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!4/11111 ii ---- .._._ S oChap.VllL 57 us. Eay 9. 6.) islet forth bythe fruit itu -le of a ( itongg, and overcommeth the ftrongef} man,PO1. 89.48. fo the love which I beare towards thee, defiring to be united unto thee, is a'trong affe- &ion which cannot bee fubdued in me by any trouble or tentation. scale] or,jea /oufe,zeale is love inflamed and fervent : and is uled sometime in good part,as Ioh.z.17. sometime in the evil!, called bitter zeale (or envying) lam. 3.14. fo is jea- loufie, 2 Cor.11,2. Here it fècmeth to be meant of godly zeale,or jealoufie, wherewith her heart was all() affected towards Chriit, hard at hell] crud!, fierce and inexorable, as is hell it lèlfe,thvc is,thegrave or 'late of death, wherof fee the notes on Gen.37.35. that as death & the grave devou- rethall, fo love and jealous zede conlìimeth and eater h up,not (paring: for the love ofChrifl confirai- neth,2, Cor,5.14. and the zeal for his glory,eateth up the godly,Pfal.69.9. the wales] the fiery coaler,arrowes,or fiery darts : properly the word figni- fieth that which flied) and burneth; and is appli- ed fomecimes to plagues & judgements,Detit. 32. 24, fometimes to arrowes,Pfà,to bur- ning coalesor darts of love , that pierce and in- flame the heart,&cannot be quenched. flame of lab] the confirming flame of God: Sh rlhebeth -jah, no- tech a vehement or conlùming flame of lah (the Lord:) as the piercing and devouring lightning: but meanech the fire of his Spirit, which is com- pared unto fire,Mat.3.1 t. for thepower and efli- cacie therof in the hearts of the children of God. Ver,7. many watery] By waters and floods are of- 7 ten meant afl(i&ions,troubles, warres,perfecuti- ons, tentations,wherwith the faith,love,patience of Chrifis people are exercised and tried, Pfalme 69.2. Efa.8.7.8. & 59.19, Dan.9. z 6..and t 1,1 z. So here is fignified that the love of Chrift wher- with theminds of his people are inflamed,is filch as cannot be quenched with any calamities. And thus it is laid, Who frail f-eparate to fromtbe love of Cbrif ?)ball tribulation, or diffrel/è,or perfectetioro, or fa- mine, or nabggdnejjè, or peril', or (word ? (at it is written, for tby fake we are killedalike day bmg,rre are accounted at ß -eepe of laughter :) nay in all theft things we are more then conquerors , through him that loved us. For I am perfwaded that neither death , ver life , nor Angels , nor Principalities, nor powers, nor things prelim , nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor my other creature /hall be able to feparate us from the love of God which is in Chrift leur our Lord, Rom,8,35.39. alias.,I fel ftanee]or, all the riches (wealth) as fiver, gold, &c. that is in hishonfe contemning they world camrmne it] that is it would utterly ( or r ) he contemned : or, be would wholly be conte he love betweeene Chrift and his Church an t be feparated, being united by the Holy Gil' : fo neither can love, nor other grace of God bee bought for money but is the free gift of God bellowed on whom he pleafeth, AE3.8.18,19,20, Rom. 9. itr -r6. So wifedome cannot be gotten for gold neither 'hall hiver be weighed for the price thereof, &c. 10h28, 1 f .19, Prov.8, t t .19. Verle8. We have a link fiffer] The godly here 8 conftdt about a new Church ariling, whom they call a fifir, in refpe& of the unicie of faith; little (or woman in her painehdl- travd1,Rev.12, r,2.Gal. -4.19. For as child-birch i accompanied with many pangs and forrowes , ike bands that con - flraine forceably: fo is cis bringing forth of Ch riff into the hearts andninda of men, that they may beleeve in him, Informed with much labour,forrow and difiècnlq ; In much patience, in aftlitlions, in uerefties, in diflrfs, infiripes,in impri- finments, in soft to'and fn, rz tailors, in oat doings in fittings, &c. 2 Cor.6. b,5 and 4.8.11. Where- forethe Church fiónifyineherforrowes, for the deliverance and falvation of her children, faith Likenia a woman with child pat draneth neere the time of her delivery u in Paine, aietb out in her pangs; fo bave we been in thyfight O Lord, We have beetle with child, we have beetle in pain, xe have at it were brought firth wind; we have not wrañbtany deliverance in the earth, ere. Efay 26.17,18, 6 Verse 6. Set me] or, Pet me at a leeakupen thine heart. The Spouse defireth of Chrift , affurance and confirmation of his love towards her; that themay be graven as the .ngraving of a feale or ligner, upon his heart. This hath reference to the high Prieft of old,who having the names of the twelve Tribes of Ifrael,graven upon twelve pre- cious (lones,like the ingravings of asignet (or Peale) is Paid to beare the names of the fennel of -Ifrae , in the Breft-plate of judgement upon his heart , far a memorial! before the Lord continually; So (bee defirethChrift to be her mercifullandfaithfull high Priest, in things pertaining to God,Heb. 2.17. that fee would have a continual! cote of her faivation; mindful! of her hintfelfe,& making a memoriall of her before God his Father ; and that this affe- Etion of love, might not vanish away, but be as a deepe impreffion in his heart for ever. For afeale is stied fora ratifying and confirming that which is fpoken,that it may not bedifanulled,Neh.9.38. Rom,4.11. And this God fignified to Zerubba- bel raying Iwill eet thee a/ afeale; for I have <bery thee,Hag.z:23. and again it is laid, The foundation of God flasekth fure,havingobir feale; tbe Lord knoweth them that are ha : 2 Tim.2. r 9. a (tale upon thine arme] The high Prie(t bare the names of the Tribes , not onely upon his heart; but the Came naines he a11ò bare(ingraven like a feale)upon his shoulders before the Lord for a memorial', Exod.28. 11,1 2. And the Lord promifng the daughter of. Sion, that he would not forget her to have tom - pà8ii -on on her, faith : Beheld I havegravtn thee upon I the palmeo of my bands ; thy ovals , are continually before me, Efay 49. 15, t 6. But as the heart fignifieth in- ward love,(o the arme of Chrift fignifieth his out- ; Ward manifeffation of love,by helping, bearing ' and iùpporting her in al her infrmicies,through his power; wherefore it is laid, 7' hoe redeemefl thy people with the arme,Pfal.77.16. and, thou hall featu- red thine enemies,witb the arme of thy ftrengeb, P/2l.29. 11. & unto Iernfalent he faith, Behold the Lord will come with strong (hand) and his arme [hall rule for him : He will fed his flock like a foepberd, bee will gather the Lomb,. with bia arme, andcarry them in his bofame,Efa. 40.10.11 lave is ff rong as death] as deat h is