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SO `m G. Chap, V I I. _IQ lam my Beloveds] Here the Spoufe, as full of the wine of grace and confolátionfrom the Lord,celtificth her aflìtranceby faith,that the is Childs; and loan heire of Caution by pramifè; Gal.3.2y. See before in Song.2.16..nd 6.3. biadeire]bitd( rout affeelion, the c;reelteinterpre- teth it, his comet fan(or tttrning)is towards me.This manner of fpeech was ufed before , when God chalhting the woman for her fin , taid thy defire (hail be unto thy husband, Gen. 3.16. but now this woman being rcnued by grace, and efpoufed un- to C rill,as to an husband, z Cor. 11. z. rejoy- ceth that hitdfreisunto her. And this appeareth by the whole tc pe of this Song,. and efpeciall y by chofe words, in Chap.2.14. and 4.9. to. and 7. 5. So contrary each to other are our natural!. [mit!! Rate, and our eftace by grace in Chrilt. I t Ver.r 1. into the field] or, rots theconnpey, a place. of .corne,Vines, Fig -t rtes, Pontegranat- trees,&c. as loel.11.1 2. in the villages] or, by theCypre fé trees; for the Hebrew Cepharim play fignifie both but the Greeks alto interpreteth it villages and (itch coantrey villages , are diftinguilhed from fenced cities, 1 Sam 6.18.1 Citron. 27.25. The Spoufe here defireth of Chrilt,that they may goe toge- ther into the field and villages, to looke unto their husbandry, how it profpered, and whetherthe trees there planted did floarifhand fru({ifie, as as the next words manifeft. Hereby their defile and care is fignified, for the increafe and propa- gation of the Gofpel abroad in the world, (for S the field in the parable is the world, Match,' 3 38.) And as Chrilt himfelfe in the ddyes of his flefh went about all the cities and villages, preaching the Gofpel, Mar. 9, 35. Mark. 6,6. and his difciples went abroad CO teach all nations, Mat.z8. i 9. fo af- terward both her in fpirir walked among the goldenCandlefticks of his Churches,looking to their wayes,Revel. 2. & 3. and his Apoftles went again to suit their brethren in every Citie where they had preached the word of the Lord, and to fee how they did,Aft.15.36.Such a care is here intimated, that the Lords field aright bee vifited, where he had (like a wile husbandman) prepared and fitted his worke o Proverbes 24.17. I t Vert, l 2. Let us get up earl] or , Letur riß be- . times in the morning; another of of diligence and care,Pfal,117.2, furls as God performed to Ifra- rl of old,when he rote up early and fens his Pro - phets unto them, hecaufn hee had compaffion on them: and the Prop het! rote -early and fpake un- to thetas, a Chron.36,15. ler.z 5.3,4. to the vineyards] that is, the.Churches,or plates.where the Golpe( had beertc planted : fo the haufe of if rael,was theLorda.Vineyard, Efay 5.7. The Chal- dee allo expoundeth this of the houle (or place) of affembly, for learning Go ds Law. the tender grape] the firftfmall-grape; of this fee Song. a.c3.i5. open itfelfe]thatis, appeareandfo give a Tweet ftnell; the Greeke interpreteth it, feur: is meaneth the firft appearance of fruit before the grapes be any thing neere ripe;a token that the Spring is come, & that Summer is nigh; 13! as z Son.z.r2,i3.TheChaldee Paraphraftappli- cell it to the time of Ifraels.redemption, pome- granates] or, pomegranate- treesfuch dos liignifie the particular perlons in the Churches,full of grace and good workes :fee Song.4. 13', there will I give my loves] The Spoufe promilèth to give unto Chrilt, the fruition of her graces & fruits of her faith, confeffjon, thankes, good workes,&c. there in the.Vineyards of the Churches,in the fociety of the Saints , For the Lord keepeth his,Viuc- yard and watereth it every montent ; he eaufeti, them that come of Iakob to take root, /fael (ball blo eme and bud andfill the face of e ewárldwithfreit,'' Efay 27.3.6. And 'will bring forth (faith the Lord) a feed out of Jakob and out of Judah an inheritor of my mauntaines ; and mine eleQ Atoll ,inherit it , and my, fèw . vantsfhatl dwell there. T here fhall the hasp of Ifiael all of them in the land few me; there will I accept them, and there will I rewireyour offerings, and the firfifruits of your oblations, with al your holy things , will 'accept you witbyour fweet favour, &e. Efay 65 9. Ezek:ao, 40,43. y'erfe 13. The Mandrakes] Dudaim (which the Greeke alto called Mandregoraes or Mandrakes) have allufion in name to Dedim, laves, frementio- ned : and Dod, that is, Beloved, as the after calleth Chrilt. Mandrakes grew in the field, and were found in the (Lies of Wheat barvefl, as the Hiftorie thewech in Gen.3o,14. &c. It appeareth by fta- ebels delire there of then!, and by the fineU that here they are laid to give, that they were very lovely and pleafant (differing from the Min - drakes that grow in there parts.) The Chaldee Paraphrafttalleth it Balfeni,n,, Balfam. give a fineU] or an odour, that is, are fragain and yeeld a pleafant favour : fp the Vines are laid before to give a fineU, Song a. 13. and the Spikenard of the Spoule,Song 1.12. at our doores] or by our down: which fantail to be oppofed unto the fields where Mandrakes grew (as after new fruits are oppofed unto the old:) lignifyiag that both at home and abroad, neere and tarre, the fame and odour of graces in Gods people, fpread it fclfe. For a thing is raid to be at the dioses, when it is nigh at hand, Mat. 24.33. precious things]or dainties, pleafant fruits, and delightfull graces, fee the notes on Song 4.13,16. newand old] fig - nifying hereby, variety and plenty, Lev. 26. 10. and old fruits are oft -times better than new, as Luke 5.39. So now the Rate of the Church (in- firuíied unto the kiagdome of heaven) is like the houl holder whichbringeth forth out of hit ireafurie, things new and old. Match. 13. 51. laid them itp] or bidden, treafured, flared-up, to be relèrved and tale- ly kept. The Chaldee paraphrafeth thus : Now rife (O King Chrilt) receive the Kingdom which I have laid up for thee. As' the goodneffe of God is great, which he 'lath laid up for them that frate him, Plat. 31. 2ó. to all the goodnef$ and fruits of grace that flow from his people, are unto his honour and pralle, coufecrated unto him. For of him, and through lehn', and for him are all things: to him be gloryfor ev7,, Amen; Rom. t 1.36. (E 3) Can r. 13