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4 6 C ///í//1/nu i i.1#U/lr SoNo Chap VII. ingrace: fo God prorniuing thé reltaurationof his Church, faith, If ael(hallfeed on Carmel andBa- fhan &C.Ier.5o,r9. and foretelling the glory of Chrifts Kingdome, faith, theglory of Lebanon (hail be given unto it, the exeeaeney ofCarmel and Sheron &c. Efay 35.2. The Hebrew Carmel, is alfo ufed for aria or Ccarlet colour, 2 Chron. 3.14. which may alfo be meant here, feeing after her hake is likened to purple : and therewere colours worne of Princes and great perlonages,and fo meet for this Princes daugbter(ver.1.) and for the attire of her head on which thee weareth the hope of Ply ¡ion ( through the blood of Chrift, which she colours alío prefigured) far anbelmet,t The(. 5.8. haire] The originals word dallath is no wher ufed for bain but in this oneplace,as the Gr. alto interpreteth it: properly it ligniücth tender - mf or terruitie, and fo meaoeth fmall and (lender haire. Some'take it fora fmall lace or head band, wherewith the attire of the headwas tied. This her haire -like purple denoteth her cogitations and purpofes to be holy, heavenly,and as dyed in the blood of Chrift. The Chaldee paraphrale appli- eth the head here fpoken of to the King, the chicle Governour in Ifrael ; and the (lender haire, to the pore of thepeople, which lhould be clad in purple, as was Daniel, Mordecai, &c. Sée the notes on Song.4.1 . where the Spoufes haire was likened to a flocke of goats: that defcription differing from this, feetraeth to imply a variety of.eflate s for Gods people are not alwayes of like condition in this world though ever glorious in his eyes. theKing is boundin the galleries] By the King, in this Song, is meant Solonaon,that is,Chrihl. Re-' hatim which the Greeke here likewife tranflateth galleries, is in Genefis 30.38.45. and Exod. 2, 6. gutters wherein waters runne, for the flocke to drinke , unto which Come thinke this place hatla- referenci: but in Song.1.57. rahitim are galleries that runne along the houle fides ; and fo it feem- eth to meane here. To be bound in the galleries, is to have a fixed habitation in the houle of his Church , where the King is retained ; and as it were tyed With the bands of love towards his Spoufe fo excellent in all her parts; that now is fulfilled that which is elfewhere laid unto her, The King will covet tby beauty, Pfalme 45. 12. and that which is fpoken of the lewd woman, her bands are as bands. Ecclefì7.26. may have Life here of the chatte woman, that her graces are loch as doe not only delight the King,but hold himfait bound unto her in the bands of fpirituall wed- locke, no more to leave her, but to abide with her for ever. For fo he hath promiled , I will be- troth thee unto me for ever , Hofea 2. 19. the Lord de- lightetb in thee, and thy landfhallbe marled ; Efay 6a. 4. my fcrvant David (hall be their Prince for ever; and I will fit my Sant-hear) in the midfl of them far ever- more : and the name of the City from that day,thall bèe The Lord it there : Ezek.37.2 5,2 6. and 48.35. The throne of Gui andof the Lambe , Jhall be in it , and his ferventsJsalJ ferve him: and they (hall reigns for ever and ever ,.Revel.2 2.3.5. Verle l¿. and haw pleafant] Tltpadmirati on of Sl 121/4/4411111111// her beauty and pleafantneffe, in all lier parts, ca- riage and admihiftration, fheweth the reafon of the former fpeech , why the King was bound in the galleries ; for that he was deliglited,and as it were ravifhed with her heavenly graces; as before in Song.4.9.10. And as the admired Chrift for his faireneffe and pleat ntneffe ; fo now the is mag- nified fbr the Like:Cee the notes on Song 1.15.16 0 love] that is,O thou that art dearelyfloved : thus they call her , to lignifie Chrilts greataffe- &ion towards her: for it is another and more forceable word then was ufed before in Song.t. 9.55. & 2.2. and 4.1.7. and 5.z.and 6 4. that,be- tokening loving fociety and outward friendthip; this, fignifying inward charity and loving affe- ftion, which is throng and fervent, Song. 8.6.7. for delights] or delicacies , or, with pleafure. meaning full delight,al manner plealure: lo that all that love her may rejoyce with her, and de- light themfelves 'in the brightneffe of her glory, as Efay 66.10,11. Verte 7. tby ffatures] or, thy height : in Greeke, tbygreatneffè, a palme -tree] or, a date tree, called in Hebrew Thamar, in Greeke Pheenix; it is of tall and upright Rature, alwayes green and flourifhing, bearing pleafant fruit. Wherefore the jut} mans Rate is likened to this tree , Pfalme 92. 13. and figures of Palme trees (fìgnifying heavenly graces ) were made in the Temple, I King. 6.29. and 7.36. and foretold to be alto in the fpirituall Temple under the Golpel,Ezek. 45.58,59. & palme-branches caried in the hand, or on the head,were fines of vietorie:wherefore the Saints (that by faith overcome the world) appeared with palme - branches in theirbonds; Rev.7. 9. And the paime-tree is Paid to be of fuch a na- ture, that it will not bow downe-ward or grow crooked, though heavie weights be laid upon ir, but groweth (till upright. So toit ffaturi of the Spoufe likened toaaline-tree,fheweth her fpiritu- all growth in the faith (notwithflanding all her tribulations) tending alwayes upward towards beaven,till the attain unto the meaJure f tyefature of the falrtefe of Chrifi, Eph. 4.13. For God hath now broken the Raves of her yoke,and triade her ggoe upright o Levit.26.13, So the Kingdome of Ifrael (whiles it flourifhed) is likened to a tree, whofe ffature was exalted among the thiellbranches.&c. Ezek,t 9.1 t. clutters] to wit, of the Vine, as in v.8. ftgnifying hereby that her brefls were not only faJhioned, as in Ezek. 16.7. but full of milke to nourifh her children, and of the wine of hea- venly confolations, which they that love her may fucke and hefatisfied, asEfay66. r5. So that now the Rate of theChurch is notas when com- plaint was made, there is no duffer to eat , Mic.7. r: butas when new mine was found in the cheer t and he raid, Deflroy it not, fir a blefng is in it,Eídy,65.8. Verfe 8. Iwillgot- up to]or, I will clime-up strobe palme -tree, meaning to gather the fruit thereof. This purpole and promife, if it be fpoken in the perfon of Chritt,implieth his acceptation of the fruits of the Spirit in his Spoufe as is noted on. Son 5.t. But it fee met h (by that which follow. (5 a) rth) 7 8