sihon fometime dwelt, Nuns: 21.26. it was fituate in a goodly fertile Countrey, which theReubenites poffeffed, it feemeth to have in it faire & cleare pools or ponds of water,which beautified ir,as eyes doe the body. The Hebrew expofitors underhand by there eyes the Prophets,or (as the Chaldee Paraphraff faith) Scribes. Hefhbon by interpretation fignifieth a Count,computatton,or artificial devife : and thus fonte expound it here, pooles artificially made : & posies have their name of ble ffeng;either becaufe they were esteemed great bletfings in thole hot & dry countries,Iudg. r.15. or becaufe they were filled with rain the Welling of God,Ezek.34.26. Bath rabbim]or,(as the Gr. interpreteth it) daughter of many; to that it was .2 gate frequented of many , and it may be a gate where the Lodges fate: for publikejudgements, & Affemblies were at the gates, Ruth.4. s . s Sam. 19.8. Lam.5.14. wherefore if Hefhbon be not the , proper name of a City , tbete pooles may bee thought to be at Come gate of Ierufalem, where many people affembled;as in Neh 8.3 .The Chal- dee applieth it to the Governors that fate in tbe gate of the bottle of the great Council(. thy nofe]This is a principal) ornament of the face ; the inftru- ment of frneiling,and of drawing brcath;fomc- time it is vied for the whole face;& oftentime for I anger,whichappeared by the face & breath.Here' it feemeth to denote her fpirituall courage and bold cariage againft her enemies; becaufeheknefe is likened to the tower of Lebanon, which was Nigh' and lofty. For as in fpeech of the wicked,the lof- tiwife of his nofe,(or countenance ) in Pfa.a o.4.(ìgnifi- eth his lofty,ftout & proud cariage : fo here con- trariwife it being fpoken for praise in the godly, her note like an high tomer,noterh her courage and magnanimity for the truth , manifefted in her countenance and behaviour, fo that the difcomfi- tech all her enemies. On the contrary,when God threatneth the over throw of Ierufalem for her a- dulteries, he faith that her lovers ( turned to be her enemies ) fhouldtake away her nofe, and her care., ebb. Ezek.23.25. tower of Lebanon] or, of Libantet,which was a mountain in the north parts' of the land. It may here beunderuood of the to- wer of the houfe,called the houfe of the forrefl of Le- ba sn,which Solomon built very itately,r King.7. 2. inwhich he put sou. targets,& 360. fhields made of beatengold, I King.' o.17. looking towards Da- mafcor] or, efßymg, watching, beholding the face of Da- máfette; which was the chiefe Citie in Syria, Efa. 7.8.called in Hebrew Dammefek, fontetime Dar- mefek,as in r Chron. t 8.5. & Dummefcll,a S2 King. 16. r o. in the Greeke and in the new Tefament Damafctoo, Aä.9.2. is lay northward from mount Lebanon aforefaid,was a goodly city ofpreif,and of joy,Ier.49. 24, as. The inhabitants were com- monly enemies to Ifrael, and oftenwars were be- tweene Gods people and them , as the Dory of Scriptures fheweth, r Chron.r 8.5.6. r King.1 t. 24,25. Efay 7.5.8. Amos1.3. Wherefore the tower of Lebanon, loeáing (or eying, watcbing)towards Damafcus, may intimate here,befides the courage, the care alto of the Spoulè , for the fafeguard of her Celle & her children,againft the cnemy.Forin , times of danger,they let on towers & high places watchmen,or fpies,to give warning of what they Caw, ECa.i r.6.9.,Ezek.33.2.6. a Sam. r 8.24,15. V.5. Thine beadupontlxe] This may be under- S hood properly of her head it tille, likened to mount Carmel: or of the ornament upon her head. like Carmel]or,,likcrimfon; but both the Gr, verfion and Chaldee paraphrafe, expound it Car- mel, the name of amountaine where Elias killed the Baaliís,& prayed for rain,' King.t 8.19.20 - 42. Carmel alfo was a place inhabited by Nabal, r Sam. 25. 2. 5. It feemeth to have beene very fertile; Nahum.1.4. fora fruitftdl place is called Carmel, oppofed to a barren wildernetfe,Efay 32. t 5. and 29.17. and 33.9 Icrem,4.26. Thus her head likened to me/ , may fgnifie her mind fil- led with the ledge of God , and fruitful( in