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S o N G. Chap. V I l. jeth) to be the fpeech of her friends aforefidd, (peaking collectively as one perfon,to note their unity & joint content to communicate with her graces,as in Ifa.66.15.1 a.For things of rhis fort, are fpoken both of God,and of his people,Efay 62.5. the bought thereof] or, the branches of it: the I Hebrew Saàfounim is no where Mid but in this s place : the Greeke trantláteth it the heights thereof, meaning the branches which are on high, and which bear¢ the fruit.For the Palms-tree though it be very tall, half no boughes growing out by the fides of the body, as other trees; but on the very top,the leaves (which are long like fwords) fpread abroad pleafant to behold ; and the fruit groweth not among the leaves, but on the top of the branches ; as hiftorians do record,Pliny,l. f 3. c.5. So Ghrift(if it be understood of him) going up & taking hold of the boughes, both fignifieth it to be his owne poffeffion, and theweth his care and love to look unto it, and to purge the bran- ches that they may beare more fruit, (as the Fa- ther doth the fruitful) branches of the Vine,Ioh. 15.t.2.) and likewife to injoy and accept of the gracious fruits of his Sponfe,with whom he will now continue. Or, taking it (as before) for the fpeech of the faithful Company,it meaneth their purpofe and indeavottr to partake of the heaven- ly fruits which this Church bringeth forth. be as duffers] or, fhall be at dupers ; and thus it is an affurance or prcnaife of bleling to her from the Lord,filling her with the juite of grace,that thee (hall neither be barren nor unfruitfullin the knowledge of Chrift,2 Pet.r.8. but as is promifed, He will caufe them that come of Ia&ab, to take root; Ifraelfiallblof- fine andbud , and fill the face Jobe world with fruit, Ely 27.6. But it may be taken affix as a with,and let thy breafis I pray thee be at chef ers of the Vine ; that is, have not thou a tnif arrying month, and dry brefs. (as Hof. 9. 14.) but grow in grace and in know- ledge; be not an empty ville, as Tfrael was of old, Leave not thymine, which cheereth God and man, Iudg. 23. but be filled with the Spirit; that we may fuck and be fatisfied with the brelts of thy confolations,Efay66.11. the finell f thy nofe, likeapples] her note, commended for the forme, inverf.4. denoted her good cariage, and courage for the truth. The finell,odour,or font there- of, meaneth the good report and fame thereof i fpread abroad: which is comfortable as a fweet odour. Or, by the finell of her nofee,may be under- ) flood the breath comming out of her noftril,that it Ihould be fwect. And fo not only her outward behaviour lhould be commendable, but the hidden man of the heart, uncorrupted : that the breath or fpirit proceeding from within,be pure; and God may manifef the (well (or favour)of birlsnowledgeby her in every place, 2 Cor. 2.14. as the favour of life,unto life; and like the favour of apples,which refrelh thofe that languifh and are ficke of the love of Chrift ; as Song.a.5. Verte 9. thy palate] or, the waft of thy mouth : in 9 Greeke,thy throat. The palate for ones owne ufe is to calte and difcerne, as in lob 34.3 the palate tafleth meat; but for others it Is the inftrument cf fpeech, as in Prov.8.7. my palate f all ¡rake s, nth. ' This later ofe ferule h here to be meant, that her palate, to wit ; her fpeech and doErrine(hould be likegood wine , to comfort and revive bitter and heavy heart s,Prov.31.6. thegood .wine] that is, the bell, molt excellent , fweet and wholefome' wine : as the good oyle, (Plains.133.2.) is thehett,! fweeteft, and moil precious oyle. The comforta- ble (Marines of the Colpel, -are likened to wine,' Efay Prov.9.z.5.Seethe notes on Song. 1.2. that goeth to my beloved] a commendation of tbegeod wine,trom the effefts : that it is pleafing unto God, and profitable unto men. For b the Bekved,.ulually in this Song is meant Chr4 by going to rigbteoufnefjù (or according torigbteoufnefes) that is, going aright, Ilraightly or direítly, is fignified the nature of pure wine,manifetling the ,goodneffe by the moving and fpringing in the cup, whereby it is difcerned to be the right and naturali wine,and is pleafing to them that drink it. The like phrafe Solomon ufed inProv.23, 31. Look net on the wine when it it red , when itgiveth bit colour in the cup, when itgoetb ( or wallletb, that is, mouth it felfe) in rigbteoufnefct: as there, the na- ture of the moltpure & generous wine is defcri bed,whereby men are allured to drinke thereof ; fo here the right wine the pure and wholefome do&rine out of the mouth of the Spoufe, is de- clared by the company of Beleevers, to be plea- fing and right in the eyes of Ctiria their lÿelaved. It may alto intimate, bow the Spoufe (filled with the Spirit , rather then with wine, Eph. 5.18.) her fpeeches lhould tend to lead all unto Chrift, and unto righteaufneffes : that is, faith in him , and righteous works which he requireth us to walk¢ in. coifing tofeeke ] that tnakethto,9teak¢,orgizeth' utterance, to the lips of thofe that are afleepe : er, f eak ing in the lips , t'Ce. This is the other effeE of the Spirit, that as winemaketh men talkative, Prow. 2 3.29. fo the Spirit maketh men to utter the ruy- (leries of G od:as the difciples(whë fome thought they were full of new wine) prophefied and fpake with other tongues, the great workes of God, at the Spirit gave them utterance , A&s 2.4. t 1. 13. &c. SByfeepers here are meant fanners, awaked and uackned by the word preached, as is is laid, A- wake thou that feepef , and arifi from the dead; and 6brif fhal give thee light,Ephef. ç. 14. And lo it was promifed, Thy dead men fhall live, my dead bodies fhall arife : awake and fing,yee that dwell in duf, Efay 26.19. And Ezekiel by prophefying , railed to life the dead bones of the house of Ifrael, Ezek. 37. which alfo the Chaldee paraphrall alleageth in opening this place. And not onely dead men, (which are Paid to be afleepe, Dan. 12. z.) but o- thers alto that live, and through negligence or fecurity fall alleep (as the Spoufe ackuowledgeth of her fclfe,in Song.5.2.)are inabled by this fpi- rituall wine, to fpeake : for having drunk there- of, they forget their poverty , & remember their milery no mo e,as Prov, 31.6.7. So God prom s - fingto ref ere a \mforts unto Ifrael, and to hie meter- nera, faith that`hecreateth the fruit of thelips,peace, peace, de. Efay .57.18,19. Verle