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//i//91Nfil ü,114JlDa SoNo. Chap. VIII. I I V V Ho will give :bee ] that is, Oif force would grne time 5 or , O shot thou Wert : a forme of wi(hing often Mid in the Scripture; fee Dent. 5.29 Pia1.14.7.Thefaithtplhere define the bro- therhood, love, and communion of Chrift , for t heir further comfort ; and that they might ma. Intel/ their love and obedience unto him. as a brother] lovingaffe&ed, conjoyned, famliar and cony rtant with me. Brotherhood, fgnifieth neere comp &ion and confociat ion, whether by bond of nature ,_ or otherwife by agreement and cove- nant,Zach.a1.14. Wherefore things without life, coupled together,are called man and hit brother; or, Wananand her,iffier,Exod.25. ao.and z6.3, and they that are companions in like eltate ( though differing innature ) are brethren ; as Iob WAS a brother to dragon, anda companion' to Owlet, 30. 29. anda man in quality, condition or aftion like a- nother,is called his brorber,Prov.l8.9. Gen.49 g. and when Solomon perfwadeth his ton to atfe &, love, and affociate himfelfe unto Wifedome, hoe biddeth him fay unto her, T hors art my fifer; Prov. 7.4. Although therefore Chritl in his humanity was the brother of his people,takiug part of the fume fiefh acrd blood withthem,Heb.2.14. yet is he chiefly called our brother, becaufe we are all ' of one Father by the Spirit of fan&ification, Heb.z.t1.12,,Matt.12.5o. And this feemeth co be the defire of the godly here,that Chrift would vouchltfe to eater into covenant with them, by his Word and Spirit , and to accompany then[ with his grace, for their mutuallcomfort, and fruitlorazach of others love : that he would {hew hirnlelfe as'a brother, lovingly affeftioned, men - cifull and compailionatein their troubles & mi- feries; as a brother Whom foradverfry ,Prov.17.13. fiteking]or,that fucked the breáftof. my motber,that is, everyway molt necrely conjoyned, as having both one father and one mother, for fo theband or kindred is mote neere, then if they had one father only; as Abraham Paid,fbee it the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother, Gen. 30. rz. Wherefore the child followed the mother; if flic were a free or a bondwgntan , the child was likewife,Exod.21.4, Gal 4.22.30. And between brethren of the fame mother, the affeaions and love are molt vehement' as Iofephs cariage to- wards Benjamin manifefteth, Gen.43.29, 3 °34. The mother here is.Ierufalem which isabave,whirh it the mother of ua all and fignifieth the tewTelta- rent or Covenant of grace andfrcedome,Gal4. 26.24. To filar she breafia of this mother, is to participate of her grace & confolations, lila. 66. 1 0,11. & 6o. r 6. and Chrift is then laid to fitcke there breath when the Covenant or Teftamenc is by him confirmed and ftablifhed to and with his people, openly profelied, and the communion of graces mutually doth grow.Which communió is figuratively flgnitïed by eating,drinking,fitcking, flipping together, and the like, Song. g. 1. Luke ' 22.1 5,16. Ioh.6.51. Rev.3. zo. The Hebrewes in Annotr.rionr. their Chaldre paraplsrafe give this expoSt ion; In that time, the King Cbrif fial be revealedunto the Con- gregation of Ifrael; and the fans of Ifrael fhall fay unto him ; Corne,,te thou with teoforabrother, and let es up to lerufulem, andwee will fluke with tbee,tbefenfer (or meanings) of the Law, at a fucking childfife etb ¿be breaflrof bit mother. It may alto be obferved, that thingsare fòmetinse Paid to be done unto Chrift, wh ich are done unto his people, Matt.25.35.4o. All.9.4,g.Colol1.24, As therefore Chrittians, when they are begotten or converted unto Chrift by the Gofpel, have Chrif firmed in them ,Gal. 4. 19. fo when .fuck are nouri(hed with the ptcote milkeof the ward ( aS I Pet..a.z. ) it may bee laid that Chrill himfelfe is nourilhed in them; for he and his people are one body, and mystically cal- led Cbrif,o Cora 2.12.1-00S the things here fpo- ken of,as to be done unto Chrift, fulfilled by the begetting , hourilhing and cherifhing of the L,, when the Covenant of life & peace is made;contined and confirmed mpng them. I would find thee without] Her fervent love & delire of Chriltscommunion and brotherly grace , is here accompanied with a promife of all carefiill and loving duty acceptation and obedienceon her part. For to fwd him without (or Wilk freer) where the wifedome of God crieth and teacheth, Pro. t 3.26.Ggnifieth her ready mind to goe forth to meet him ( as the virgins fhould to the Bridegroom,Mat.25.6.) and both lovingly and boldly to entertain and welcome him,by re- ceiving and obeying his Gofpel, as the fequell fheweth. See alfoSong.3.a.4. woaldkiff thee] a ligne of love,honour,and of obedience; as all arc exhorted to ki the fon,Pfal.2.1 z.See Song.t.a. °they fhtouldnot de#i f me] that is, men fiould not, or, I fhould not be defßifed; for fo chis manner of fpeech often importech, as is noted on Gen. 16.4. Per- fops are defpifed or contemned,wheneither they doe,or are thought to doe, that which is not ho- nett or comely,Gen .38.23.2 Sans. 6.16. or, when they milk of their purpofe, and ate laughed to fcorne with contempt, Età. 37. 22. Neither of thefe Should befall her,, doing but her duty in feemly & model' lòre, & obtaining Ch rift whom her foule delired. What the ftate of a people is without Chrift,& how fitbjeit they are to fhame and reproach; the Lord himfelfe lhewcth in Ira. But them that honour Gcd,he wil ho- nour-; and they that defpife him, (hall be lightly efteemed, 1 Sans. 2.30. and if any man firm Chrift, him will the Father honour,Ioh.r 2.z6. 2 Verf.2. Iwould lead thee] to wit, with honour and folemnity,with joy and gladueffe: for Kings and great perlonages are fa id to be led & brought along,Iha.6o.z t.Pla1.45.15,16 Here,that which the faithful delire & receive cf God & of Chrift, to holed & to be brought to his holy mountain, Pfal.43.3.they promife CO de unto Chrift:but the Lord doth it by the tight of his Word & Spirit, Età.6 3.a 4Pfál. í43.I o. they doeit stato him,by earnest