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54 SONG. Chap. V 1 I I. CHIAPtER VIII. V7Howillgivethee, es abrother / to me; fucking the breaks of my mother I would find thee with out, I would kilfe thee ; alfo, they fhould not defpife mee. I would leade thee, I would bring thee into my mothers liaufe, thou Ilouldek infirat Mee: I would caufe thee to drinke of fpiced wine ; of the juice , of my Pomegra- nate. His left hand, under minchead ; and his right hand, imbrace thee. I adjure you,.O daughters of Jerufa- 1cm why flìoutd yee iljrre, and why fhould yce f irre =tip the Love , untillit pleafe Who is this, that commeth -up out of the wilderneffe; that leaneth , upon her Beloved' Vnder the apple.tree , I fir - eeel up ; there , thy mother paineful ly- brought thee forth ,there, fhe páincfully- brought forth that bare thee. Set tree , as a Peale , upon thine heart; as a fettle upon thine arme ; for love, is thong as death ; zeale, B hard as hell : the cooks thereof are wales of fire, the same of lab. Many waters, cannot quench love ; tleither can the floods drowne it . if a Iran would 'give all the fubkance of houle , for love ; contemning they would contemne it. We have a little frker,and fhe bath no breaks : what ihall we doe for Our Her, I in the day when the fhall be fpoken of ' I Doe for our filter ? If fie be a wall ; Iffhe bee a wall; x e will build upon her, A flyer Fallace, build on her we fliall: a pallace of filvtr : and if thee bee a And iffhe be a doore; inclofe will we doore ; we will indole her, with boards Her round about, with boards of Cedar tree. of Cedar. I am a wall, and my breaks as I em a wall, my brills as toms likewi fe : tovlers : then was I in his eyes, as one Then was I aapeace finding in her eyes. that findeth peace. In Baal - kamen, there a Vineyard was Solomon had a Vineyard , in Í3aa1- of Solomon ; the Vineyard he did pale hamon ; bee. gave the Vineyard , to Inhire to keepers: every man he brings keepers every man ktall 'bring for the For fruit thereof, a thatofand filverlings. fruit thereof, a thoufand (fhekels ) of .fiver. My Vineyard which is -mine, ù before me: thethoufandsto thee,0 So- lomon ; and two hundred, to thofe that keepe the fruits thereof. Thou that,dwelleft in -the gardens, the companions attending to thy voice caufe thou me to heare. Flee my beloved , and be thou like to a Roe , or to á Fawne of the Harts; upon, the m.ountainesof fpices. CHAPTER VIII. re, Who will give thee , us tome a brother ; \- Even he that picked the brells of my mother: I would find -thee without , I would kiffe thee; vend álfo, i fhonld not defj ifed be. I would thee leade, I would thee bring into My mothers houre,ingrael me fliouldef thou 1 wouldcaufethee to drink , wine mixt withliie e, ofmy Pomegranate the delightfúll juyce. ,His left hand,underneath mine head (have place) His right hand alfo, me about imbrace. 0 daughter of Ierufalem that be, J doe adjuring charge you : why fhould ye Awaking.flirre, and why fhould ye difiafe, By flirring up the Love, untilt it pleafe ? Who's this, that comes up from the defertwafi That to her Loved, leaning-cleaveth.fafl ? I f irr'd thee tip, under the Apple -tree : Thy mother there with pain-did bring forththee; Theiv,Jhe that bare thee did bring forth with- o fet me, as glide upon thine heart ; (fmart. Vpon thine arme (eke Pet me) as a feale; For love is flrong as death; and jealous- zeale, Is hard as hell : the conies eke of the fame Are coales of firi,of iahs confirming flame. The many waters, love they cannot quench; Neither the lauds, are able it to drench : If man would all wealth of his kaufe expend, For love ; it would be utterly concernn'd. We have afifer finial, no brefs bath fie: In day when fhe is Jpoke of, what fhaß we z 3 I4 6 7 8 110 My Vineyard which is mine, fore me remaines: Thetheufand-ta thee, Solomon pertains ; Two hundred eke, be the fruit - keepers part. 0 thou that dweller in the gardens art, Vnto thy voice they that companions 6e, Attending are, to heare it carafe thou me. Flee, my Belav'd, and have a Roes likeneffe, or a yong Hart; on mountaines of ff ices. Annotations. 12 1; 14