SONG. Chap.`7.ilI. Barnett prayers flirting up themfelves to take hold on him, Eay 64.1.7. my mothers houfe]the ¡late of Ecclefiafticall policie,ánd publike affem- bly , figured by the houle or Temple of Godin lerulàlem of old,(unto which theChaidee para- phrafe here referrcth it) but is fulfilled in Chri- ftian Churches, which are Gods houle & temple now , Hebr.3.6. 2 Cor. 6. 16. efpecially in that Ierufalem,which is the mother of sir al/,Ga1.4.26.See Song 3.4. thou (houkl inftroll me] or,shalt teach, fbalt learn me, fpeaking to Chriil,whofe inftru&i- on the wouldgladly receive. Thus alfo the Gr. interpreteth it,thou ¡halt teach me ; & the Chaldee, thou fbalt teach me to feare before the may alto be referred to the mother aforefaid, (he that inflru- dleth her; but the former feemeth molt agreeable, and theweth both her dcfire,& the end of bring- ing Chrilt unto her home, that (he might be fur - ther taught & builded up by the do&rine of his Golpel. ;And thus it is prophehed , how in the lait daies,many people fhould fay, Come and let us gee up to the boufe of the God of Ial{ob ; and he will teach us of his wayes, and we will Walke in his paths,& Ifa, 2 2.3. Mich.4.1.2. of jjoieed nine] wine fweet- tied with a mixture, or confe&ion offpices;fuch (in the. Law) were put into the holy incenfe,and oile,Exod.3o 34, 3 5.23.2g. filch were alto ufed at the borlall of the dead, 2 Chron. i 6.14. and for banquetting, as this,place fheweth. the juice] or, the new- ligeser, thefuret- wine,which hath the name of treading or pre¡fing ostt of the pomegranatsor grapes.Hereby the fignifieth that the word should not be fruitlelfe in her, but that Ihee would honour Chrill with her graces, and render unto him fuch fruits of faith as fhould be fweetned and fpiced with his owns Spirit in her, and wrung out of her by the fante, whiles thee hath fellowship in his afllitiotis. For when Chrilladminiftreth the comforts of his Word- and Spirit, bec giveth us wine to drinke, Prov.9. 1.5. Efa.; 5. 1.3. and when we bring forth the fruits of his Spirit, and with then, doe glorifie him,andedifie our brethren, hee counteth bins- felfe refrethed as with wine, and taketh pleafitre in his people ; fee Song4.10. and 5, t.This juice and wine, fpiced with the truth,faith,grace,and fpirit of the Lord ; is contrary to that cup in the womans hand full of abhominations and fìlthinefleof her fr taon, the herefies, Idolatries, and other fru the fle(b , with which mine, the inhabi- tan of the earth were made drunke,Rev.17.5.4 3 . Verf. ;. under mine head] underftand it prayer - wife as before , let it be under : or, Amid be under my bead: ThèSpoufeprivietoherowneinfirmi - ties, and défirous of ltrength and comfort from Chrift,prayeth that the may be fultained by him, & find reff to her foule in the feeling of his love, whole grace is fisfciem for her, whof firength is made pert tï in weabsuf , 2 Cor. 12.9. See before . in Song.2.6. where the likewords are tiled. 4. Ver1.4. Iadjureyou]or, Icbargeyoubyanoath. The Spoufe here injoying Chrift, delrerhthe continuance of his grace,& chargeth her friends that they ( hould, by no meanes,difgniet,provoke or grieve him : as she had adjured them twifé te- fore, Song. 2. 7. and 3.5 . Sce the annotaticns there. wbyfhouldyre flirre] that is, ace not flirre, fork will not be for your Inont ;tetoreitwas làid,if )ee flirre,in the like tente,& there in Song. 2.7. and 3. 5. the Roes , and limas of the were mentioned,which are not here. Verf.5. Who is this ] this woman. This either implieth the fpringing up ota new Church,cou- duEted by Chritt through the wAdes Ilene of this world : or, if it be underltood of the torn er,st fheweth the admiration of the- daughtets4t le- rufalem,at her increafe,ltrong faith,patienci,ho- ly order, &c.whilesfhe tolloweth & fell eth upon Chritt. So before,in Song.3.6. thewildern fle] the peoples of this world,out of which the pea- pie oftsod arecholin.,& called,Ezek.zo.35.1oh; t 5.19,ít fignifieth alto her former milery,under perfecution,or under the bondageof tin and Sa- tan, from which he elcapeth by Unlit; for the wildernef was a dry and thirlty land , a laud of drought,& of the Ihadow of death,Ezek.19.s 3. Ier.a.6, thatleaneth] or, leaning, cleaving to,adjon- ing, officiating her fed: it is aword,notellewhere sited in Scripture, and is borrowed from the A- rabian language: the Gr. traniateth it,confirming, or firengthning her felfe. It fignifieth her weaknene in her llfe, unable to fulaine her peps : but her ltrength in Chritt her beloved, onwhom the lea- ningby faith , is confirmed agaiult all doubts, teares,dangers ,difhtulties,tentations,and by her union with him,is made partaker of al grace and comfort; for be that ro j yned to the Lordyis one Spirit, Cor6.17. and is by him made perfett,ftablilh ed,thengthned,lètled,as i This grace is foretold by the Prophet, according to sods firft dealing with Ifrael,when he put his holy Spirit within his people,and led them through the deep,at an. liarfein the rildernefji; theyfiumblednot. As abeafl gneth donne into the valley, the Spirit of t)e Lord quiet- led him: fodidit thou leads tby people,to make thy felfe' a glorious namt: Elay 63.15,13,14. I flirred thee up]or, irai fed thee up. Thej by the word, of the Spouse, freaking againe to her Beloved ; whom (he (lirred or railed up as out of fleepe, by her earnettprayers,as its Pfa1.44.24.Stirre up, mly flee WI thou Lord ?AndEftey that gives beehives to praier,are faid alto toflir up themlelvesEfa 64.7 This coifing up,was under the Apple tree the tree of life and grace,whofe shadow and fruit had brow delightfull &,tweet unto her; and to which tree, Chritt himfelfettias likened,Song.2,3. So the by faith taking hold on the covenant of grace and promises of like in Chritt, called on his name in her forrowes, & ftirred him up for her help and comfort. there] under the Apple tree,the faith and hope of foliation and life. shy mother] the faithfnll company,or the primitiveChurch;who brought forth Chritt into the world, by preach- ing, profelfing, praltifing and suffering for his Golpel, painfully brought thee fort)] travelled ofthee with lorow.The bringing forth ofCh rift into the world,by the preaching and witnelfing of the Gofpel, (that the child might be forne unto us, 5